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The Antagonist Wrote:Ramsey, no matter how guilty or not someone may be, you cannot judge by a picture!
The case I cited every single photo of Hedda Nussbaum was of her severly beaten by Joel Steinburg and she had the sympathy of the public due to those pictures. The reality was that they did have evidence to the contrary and the only reason she walked is because she had a deal. The defiant look on the bitches face disgusts me.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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The Antagonist Wrote:
you know, I didn't have to read the whole article here to see what a piece of shit this woman is.;.intl=us
there's another story from this tragedy.
edit to add second link. That story makes me sick. She couldn't decide if she should call 911 while her daughter lay dying on the floor?? How is that even a question???
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
You're all missing MY point. I'm NOT saying she isn't guilty. Or that she doesn't deserve some horrible punishment. But I'll go back to an example I already used. If she TRIED TO STOP HIM AND HE BEAT HER UNCONSCIOUS THEN SHE HELPED COVER IT UP BECAUSE SHE WAS AFRAID OF HIM IS NOT THE SAME AS IF SHE HELPED HIM DO IT.
And ya know what? It pisses me off when people judge based on partial information, because it is WRONG. I have it done to me on a daily basis. Because when I was 14 I got in trouble for CSC. Does that make me a nasty child molester? No. But many people think it does, partly because no one knows what HAPPENED. So it pisses me the fuck off. Get the whole story before you judge. Just like with me, is any one gonna bother to find out what happened? Or are you all gonna just judge me based on that slim bit of info? Eh? Syber knows the whole story, and she is my friend. That should say a lot.
Now, I'm not saying that my part in that happening wasn't wrong. Because, know what? I was. I was in the wrong. But you still can't judge me on that tiny tidbit of information. Just as you shouldn't judge anyone on incomplete info. That would be like saying Ramsey is really a horrible person just because she's a little daft sometimes. Or that Sally is an evil bitch based solely on the side she lets out here on Mock. I'd never judge anyone like that. It is wrong. Always has been, always will be. Know why? Because there are ALWAYS fucked up situations that no one could foresee that would be acceptable extenuating circumstances.
Now, while I may not find it LIKELY in this case, I simply refuse to make a judgment without knowing the whole of something.
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[user=161]D[/user] wrote:Quote:Or that Sally is an evil bitch based solely on the side she lets out here on Mock.
Really, you think I come across as an evil bitch? Maybe I should ease up ::lmao::. I love puppies and babiesif that makes it any better.
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D, I am not here to judge you. I don't know your story. MY point is even if she was beaten unconscous, when she awoke she should have gone to the cops. Plus,. the kid was malnourished while she was taking Welfare and foodstamps. She doesn't look like she missed too many meals. There comes a point where a mother doesn't care what happens to her as long as her child is safe. Maybe you don't get it because you are not a women. But after growing and carryingmy childrenfor 9 months, there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect them.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
ramseycat Wrote:D, I am not here to judge you. I don't know your story. MY point is even if she was beaten unconscous, when she awoke she should have gone to the cops. Plus,. the kid was malnourished while she was taking Welfare and foodstamps. She doesn't look like she missed too many meals. There comes a point where a mother doesn't care what happens to her as long as her child is safe. Maybe you don't get it because you are not a women. But after growing and carryingmy childrenfor 9 months, there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect them. Right. You would. But... you're not so deathly afraid of some guy that you wont even breath unless he says its OK. I've known women like that. I dated one. Only it didn't work because she was too used to being treated poorly and I treated her good. Or at least as good as I was able.
I have no problem with saying this woman is a nasty disgusting piece of work. Because she is. A really disgusting nasty piece of work. And I even agree she should be hanged. Until dead, dead, dead. But the GUY is infinitely worse in most ways.
As for not getting it? I get it just fine. I'm a single father. I have been for 6 years. I would do anything and everything to protect my child. Even kill some bastard who tried to hurt her. There is nothing I wouldn't do to protect her either.
It bothers me though when judgments are made on incomplete information. It always has, and always will. And you'll just have to accept that. Even if it means we'll have to agree to disagree here.
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I agree with you D. Some people don't have the mental capacity to deal with evil. Since there are no mandatory sterilization, people can reproduce even if they shouldn't, THAT is the crime of this story.That these people,and millions of others like them, are able to reproduce with impunity.
I don't think reproducing should be a God given right. People can just have kids with no IQ test, no means to support it, and not even with a psychological examination.
I don't believe in the death penalty either. I think they should have to live out their lives on a deserted island somewhere with other prisoners, unsupervised other than the perimeter.
I think Hitler had it right inone respect, we should test questionable technology on prisoners of this sort.
sally Wrote:[user=161]D[/user] wrote:Quote:Or that Sally is an evil bitch based solely on the side she lets out here on Mock.
Really, you think I come across as an evil bitch? Maybe I should ease up ::lmao::. I love puppies and babiesif that makes it any better. No, I just used you as an example because you were part of the discussion
D Wrote:It pisses me off when people judge based on partial information, because it is WRONG. I have it done to me on a daily basis. I know very well what you're trying to say, but as I said earlier, unless she's a quadriplegic, there ARE no excuses.
Besides, the truth is that people have to make judgment calls about other people based on partial information ALL the time, because you're NEVER going to have ALL of the information. I would guess that it's pretty safe to say that in this case, there is 'enough' information available to determine that this stupid cow was guilty of gross negligence at the very minimum. Accomplice to murder is a strong possibility.
SyberBitch Wrote:I know very well what you're trying to say, but as I said earlier, unless she's a quadriplegic, there ARE no excuses. And that is where we disagree lol. There could be other things, just because you can't think of them. What if she's a serious mental case off her meds? Eh? Did that occur to you? And if she is and is off her meds because he wont let her have them?
While it is true that judgments are made on a daily basis on partial information, *I* don't do it like other people do. Most people make judgments on VERY skimpy information.
For example. A guy is wearing dirty clothes that are rags. A lot of people are gonna assume he is a scrub. Well, what if he just works a dirty job and is still in his work clothes because he stopped for a coke on the way home? It is those kinds of halfassed assumptions that piss me off.
And I don't think there is enough info in this little article to make a definitive judgment that there aren't extenuating circumstances. So, as I said, we'll have to agree to disagree.
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I say if you're that unbalanced, you don't need to be part of society...
I've always believed it takes a weak soul, not a strong one, to perpetrate that kind of needless violence on someone.
Borndragon ~ 'Humans - -think they own everything.'
Borndragon Wrote:Borndragon ~ 'Humans - -think they own everything.' Damned straight. Humans in general are fucking selfish egoist pricks. We took it upon ourselves to 'rule the world', and look what a mess we've made. It's like a bunch of ill-mannered children with the power of gods.
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We "took it upon ourselves" like other species try to "take it upon themselves." The dinosaurs "took it upon themselves." All species are born out of a competition of resources and all species move to increase their chances of survival and exploit niches.
Middle Finger Wrote:We "took it upon ourselves" like other species try to "take it upon themselves." The dinosaurs "took it upon themselves." All species are born out of a competition of resources and all species move to increase their chances of survival and exploit niches. Dinosaurs were not a single species of animal and no single species was so advanced, during that time, that it dominated every other.
It's true that every species will rise to the level of its ability in an effort to 'survive', but no species other than ours has ever had the capacity to destroy the entire planet on a whim. It's just a shame that we, as a species, have so much power without the wisdom to go along with it.
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I'm just saying the "took it upon ourselves" charge is really nothing to be ashamed about since all species do it, basically, and we weren't exactly keeping track of each other, or were even aware of each other, for most of our expansion.\
The fact that we can destroy a lot is just a byproduct of technology, not of some evil or corrupt agenda of taking over the world. We survived by being able to change our environment and adapt. So, spreading out like we have was inevitable if we were going to be successful as a species at all.
True about dinosaurs, but I was referring to creature type and so forth dominating the globe. You can argue that we humans are the same species as a chimp, then.
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OnBendedKnee Wrote:Tastes like chicken. Thats not funny, you fucking prick.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:OnBendedKnee Wrote:Tastes like chicken. Thats not funny, you fucking prick. Tastes like grilled hamster.
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They cook and eat them in Syria.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:They cook and eat them in Syria. Good grief... you'd pretty much have to use them as kabobs. They should try Guinea Pigs, much more meat.
Middle Finger Wrote:I'm just saying the "took it upon ourselves" charge is really nothing to be ashamed about since all species do it, basically I'm sure you understand that what I'm bemoaning, is the fact that more people don't have the proportionate amount of 'sense' to go along with the amount of power they have in general.
Our technology continues to increase exponentially, while our general brain power seems to be decreasing. It doesn't make for a good mix.
Quote:True about dinosaurs, but I was referring to creature type and so forth dominating the globe. You can argue that we humans are the same species as a chimp, then.
Different species, same family - ape (unless I'm misremembering my taxonomy, which I probably am)