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There had to of been more than one person. There is no way one person took Johnny and Lisa out by themselves and by suffocation at that.. Theres no doubt that these people will be caught eventually.. Im so on the fence by who did this though.. Everyday I believe it was someone else because I see different information that doesnt point to the obvious people.. Maytee says for sure it was TW and AG but how do we know that for sure? Does everyone think that those 2 would get on facebook and talk to her the way they do and claim they had nothing to do with it, if they really did? I don't think I would do that, but you never know.. Sometimes guilty people act funny.. Then you look at Maytee and the way she acts and it makes you wonder but the interview with Johnnys dad seemed way to sincere and I dont think they had anything to do with it but I think Johnns MOM knows WAY more than what she is telling... Shes pointing fingers way to much at this point, she blames EVERYONE around her for something, Lisa's family, AG and TW and Im sure others too.. I dont think AG and TW could pull it off alone ofcourse and they may of had something to do with it but I cant just base that off of just because TW didnt call 911, shes 24 yrs old and a drug addict thug, police arent her friends, they are her enemy... I think it is someone they knew but someone who we all have never heard about...
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(04-08-2011, 07:12 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: Snoopy~~I guess i shouldn't say stuff without being able to quote link. I do believe it was written in the
first report of the murder in the Toledo Blade. It would make sense if Uncle said it was deactivated and
perps didn't know that and cut them (no alarm, thus, going to Security). It would a least show premeditation.
I will try to find that earlier post.
Here is the source of that information about wires being cut I think it was never stated by LE or the Blade...I submit this from unknown
Unknown - 02-06-2011 05:00 PM
Newer white econ van seen outside the house a day or two before, neighbors say. Perps cut the telephone alarm either the night of the killings or prior days. Go in through the garage into the kitchen where johnny and Lisa are. Johnny grabs a knife, Lisa freaks out and runs down the hall to the front of the house and up the stairs possibly hitting the alarm. She runs into her room and slams the door, then the perp kicks or rams through the door and pulls her down the stairs buy her hair while Lisa reaches up and digs her nails into the arm or face of the perp. In the mean time 2 perps try to over take johnny, but johnny get a few licks in with the knife. blood everywhere in the kitchen (guy who had to clean it up says: There was a lot of blood in there. They duct tape Johnny up and subdue Lisa. They begin torturing them buy asphyxiation to get what information they want. The perps begin rumbling through the house finding anything that points to drugs, money, and security systems to remove any recordings. The lighter and the Baggies were probably pulled out of Johnnys pocket while bounded looking for cash
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(04-08-2011, 08:02 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (04-08-2011, 07:12 PM)blueberryhill Wrote:
Here is the source of that information about wires being cut I think it was never stated by LE or the Blade...I submit this from unknown
Unknown - 02-06-2011 05:00 PM
Newer white econ van seen outside the house a day or two before, neighbors say. Perps cut the telephone alarm either the night of the killings or prior days. Go in through the garage into the kitchen where johnny and Lisa are. Johnny grabs a knife, Lisa freaks out and runs down the hall to the front of the house and up the stairs possibly hitting the alarm. She runs into her room and slams the door, then the perp kicks or rams through the door and pulls her down the stairs buy her hair while Lisa reaches up and digs her nails into the arm or face of the perp. In the mean time 2 perps try to over take johnny, but johnny get a few licks in with the knife. blood everywhere in the kitchen (guy who had to clean it up says: There was a lot of blood in there. They duct tape Johnny up and subdue Lisa. They begin torturing them buy asphyxiation to get what information they want. The perps begin rumbling through the house finding anything that points to drugs, money, and security systems to remove any recordings. The lighter and the Baggies were probably pulled out of Johnnys pocket while bounded looking for cash
How does this person know all of this is my question!?
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concerned Wrote:
Compassions for TW? Please, alot of people grew up abused and didnt let that stand in their way. This ho has three kids who she dont have. One on the way by a possible minor. Shes a drug addict, criminal, Gangbanger in more than one sense of the word. NO compassion here. For an abused child yes not a grown irresponsible adult. Woman like her have no business having children. I'd like my taxpayer dollars to fix my roads or to education not feeding and housing her sorry welfare ass!!
Concerned, you're being an ass. Let it go. Tiffany may very well have absolutely NOTHING to do with this and she and AG may have had to go through a LOT of speculation/accusing them of this horrific crime and maybe just MAYBE all they want to do is to let the past go and raise this baby...give them a break. Sounds like with what Lady Cop said to, all prior speculation is in wrong direction anyway...
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I still think that the perps were present at the party the night before, scoped out the house, and took the security documents with them. That way they knew how to disable the alarm once they gained entry into the home the next day. They key could have been included with the documents and just fallen out or it was a "calling card". All IMO.
if the perps took the papers i think there would be finger prints on them. you can get finger prints off of paper
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OK. don't know what just happened. my reply disappeared. Zero, thanks for finding that post from Unknown;
I stand corrected.
Rotten_Cotton, re items taken by LE as evidence, you will find several interesting links in
the Lady Cop's Cell Block. Several of the articles/videos identify evidence found and taken by LE.
There are also pictures of J & L and many of their friends. It helps to remember that these were young
people with hopes, dreams and killed in such a horrific way. Revenge killing keeps popping up in my mind.
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(04-08-2011, 09:07 PM)pplrcrazy Wrote: How does this person know all of this is my question!?
I can vouch for his knowledge but I am not free to explain any relationship as forum rules protect member idenities. I believe LC can also vouch for the authenticity and credibility of 'unknown's posts.
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Knightowl... Tar and Feathering. I thought we could state our opinions here. That is my opinion. You know our society give everyone a chance to make their life better thru education loans and grants etc... It is a persons choice to live how they want. You take advantage or you dont. Since my taxpayer dollars go towards people who leech of the system I feel the same no matter who the leech is. Feel free to skip my post if you like.
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pspence.. I can have my opinion. Just like you have yours. Posting  . Then calling me an ass.... Really, was that nessasary? Maybe you should start a new thread. The Tiffany and AP is innocent thread....
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(04-08-2011, 09:17 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (04-08-2011, 09:07 PM)pplrcrazy Wrote: How does this person know all of this is my question!?
I can vouch for his knowledge but I am not free to explain any relationship as forum rules protect member idenities. I believe LC can also vouch for the authenticity and credibility of 'unknown's posts.
IM not asking who that person is... Im saying how does this person know in detail if Lisa was drug by her hair or if she was chased to her bedroom and she slammed the door on the perps and whatever else you posted??? That is my question... Thats ALLLLOOOT of detail...
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Can't get what Lady Cop said out of my head...we need to all be forgetting about all the alphabet soup and think...neighbors was mentioned...(I don't think so - too classy of an area).....someone followed them home...(would be too much of a coincidence)....someone who worked with Lisa...(maybe)....someone Johnny knew in Barber school (my daughter was in cosmotology school and there were TONS of drug users)....come on Mockers help me...who else was in their world that might have been at that party ...a relative?
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(04-08-2011, 09:41 PM)pplrcrazy Wrote: IM not asking who that person is... Im saying how does this person know in detail if Lisa was drug by her hair or if she was chased to her bedroom and she slammed the door on the perps and whatever else you posted??? That is my question... Thats ALLLLOOOT of detail...
Ask LC....any explanation to further your belief in him approaches violation of the rules. I am sure LC vetted him...PM her. I have said all I am gonna say...sorry..
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pplcrazy .... If you go back to unknowns post way in the beggining... It was color coded to state fact and opinions. That was his opinion.....
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(04-08-2011, 07:24 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: Also, the perps did not take the security documents with them; they were found in home along with the scales
and key to security system box (under lisa's body). They were taken from the Straub home by LE as evidence.
The key was never identified by news media. I am just basing that on comments from people with knowledge
of security systems. However, rest of stuff was in the news media.
My apologies if I did not come across clear. What I am getting at is IMO that the perps stole the docs the night before and used them to gain entry into the home the night of the murders and left them behind. Again, my opinion only.
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i have cause to find Unknown credible. my final word on that.
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Concerned, you referred to Tiffany as "This ho" (pretty low) "Shes a drug addict" ([color=#98FB98]you don't know that for a fact) "a criminal" [color=#87CEFA](she might not be anymore), Gangbanger in more than one sense of the word" [/ouch ...way below the belt...
Yes, sorry you got your panties in a wad because I said you're an ass...I stand by you are an ass...and a mean one at that....that is only my humble opinion.[/twat:
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See post 14679 for "unknown" time frame highlighted for fact and opinions
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(04-08-2011, 09:14 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: OK. don't know what just happened. my reply disappeared. Zero, thanks for finding that post from Unknown;
I stand corrected.
Rotten_Cotton, re items taken by LE as evidence, you will find several interesting links in
the Lady Cop's Cell Block. Several of the articles/videos identify evidence found and taken by LE.
There are also pictures of J & L and many of their friends. It helps to remember that these were young
people with hopes, dreams and killed in such a horrific way. Revenge killing keeps popping up in my mind.
Trust me, I have read it. Been reading here since the case was about a week old.
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(04-08-2011, 09:42 PM)pspence Wrote: Can't get what Lady Cop said out of my head...we need to all be forgetting about all the alphabet soup and think...neighbors was mentioned...(I don't think so - too classy of an area).....someone followed them home...(would be too much of a coincidence)....someone who worked with Lisa...(maybe)....someone Johnny knew in Barber school (my daughter was in cosmotology school and there were TONS of drug users)....come on Mockers help me...who else was in their world that might have been at that party ...a relative? 
LC did NOT say neighbor, 'snoopy' did..and if you start looking at relatives then Pandoras box opens wide on one hand......... but I would find it impossible to speculate on the other hand, that would be her relatives.......NO WAY....!!!!!
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pspence.... you have no idea what I know... It is obvious with your name calling at me that you are young and obviously ticked off about my statements. I suggest you go back to page one and write down all the Mockers that have made such comments. That would add up to alot, you might want to get your calculator out. Your name calling has done nothing to me but make me chuckle. I dont need to use the smiles on the left.... laughing my fucking ass off at you !!!!