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I don't know what to make of this & I'm not going to believe the police simply because they are LE.

Boston police Commissioner Ed Davis had said earlier that shots were fired from inside the boat, but two U.S. officials told the AP that no gun was found inside, raising questions about how he was injured.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I think the older brother may have received some training when he was in Russia but I don't necessarily think he was tied to some particular group. There are a lot of disorganized radicals.
Commando Cunt Queen
News is reporting that the suspect told investigators he and his older brother were headed to New York City to party and celebrate the Boston bombings, but things went awry when the car that they jacked was low on gas.

According to reports, the brothers were planning to blow up Times Square with remaining explosives (I'm hearing reports that the Boston bombs were detonated both by a pressure cooker and a toy remote of some sort).

Mayor Bloomberg held a press conference earlier today.

Good thing these assholes weren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

Add: And, the suspect has stopped talking, according to article linked below.
I have a feeling this is not the last of these type things. Every gathering no matter how inane should be scrutinized. I know my radar will be scanning events as I see them. It's not Grandpas America anymore.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I don't like Christianity, but I'll tolerate it just a little because I know people get brainwashed. The Islamic shit, however, needs to get the fuck out of here. Torture them and take their right to religion away, America will still be the greatest country because it's the best place to come and work illegally while sending money back home to your family.
(04-25-2013, 04:49 PM)Maggot Wrote: Every gathering no matter how inane should be scrutinized.

According to the conspiracy theorists, this was all a government plot to justify increased scrutiny/searches etc. of innocent civilians. Would you be okay with a ticket/checkpoint/search to be a viewer at the Boston Marathon (for example)?
Commando Cunt Queen
(04-25-2013, 09:39 PM)username Wrote:
(04-25-2013, 04:49 PM)Maggot Wrote: Every gathering no matter how inane should be scrutinized.

According to the conspiracy theorists, this was all a government plot to justify increased scrutiny/searches etc. of innocent civilians. Would you be okay with a ticket/checkpoint/search to be a viewer at the Boston Marathon (for example)?

If they served beer and oysters there, yes.
(04-25-2013, 09:39 PM)username Wrote:
(04-25-2013, 04:49 PM)Maggot Wrote: Every gathering no matter how inane should be scrutinized.

According to the conspiracy theorists, this was all a government plot to justify increased scrutiny/searches etc. of innocent civilians. Would you be okay with a ticket/checkpoint/search to be a viewer at the Boston Marathon (for example)?

Some crazy government conspiracy theories floating around, for sure.

I don't trust that the bombers' family members knew nothing and/or weren't involved in any way, not yet anyway. Maybe they weren't. Just have a feeling about the parents (at least) and won't be surprised if it turns out to have been a family affair of sorts.

Dad's cancelled that trip to the US that he told the media about.

I think mom is helping to fuel the government conspiracy theories, intentionally or otherwise. She's in the US Terror Database, btw. She landed there with her oldest son when someone from Russia tipped the CIA that she and Tarmerlan should be investigated 18 months ago. Nothing was uncovered at the time, apparently.

Mom thinks her family would be better off if she'd never brought her sons to 'effin America for a better life (you know, the kind of life where you can shoplift from department stores and then skip back to your home country, like she did).

[Image: 1f8dbfec03fd290e300f6a70670043bd-4_3_r53...67cdb10c81]

I'm irritated about the fact that the suspect's parents are trying to present the bombers as the victims in all of this; not by a long shot.

The mom is a nasty bitch.
(04-26-2013, 07:40 PM)sally Wrote: The mom is a nasty bitch.

Seriously. I watched part of her tirade yesterday and really believe she needs a solid cunt punt.

Remember the cowboy holding the young man's artery while he's being pushed in the wheelchair? He and the young man (Jeff) had a face to face meeting, they have been speaking on the phone everyday, they've bonded in a wonderful way. I'm being presumptuous by saying this but I think it's been a blessing in a sense given how he lost both his sons. Out of all the stories this one got to me the most, I feel weepy and stuff whenever I read about them.

Another lovely thing - the website his friends started for him to help pay his medical & other related expenses has surpassed $700,000.00. Awesome, huh.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I have a few bits and pieces for this thread, this article is an interview with Dr. Leana Wen in the Boston ER. Doctor Wen has a new book out & she can be found on Wikipedia.

From Southern California Public Radio

Boston Marathon bombings: ER doctor finds memories hard to shake
Leana Wen | ---- NPR- | April 25th, 2013, 9:27am

"I do know that as much anger and sorrow as many may harbor, we need thoughtful reflection to prevent the wrong ideas from taking hold.

The suspects are immigrants, but so are many of the first responders and emergency care providers — like me, an immigrant who came here on political asylum from China.

The suspects were armed and dangerous. But even if every spectator were armed, could guns protect against bombs? The bombings brought on a week of terror, but we cannot live our lives in paranoia and isolation."

Read more here
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
(04-25-2013, 01:05 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Interested in hearing more about this alleged "Misha" character and how he supposedly lured in Tamerlan who then supposedly lured in his younger brother.

This is a "Misha" article I found by Peter Weber of The Week 4/24/2013.

Where is this Misha? and was he a mole?


The "why" behind the Boston bombings appears to be coming into focus.

On Tuesday, multiple newspapers and other news organizations reported that the surviving bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, confessed to the crime and said that his older brother Tamerlan — killed last Friday in a violent shootout with police — was the mastermind. Unidentified government sources said that the brothers were "self-radicalized" jihadists, acting alone out of anger over the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Associated Press has uncovered one tantalizing detail that suggests Tamerlan's self-radicalization had an important supporting character: Misha. The single name comes from at least two family members who say they were once close to the Tsarnaev brothers: The now-famous Uncle Ruslan Tsarni and Elmirza Khozhugov, the 26-year-old ex-husband of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar's sister Aliina.

The Tsarnaev family was nominally Sunni Muslim, but never very religious, say the AP's Adam Goldman, Eric Tucker, and Matt Apuzzo.

Then, in 2008 or 2009, Tamerlan met Misha, a slightly older, heavyset bald man with a long reddish beard. Khozhugov didn't know where they'd met but believed they attended a Boston-area mosque together. Misha was an Armenian native and a convert to Islam and quickly began influencing his new friend. [AP]

Misha is a very common name in Russia — a shorter form of Mikhail — but come on, "there can't be that many bald, red-bearded Armenian Muslims in the Cambridge area," says Dan Amira at New York. Still, the AP has been unable to locate him after days of sleuthing, and if he's on the FBI's radar, they're not talking. What else do we know about this mysterious Svengali?

Britain's Daily Mail says Misha is "around 30" and is probably "based in a mosque that was a short drive from Cambridge." NBC News' Michael Isikoff — who calls the bearded convert "Mischa" — reports that Tamerlan started falling under the Armenian's spell as early as 2007, and he provides this juicy detail, from Uncle Ruslan: "Mischa presented himself as an 'exorcist' who specialized in 'removing demons from people's bodies.'"

Even without the exorcism and demon-removal, Misha is the strangest detail in this already bizarre story, says Trudy Rubin at the Philadelphia Inquirer.

We all know that converts can be more zealous than those born to a faith, but an Armenian native who converted to a radical brand of Islam? As the world knows, Armenian Christians suffered their own holocaust at the hands of Muslim Turks early in the 20th century, during the break-up of the Ottoman Empire. [Philly Inquirer]

National security writer Laura Rozen speculates on Twitter that Misha sounds like "the kind of mole Russia plants to keep [an] eye on emigre communities of concern," and could even be the source that tipped off Russia to Tamerlan's conversion to radical Islam in 2011, which prompted Russia's call to the FBI. "Coming from ex-police state, shouldn't [the] Tsarnaevs [have been] suspicious of [an] Armenian convert to Islam preaching 911 conspiracies at their table?"

Whoever he is — assuming he exists — Misha's influence over Tamerlan appears to have been profound. "Somehow, he just took his brain," Tamerlan's uncle Tsarni tells the AP. Tsarni says that once Misha came on the scene, Tamerlan stopped listening to him and even his own father. Khozhugov, the former brother-in-law, agrees:

When Misha would start talking, Tamerlan would stop talking and listen. It upset his father because Tamerlan wouldn't listen to him as much.... He would listen to this guy from the mosque who was preaching to him. [AP]

Misha reportedly told Tamerlan that music isn't kosher in Islam, so Tamerlan stopped making and listening to music and dropped out of music school. He also started reading both radical Islamist publications as well as Alex Jones' conspiracy-oriented Infowars website. Khozhugov says Tamerlan even tried to get a copy of the 1903 Russian anti-Semitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which claims that Jews are plotting to take over the world.

"Misha was important," Khozhugov tells the AP. "Tamerlan was searching for something. He was searching for something out there." Now, lots of people are searching for Misha.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
Thanks for that update, NightOwl.

I wonder if Misha is a phantom being used to divert attention from those closest to the bombers, or a plant assigned to track them once they'd already hit the radar, or truly what/who the family members claim.

If he exists, and he encouraged the bombings or instigated a mass attack, that doesn't alleviate any of the brothers' responsibility for what they chose to do, in my mind. Still, if he's for real, he's dangerous and someone at the Mosque or in the community will know him; it will come out and he'll be taken off the streets (if he hasn't already been).

Curious to see where the Misha mystery leads...
Check out this video hah

Judge lays into jihad mother
(04-29-2013, 09:57 AM)JsMom Wrote: Check out this video hah
Judge lays into jihad mother

Judge Jeanine isn't shy, that's for sure.

LE is now investigating a link between a triple homicide in Massachusetts on 9/11/2012 and the Boston bombers. At least one of the victims was a martial arts buddy of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Weird crime scene:
...the three men were found with their throats slashed, their bodies mutilated and covered with marijuana. Police were perplexed because the drugs and $5,000 were not taken from the blood-soaked scene and there was no sign of forced entry. At the time the bodies were discovered, local prosecutors said "it does look like the assailants and the decedents did know each other. We have no evidence of a break in the apartment."

Full story here:
interesting article.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

(04-29-2013, 11:31 AM)ESAD Wrote: interesting article.

This story keeps growing tentacles.

Too early to tell, but it won't surprise me if it turns out one or both of the bombers had a hand in that triple homicide. Who leaves loads of marijuana and cash at a murder scene? Seems like a possible political statement.

Another interesting development -

Investigators have found female DNA on at least one of the bombs used in the Boston Marathon attacks, though they haven't determined whose DNA it is or whether that means a woman helped the two suspects carry out the attacks, according to U.S. officials briefed on the probe.

The officials familiar with the case cautioned that there could be multiple explanations for why the DNA of someone other than the two bombing suspects—Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother, Dzhokhar—could have been found on remnants of the exploded devices. The genetic material could have come, for example, from a store clerk who handled materials used in the bombs or a stray hair that ended up in the bomb.

On Monday, Federal Bureau of Investigation agents were seen leaving the Rhode Island home of the parents of Katherine Russell, the widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The elder brother died after a shootout with police four days after the April 15 bombings.

Ms. Russell has been staying with her parents since the bombings, and FBI agents have been seen posted outside the home since her late husband was identified as one of the bombers. Her lawyer has said she is "doing everything she can to assist with the investigation."

One official familiar with the case said agents went to the house Monday to collect a DNA sample from Ms. Russell, the culmination of days of negotiations. FBI officials also have been negotiating with Ms. Russell's attorney in recent days to get fuller access to question her, the officials familiar with the case said. The officials briefed on the investigation said the DNA request was needed to determine whether it matched the DNA found on the bomb remnants.

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(04-29-2013, 09:57 AM)JsMom Wrote: Check out this video hah

Judge lays into jihad mother

So glad you put this video up JsMom I just loved it! thank-you!

Judge Jeanine Pirro needs to be on the front cover of Time Magazine.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau