How do you explain a man that's been imprisoned for three years and within a week of getting out, he's joined two forums, no doubt at the insistence of his harpy wife.
Come on, would you waste your valuable time like that?
And what's with the clubshout outin his avatar after Sinister has repeatedly ragged on us about how various clubs monitor this shit?
[user=659] Bullet[/user]
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Liberty, freedom, death!?
Oh is that the cold chill of fear I feel crawling up my spine?, No!, its the warm fuzzy feeling of a belly laugh!
Can I suggest a new more accurate motto?
Alcohol, begging for money, jail.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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That's one bad ass bike club.
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Sinister has successfully turned Bullet and his secret club into a big embarrassing joke. I was starting to feel sorry for him, but maybe he enjoys it.::dunno::
He seems like a pretty decent guy for a gun toting, itchy trigger finger, blindly shooting in the dark ...
Oh nevermind!
The Antagonist
Well, ramsey can be included in this fiasco toward Bullet. If she didn't find the need to say how Sinister was "taking care of very important business .....  " I bet his reception would have been a bit warmer. But she just wanted to show how in the loop she was with them. All she did was facilitate the mocking.
The Antagonist Wrote:Well, ramsey can be included in this fiasco toward Bullet. If she didn't find the need to say how Sinister was "taking care of very important business ..... " I bet his reception would have been a bit warmer. But she just wanted to show how in the loop she was with them. All she did was facilitate the mocking. Ding ding ding! Johnny, we have a winner!
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Sinister and Ramsey are the only ones here who brag about their signifcant others and their lives. No sane person would come to a Mock forum and start bragging up their spouse and posting pictures for Liquid and BD to photoshop. They deserve every bit of shit they get, two assholes they are.
The Antagonist
Now sally, don't forget they're ladies. After all, it was explained why men shave their nuts, you know, so a lady does not have to pick hair out of her teeth.
She's also turned her back to me too now you know. For some odd reason she thinks I made fun of ol' Bullet.
No she did that herself. I still have not poked a jab at him. But she'd rather alienate herself from anyone who called her friend than to face reality and use a friggin mirror.
How far does one gobble that up to get hairstuck in theirteeth? ::dunno::
The Antagonist
FYI Bikers didn't invent turning their backs.
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mayhem [mey-hem, mey-uhm] Show IPA
1. Law. the crime of willfully inflicting a bodily injury on another so as to make the victim less capable of self-defense or, under modern statutes, so as to cripple or mutilate the victim.
2. random or deliberate violence or damage.
3. a state of rowdy disorder: Antagonisms between the various factions at the meeting finally boiled over, and mayhem ensued.
The Antagonist Wrote:Now sally, don't forget they're ladies. After all, it was explained why men shave their nuts, you know, so a lady does not have to pick hair out of her teeth.
She's also turned her back to me too now you know. For some odd reason she thinks I made fun of ol' Bullet.
No she did that herself. I still have not poked a jab at him. But she'd rather alienate herself from anyone who called her friend than to face reality and use a friggin mirror.
How far does one gobble that up to get hairstuck in theirteeth? ::dunno:: No offense, but I'm surprised that you seem hurt by her behavior. Frankly, I think she's a user and none of this comes as a surprise to me.
The Antagonist
I'm far from hurt! I'm just disappointed that I'm not going to get a visit by them when they go on their world tour now.
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[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:
Quote:How do you explain a man that's been imprisoned for three years and within a week of getting out, he's joined two forums, no doubt at the insistence of his harpy wife.
Come on, would you waste your valuable time like that?
And what's with the club shout out in his avatar after Sinister has repeatedly ragged on us about how various clubs monitor this shit?
![[Image: 659.jpg]](
Bul"let\, n. [F. boulet, dim. of boule ball. See Bull an edict, and cf. Boulet.]
1. A small ball.
2. A missile, usually of lead, and round or elongated in form, to be discharged from a rifle, musket, pistol, or other small firearm.
3. A cannon ball. [Obs.]
A ship before Greenwich . . . shot off her ordnance, one piece being charged with a bullet of stone. --Stow.
4. The fetlock of a horse.
Last 'world tour' was curtailed by his imprisonment.
You gotta wonder what's going to happen this time.
PS. There's nothing wrong with being hurt by someone that ends up being a wack job.
The Antagonist
I've never heard of a fetlock called a bullet. Now I gotta go dig up my medical encyclopedia and look it up. Damn you. I didn't want to go to the basement today!
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:No offense, but I'm surprised that you seem hurt by her behavior. Frankly, I think she's a user and none of this comes as a surprise to me. I would be very hurt if that had been done to me...Even tho I have developed friendships with some in here I keep it out of Mock...We even mock each other & I think, for the most part, other Mockers wouldn't be able to tell who I've become friendly with...I have serious issues with things that are said privately being brought up in here...I understand that others don't feel the's just how I am in regards to respect and keeping a confidence.
Duchess Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:No offense, but I'm surprised that you seem hurt by her behavior. Frankly, I think she's a user and none of this comes as a surprise to me. I would be very hurt if that had been done to me...Even tho I have developed friendships with some in here I keep it out of Mock...We even mock each other & I think, for the most part, other Mockers wouldn't be able to tell who I've become friendly with...I have serious issues with things that are said privately being brought up in here...I understand that others don't feel the's just how I am in regards to respect and keeping a confidence. You mean like when you told me you like to give yourself a facial with Cowboy's spooge?
The Antagonist
Duchess, no one had to blab anything to anyone to say what's been said out loud here today.
Sin's managed to alienate anyone who she considered a friend and vice versa. The reason I am not hurt is because after watching her and reading what she said toward Z, & LMPP it's obvious that she values nothing. I always walked on eggshells with her because I saw how volatile she can get over any little reason real or imagined.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:Duchess Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:No offense, but I'm surprised that you seem hurt by her behavior. Frankly, I think she's a user and none of this comes as a surprise to me. I would be very hurt if that had been done to me...Even tho I have developed friendships with some in here I keep it out of Mock...We even mock each other & I think, for the most part, other Mockers wouldn't be able to tell who I've become friendly with...I have serious issues with things that are said privately being brought up in here...I understand that others don't feel the's just how I am in regards to respect and keeping a confidence. You mean like when you told me you like to give yourself a facial with Cowboy's spooge? ::lmao:: Freak !...I said no such thing.