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What Would YOU Do?
I had a friend run this scenario by me earlier today and found it interesting.

Here goes:

You have one of three options to choose from in the following case. (To not provide an answer at all means all three scenarios play out.)

1- A small commuter plane crashes killing all on board. Members on the flight are your immediate family- spouse; children; parents, siblings, your closest friends. About 20 people, give or take, given on your present situation.

2- A jumbo jet crashes killing all on board. There are about 750 Americans on the flight- including women and children, but all people you don't know or have any direct connection too.

3- All the inhabitants of Mexico City are killed in a devastating earth quake that although kills hundreds of thousands within the city limits, does not hurt anyone else.

So, there you are. Do you choose your family and immediate loved ones?
Do you choose 750 random to you, U.S. citizens (knowing they too have family and loved ones that will grieve their departure)?

Do you choose many, many thousands (if not millions) of Hispanics, snuffed out by a terrible act of nature?

Remember, to do nothing causes all three scenarios to come to past.

I'm working on memory here, so I'm hoping I didn't miss an important detail, although I don't believe I did.

What would YOU do? Which of the three above scenarios would you activate to prevent the other two from also materializing?
I HATE these kind of questions.

Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Hundreds of thousands? That's a pretty easy decision to make... I choose Mexico City.
Quote:3- All the inhabitants of Mexico City are killed in a devastating earth quake that although kills hundreds of thousands within the city limits, does not hurt anyone else.
This happens and the rest do not. Saving my family is #1 priority; saving other Americans in #2 priority. Mexico can burn to the ground or fall into the center of the earthand I wouldn't give a shit.

#3. Then reveal it was a new US Weapon that will be fired once a month every month till all the illegals STOP COMING HERE, and all that are here GO HOME.
Sinister Wrote:
Quote:3- All the inhabitants of Mexico City are killed in a devastating earth quake that although kills hundreds of thousands within the city limits, does not hurt anyone else.
This happens and the rest do not. Saving my family is #1 priority; saving other Americans in #2 priority. Mexico can burn to the ground or fall into the center of the earthand I wouldn't give a shit.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Hundreds of thousands? That's a pretty easy decision to make... I choose Mexico City.
I see WE'RE all on about the same page. 47
D Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
Quote:3- All the inhabitants of Mexico City are killed in a devastating earth quake that although kills hundreds of thousands within the city limits, does not hurt anyone else.
This happens and the rest do not. Saving my family is #1 priority; saving other Americans in #2 priority. Mexico can burn to the ground or fall into the center of the earthand I wouldn't give a shit.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Hundreds of thousands? That's a pretty easy decision to make... I choose Mexico City.
I see WE'RE all on about the same page. 47
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Holy crap, you guys are brutal!

I hate myself for doing so, but must agree.
The way I handled this equation was my eliminating first what it is I would not do and that is allow my family to suffer and/or die.
No how. No way. Let me burn in hell for that, but sobeit.
Secondly, I think of the hundreds of other Americans on that jumbo jet and their families and also would not/could not allow them to suffer.

I suppose as Mexico City is so far away makes them the easier choice. It wouldn't be a decision I'd be proud of and in many aspects, it is flat out wrong as the value of life should be equal.

The everyday reality though is I'd allow hundreds of thousands to perish if it saved the lives of scenario one and two.
As a side note: What I hate are the pussies that wouldn't answer the question. I'm not talking about anyone here, but rather at work when it was presented to about a half dozen of us.
I know it is only a game, but to have a couple of guys simply state they couldn't answer is somewhat cowardly and lazy.

<rant over>
OnBendedKnee Wrote:As a side note: What I hate are the pussies that wouldn't answer the question. I'm not talking about anyone here, but rather at work when it was presented to about a half dozen of us.
I know it is only a game, but to have a couple of guys simply state they couldn't answer is somewhat cowardly and lazy.

<rant over>
Well, with the caveat that ALL of them happen if you refuse to choose... Smiley_emoticons_wink But yeah I get your point.
I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
And again; the Queen of Bubbleheads doesn'tunderstand how to answer a simple question.
Sinister Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
And again; the Queen of Bubbleheads doesn'tunderstand how to answer a simple question.
This from the stupid bitch that thought OBK's wife had joined Mock. ::lmao::
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
Oops. Too bad. Now where'd I put that pocket nuke? Buncha crazy Mexicans get to suffer a man made earthquake today.
D Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
Oops. Too bad. Now where'd I put that pocket nuke? Buncha crazy Mexicans get to suffer a man made earthquake today.
Hey Moldypussy?? How about an all expense paid trip to Mexico City??
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
And again; the Queen of Bubbleheads doesn't understand how to answer a simple question.
This from the stupid bitch that thought OBK's wife had joined Mock. ::lmao::

[Image: doh.jpg]

::Although she does sometimes read over my shoulder and then simply leaves the room shaking her head. . .
:Blush: ::
Saving my family is #1. People are people whether they are Mexican or American, so If I had to choose, I'd rather only see 750 die than hundreds of thousands.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I meant to spare Mexico City, you bunch of psychos.
And again; the Queen of Bubbleheads doesn'tunderstand how to answer a simple question.
This from the stupid bitch that thought OBK's wife had joined Mock. ::lmao::

[Image: doh.jpg]

::Although she does sometimes read over my shoulder and then simply leaves the room shaking her head. . .
:Blush: ::
Thats great HAHAH, my friend Carol does the same thing. So does Ashley (guy) for that matter.
I would save my dog over the Americans and Mexicans too. Fuck it, the world will be a better place without them anyway ::dlaugh::

You know at least a handful of right-wing fundies would go down with them.

(though my initial reaction would be #3, I wouldn't be able to justify to myself, the huge loss of life)