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Would Suicide Ever be an Option for You?
D Wrote:Ditto. But fuck the drip. Stick a 60cc needle in my arm and get it over with all fucking ready.
I'm not a medical person, so I can't recall what the issue is, but something unpleasant can happen if you get morphine into your system too quickly (aside from death). I think it makes you puke or something...
Quote:I'm not a medical person, so I can't recall what the issue is, but something unpleasant can happen if you get morphine into your system too quickly (aside from death). I think it makes you puke or something...

Well, ok, but still... as fast as possible please.

EDIT: Missed my closing quote. I think I should go to bed. Too tired to think at even my usual 20% level.

EDIT2: Ok, I know I added the closing quote tag when I edited this the first time, and I've double checked it again. This time. It better fucking work.
I have tried to commit suicide. It never works. But, lemme tell ya. If you're going to OD, just know that it fucks up your stomach for LIFE.
D Wrote:I think you said it backwards. I think suicide is a form of living will. Fuck the idiots who think it is unacceptable. God fucking dammit, its my life. They can suck my brown eye if they think they can tell me I can't choose to end it.

Interestingly put, D. I think I'd have to agree. I know that as a Christian, I am "supposed" to believe that suicide is wrong. Murder is wrong. Child abuse is wrong. Rape is wrong. Putting oneself out of ones own misery? I see nothing really wrong. Yeah, there is the argument about hurting the family left behind and all. But if one is gonna die anyway (excuse my bluntness here), the family left behind will grieve anyway.

I will have to admit to once, taking a look at a full bottle of my Prozac, and wondering how many it would take----but I did not do anything about that thought. Will I burn in hell for having suicidal thoughts? Who knows.
QueenBee Wrote:Will I burn in hell for having suicidal thoughts? Who knows.
Why would an omniscient being fault a person for putting his or herself out of misery? They wouldn't. I think your soul is safe, QB. Smiley_emoticons_wink
SyberBitch Wrote:
QueenBee Wrote:Will I burn in hell for having suicidal thoughts? Who knows.
Why would an omniscient being fault a person for putting his or herself out of misery? They wouldn't. I think your soul is safe, QB. Smiley_emoticons_wink
Thank you, now I can breath a sigh of relief.