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Art by Hitler attracts big prices at auction
A painting by Adolf Hitler sold for almost $15,000 Thursday -- more than six times as much as expected. The watercolor was one of 15 items of Hitler art being sold at auction. Together, the artworks by the Nazi leader fetched almost $120,000. The auction also includes dozens of items related to Hitler's time as leader of Nazi Germany -- including documents from concentration camps where those deemed "undesirable" by the Nazis were imprisoned, sterilized and murdered. full story
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There are people out there that actually revere this man & think his ideals were a stroke of genius...I'm surprised but, delighted that shit didn't sell for more.
The Antagonist
This is right up there with the Murderabilia - serial killer art.
TruTV had a show on this awhile back. It's pretty disturbing knowing there are people out there purchasing stuff made by these deranged miscreants.
What's worse is they get money for this stuff.
Hey, coppers (JB/OBK)- I thought that prisoners were not allowed to profit from books and other ventures from "outside"? Is this changed? Have I been under the veil of misinformation?
I'd be interested in owning something like this... I certainly don't admire or venerate Hitler, but he was a titan of history, and you'd own a little piece of it. I think that's kind of cool.
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Thats nothing, what about all the female adoration serial killers like Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez got after they were caught and put on trial?, now thats sick.
I remember reading a story about a woman who was suing the local authority because they wouldn't allow her to have conjugal visits with her husband whom she married in prison, he just happened to be a serial rapist who was HIV+ !
As for the painting?, well its crap, but there are enough sickos in the world who havea morbid fascinationfor shit like this in this sick world.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Antagonist
OP, the TruTV channel had a show about that kind of shit too.
There's like a whole culture of women who find romance in prisoners. It's sick.
I don't think the painting is that bad... there's a certain German precision to it (yes, I know he was Austrian, shut the fuck up, please) and it's probably better than anyone here could paint.
Jesus fucking Christ, you talentless armchair critics piss me off.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:I don't think the painting is that bad... there's a certain German precision to it (yes, I know he was Austrian, shut the fuck up, please) and it's probably better than anyone here could paint.
Jesus fucking Christ, you talentless armchair critics piss me off.
Yes his various biographys always mention the facthe was a failed painter and with this little piece we can see why.
I don't have to be an artist to state my opinion on art like I don't have to be a soup chicken to state my opinion on you.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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The Antagonist Wrote:OP, the TruTV channel had a show about that kind of shit too.
There's like a whole culture of women who find romance in prisoners. It's sick.
Bundy was the worst.
In the public gallery at the front loads of women eyeballing him and flirting with him, they even had their hair coloured and styled like all of Bundys murder victims!? I wouldn't have been surprised if lumpy was one of them.
"He's not a bad person, I can change him".
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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I see it simply as an investment. Sure, the meglomaniac painted it but his name associated with the painting will bring multiples of their original investment when sold in the future. Anyone venerating the asshole can go out and buy a nazi armband much cheaper.
Fug duh kund
Luke Warmwater Wrote:I see it simply as an investment. Sure, the meglomaniac painted it but his name associated with the painting will bring multiples of their original investment when sold in the future. Anyone venerating the asshole can go out and buy a nazi armband much cheaper.
Fucktards like OP don't understand that, they'd rather stand in front of a painting, hand held loosely bent at the wrist, critiqueing shit they don't have the ability to do.
The Antagonist
I don't care if their art was/is the best I've ever seen. Glorifying them by putting it on sale is what makes it disturbing.
People like this should be remembered but not glorified and be given profitible gains in some way.
I dunno what to do with their stuff, prison museum or some shit? But I can see your point Lumpy about the historical factor..... just too weird to be hanging in a private citizen's home.
I can see over the years how tales of the person, crimes committed, atrocities on society etc. can be softened up with every story thus turning them into some kind of outcast artist instead of the monsters they were.
OP the women who adore these fiends are not exactly the most intelligent out there, and as you say, whacko. The latest prison hottie is Scott Pederson (peterson?) - fucker murdered his pregnant wife and unborn child -which was due any day- and sat in court stone cold denying it all.
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Can they earmark proceeds to go the the Holocaust museum or something?
The Antagonist
I'm sure they could but I have no idea if they do or not.
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::doh::i've been looking around for the law, can't find it yet. it varies from state to state. as far as i know, once they are convicted they cannot profit. however, scumsuckers like peterson et al find ways around that. like his ugly bitch 02 swilling mommy who runs a website for him. suck it up you cow. he did it. get over it. he's going to die in SQ. ::death::and you'll still be a pig.
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The Antagonist Wrote:I don't care if their art was/is the best I've ever seen. Glorifying them by putting it on sale is what makes it disturbing.
People like this should be remembered but not glorified and be given profitible gains in some way.
I dunno what to do with their stuff, prison museum or some shit? But I can see your point Lumpy about the historical factor..... just too weird to be hanging in a private citizen's home.
I can see over the years how tales of the person, crimes committed, atrocities on society etc. can be softened up with every story thus turning them into some kind of outcast artist instead of the monsters they were.
OP the women who adore these fiends are not exactly the most intelligent out there, and as you say, whacko. The latest prison hottie is Scott Pederson (peterson?) - fucker murdered his pregnant wife and unborn child -which was due any day- and sat in court stone cold denying it all. I thought I heard awhile back that Scott Peterson and Susan Smith were communicating. Now THOSE two are perfect for each other, but I don't understand women on the outside wanting to communicate with these criminals they don't even know.::nuts::
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peterson/smith thing not true.
i did a thread on my forum about this shit, i really think it's a total lack of self-esteem : :
and also to touch "fame".
I agree with Lumpy and Luke. I would be excited to own something like that, but no moreso than any other historical piece. I certainly don't glorify the little megalomaniac fucker, but you can't deny the fact that he was a pretty significant piece of history. It certainly isn't like he's going to benefit from the sale in any way now.
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I am intrigued by people who just go balls out crazy like that. Hitler wasn't always crazy, my theory is that he had astress induced a flareup of a dormant mental illness(probably schizophrenia) other than that,the manwas a military genius.He was up there with Ghengis Khan, and Napoleon. Had it not been for his final mental snap who know where it might have ended. I would own the art, just to see if i could see any demons hiding in it. I don't know if i'd pay that much though.I can just read my $3.00 mein kampf.
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This sold for 15,000 us dollars not to long ago. It's a Hitler original. I bet it sells for over a million next time. Painted by a dead dope that had a murderous complex.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.