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No fear, I'm here.
D Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:
D Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:I have a feelingANYONE's skin wouldscale off when they're near your legs.
That would be "scale UP AND SLOUGH off" you numbwit
Damn,the psoriasis inflicted can get a bit touchy.
Not so much, fool. It's more a case of flaming ability doesn't impress us much; whereas intellect does. Which includes grammar and proper word usage.

Intellect? Are you trying to use big words like watermelon...Or helicopter?

Please, god, PLEASE don't make me have to explain this post.

SyberBitch Wrote:
sally Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
D Wrote:Is it just me, or does he remind you of FryGuy? A brit FuzzyGoatfuck. Yay.
Just you, sweetcheeks.

This one is lots better than Frydope.
Yeah, he hasn't told you to eat a half a dead cow smothered in gravy yet. That moron FryGuy couldn't even make food sound good. He typed so much about food and not once did it make me hungry, thats a sign of a true retard.
Frytard was a little obsessed with food, but yeah. His mocking wasn't even creative. At least this guy sounds like he graduated middle school.
I only graduated because I told the smart kids I'd get them laid.
SyberBitch Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:It's not the church that makes your skin burn, your herpies cycle flares up on sundays.
That's not herpes, that's the scales falling off your skin where you keep trying to cling to my legs.

Edit: I like this one... if he can manage to put some time into the forum. He's amusing.
I have a feelingANYONE's skin wouldscale off when they're near your legs.
Especially when I'm about a week between shaves... leg stubble makes a fine secret weapon against the unwary. Well, that and MF's toenails.

What's your 'secret' weapon, OBL?
heh 'OBL'... that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Do you wear a turban?

No, the leg stubble make a fine secret weapon against the unwearing....

Yeah, yeah...The OBL joke was funny around,I dunno, Sept 11th 2001.
OneBulletLeft Wrote:I only graduated because I told the smart kids I'd get them laid.
They took you up on it?? I hope you... and they... wore protection!

Or did you mean 'laid out', like 'dead'?
OneBulletLeft Wrote:What's funny is this stupid slop-assed-faggot is calling me a newbie when he's spitting shit (Not literally, though I wouldn't put it past him) like 'dweeb' and 'retard'.Ouch. Then you post your over explanation like anyone give a shit. It only makes you look like a fucking dick shitting idiot who tries too hard. Way to go, Littlefinger. WAY. TO. GO. Learn to flame before you start a flame site, Dipdunk.

This is the EXACT reason why flamers shouldn't flame.

I try too hard? I had no idea I tried to come off as some master flamer. I just enjoy saying what I want. The rest is in your head. The real reason I explained myself on that as much as I did was because the Supermod that governed this newbie area has retired and I felt like clarifying some things for the others during this relatively confused phase.

Let me go read the rest of your crap now.

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SyberBitch Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:I only graduated because I told the smart kids I'd get them laid.
They took you up on it?? I hope you... and they... wore protection!

Or did you mean 'laid out', like 'dead'?
I only use protection when I turn it inside out, so it's ribbed for my pleasure.

Middle Finger Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:What's funny is this stupid slop-assed-faggot is calling me a newbie when he's spitting shit (Not literally, though I wouldn't put it past him) like 'dweeb' and 'retard'.Ouch. Then you post your over explanation like anyone give a shit. It only makes you look like a fucking dick shitting idiot who tries too hard. Way to go, Littlefinger. WAY. TO. GO. Learn to flame before you start a flame site, Dipdunk.

This is the EXACT reason why flamers shouldn't flame.

I try too hard? I had no idea I tried to come off as some master flamer. I just enjoy saying what I want. The rest is in your head. The real reason I explained myself on that as much as I did was because the Supermod that governed this newbie area has retired and I felt like clarifying some things for the others during this relatively confused phase.

Let me go read the rest of your crap now.
Yeah, you're done. Go sit down until the coach calls you to play.
OneBulletLeft Wrote:Granted syberbitch is a female. Not being able to edit sucks a bag of ass.

It's part of the torture. You can edit once you get full access. I pulled that one right out of the nastiest medieval torture books I could find. It's that kind of research that makes me the most dangerous administrator on the net.

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I also wonder: If I wasn't worth a damn, why would one go and 'read the rest of my shit'?
Middle Finger Wrote:
OneBulletLeft Wrote:Granted syberbitch is a female. Not being able to edit sucks a bag of ass.

It's part of the torture. You can edit once you get full access. I pulled that one right out of the nastiest medieval torture books I could find. It's that kind of research that makes me the most dangerous administrator on the net.
Right on, guy. I will heed the danger::lmao::
OneBulletLeft Wrote:I also wonder: If I wasn't worth a damn, why would one go and 'read the rest of my shit'?
I was curious how entertaining my new puppet bitch was being while I was gone. 41
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Thread locked because I'm letting OneBallLeft in. I've thrown enough remarkably harsh and unstoppable flame bombs upon him. I don't want him so terrified that he can't post if I am around.
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