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boo fucking hoo.   
i just want to see her and a few others in jail for Christmas.
PHOENIX (KPHO) - She's being watched, but just how far police will go to keep tabs on Jerice Hunter is open to question.
Hunter is the mother of 5-year-old Jhessye Shockley, the little girl from Glendale who has not been seen for more than two months.
Now, a police report obtained by CBS 5 News show that Hunter believes her life is now in danger. HER CHILDREN WERE IN DANGER EVERY DAY WITH HER NASTY ASS.
A porch light is on, and it's dark inside, but there are indications that Hunter is back in the apartment she once shared with her children, including Jhessye.
Police tore the place apart after Hunter's arrest nearly a month ago. It's the place investigators believe Hunter kept Jhessye in a closet, the place where they believe the little girl died.
The police report that indicates Hunter does not feel safe in her own home. 
Hunter, who police say is the main focus in the disappearance of Jhessye, filed the report herself last week.
She told the officer that she believed her "life was in danger," that people had "made threats towards her," and that she was "being followed by several people."
Hunter told the officer she did not know of a specific threat, but she pointed to a Facebook page someone created called "Jerice Hunter monster."
Police and prosecutors have implied that they are watching hunter around the clock.
Hunter's attorney said that surveillance includes putting GPS tracking devices on people's cars who are helping Hunter get around.
In the report, Hunter told the officer that one of her friends removed one of the devices, and then was contacted by two detectives requesting the tracker be returned.
Glendale police would not confirm they are using GPS tracking devices due to the sensitive nature of the investigation.
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Abusive Nigger Mom is now fearful for her safety.
"Oh where, oh where has her loud-mouthed, racist cunt of a mother gone, too?"
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So they think she died in a closet in the home?
That picture is so damn cute. Why take a cute picture of your little one then go home and lock them in a closet?
Gotdam that's an ugly woman. WTF are those earrings?
Am I the only one that wouldn't hit that? How many kids does she have?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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My guess - An aunt or cousin paid for the pictures. NOT Abusive Nigger Mom!
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little girl should be waiting for santa. :(
PHOENIX — Police now believe a 5-year-old Arizona girl missing for more than two months was killed and that her body was dumped in a trash bin across town before her mother reported her missing — the most substantive information detectives have released about what they think happened to the girl.
Police in the Phoenix suburb of Glendale stopped short of saying who they think killed Jhessye Shockley, but Glendale police Sgt. Brent Coombs reiterated Wednesday that the girl's mother is the "No. 1 focus."
"We're in what we believed to be the worst-case scenario from the beginning," Coombs said.
A month ago, detectives arrested Jhessye's mother, Jerice Hunter, on a child abuse charge related to the girl, announcing at the time that they didn't believe they'd find the girl alive.
Hunter was released from jail days later, and the charge against her was dropped. Prosecutors said at the time that they wanted further investigation and were worried that Hunter would not be eligible for a potential murder charge if she was convicted of abusing Shockley, a situation known as double jeopardy.
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Lady Cop is on it!
I hope somebody inflicts some street justice on her ass.
The whole story is horrifying.
Don't give kids back to abusive parents. That is fucked up. I guess nobody else wants somebody else's abused kids...
I hate that culture that thinks of kids as a check. That isn't right. You should support your own kids so you have a sense of worth for them.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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The older sister knows what happened to her. Beaten, starved, thrown in a closet to die. Jesus Christ. How do you ever get over that?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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This is what I read:
From NewTimes, Phoenix:
The Glendale Police Department says it now believes the body of missing 5-year-old Jhessye Shockley was thrown in a trash can in Tempe and may be in a landfill just south of the Valley.
Glendale Officer Tracey Breeden tells New Times that the case is now a homicide investigation and that Jhessye Shockley's mother, Jerice Hunter, is the primary focus.
Breeden says information was given to police -- after Hunter was arrested on child abuse charges last month -- that the 5-year-old's body was thrown in the trash. Breeden would only say the information was given to police through investigative leads and through Silent Witness.
Trash from the location where police suspect Jhessye was dumped is taken to the Butterfield Landfill south of the Valley. Detectives will now determine whether to search the landfill, a decision they'll base on -- among other variables -- the likelihood that they'll be able to find the body.
Jhessye was reported missing on October 11. Since then, Hunter's played the role of a concerned, grieving mother. However, the Glendale P.D.'s investigation revealed that Hunter served time in prison for abusing her other children. Detectives also determined that Hunter locked the girl in a closet for what may have been weeks before reporting her missing.
According to court records obtained by New Times, two of Jhessye's siblings, who are now in foster care, told their foster parents about some of the abuse Jhessye received at the hands of Hunter, who spent four years in a California prison for child abuse -- and scolded us last month for asking whether she hurt her daughter .
Jhessye's 13-year-old sister told her foster parents that several weeks before the little girl was reported missing, Hunter came home and found her watching TV with a boy from the neighborhood. The girl told her foster parents -- and later police -- that Hunter called Jhessye a "ho" and dragged her into a bedroom where the sister could hear Jhessye screaming and crying.
Following the apparent beating, Hunter kept the child in a closet. Her sister told police she had to bring the 5-year-old water when Hunter was out so she wouldn't become dehydrated. She would let the her out when Hunter was gone, but quickly put Jhessye back when Hunter got home to keep her from getting in trouble.
The sister also told investigators that she saw bruises and cuts on Jhessye's face and body while she was kept in the closet, and that her eyes were black and only slightly open.
The 13-year-old also told police that her sister's hair had been pulled out and that she didn't look alive. The older sibling described Jhessye as looking like a "zombie" and that the closet she was kept in smelled like "dead people" and was like a "grave."
All of the alleged abuse happened weeks before Hunter called police on October 11. The last time anyone saw Jhessye alive was September 22, which was the last time records show her attending school. Her sisters say they never saw Jhessye the day her mother reported her missing, when Hunter told police that the older siblings were watching the girl as she ran errands.
On October 9, Hunter bought a bottle of bleach at a Walgreens. She then cleaned the entire apartment and scrubbed her shoes that were in the closet with Jhessye with bleach, the sister told police.
Court records also show that Hunter was suspected of child abuse in April, and a report was filed. It's unclear whether Child Protective Services was alerted about the reported abuse.
Hunter has made sobbing attempts to declare her innocence since the day she reported her daughter missing more than two weeks after she was last seen alive. She's blamed everyone from the media to the Glendale Police Department for not locating her daughter. When we spoke to her, Hunter went ballistic when we asked if she had hurt her daughter.
"I really think they should take the focus off of me and quit asking people -- wasting time -- if I did something to my daughter," Hunter told us last month. "They should quit holding my babies hostage and trying to get them to say something [about what happened to Jahessye]. [Authorities are] telling me 'your kids aren't saying anything.' It's been 13 days. What do they expect my babies to say that they haven't already said? [CPS] don't wanna hear 'we love our mama, we wanna go home we want our mommy' -- they don't wanna hear that. They won't let me see them because they don't want them running into my arms. They don't wanna hear them scream 'mommy.'"
Hunter was arrested last month on child-abuse charges but wasn't officially charged because the Maricopa County Attorney's Office didn't want to create a double-jeopardy situation if police could gather enough evidence to later charge her with murder.
Glendale police say a decision about whether to search the landfill will be made in the next few weeks.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Jerice Hunter encouraged her children to lie about their sister, Jhessye.
"The teenager eventually told investigators that Hunter instructed them to lie to police about their sister wandering off, the court papers said, and the last time they’d seen Jhessye was in September -– weeks before she was reported missing."
Now - please see how a local news organization reported the same information:
"Hunter's 13-year-old eventually told police that Hunter had instructed the children to lie to police about Jhessye wandering off, court papers said. Hunter told them to tell officials the last time they'd seen Jhessye was in September, weeks before her reported disappearance."
Cracker - Thank you for posting from the New Times. Liberal and confrontational by design and yet far more accurate than another local "Telling it Like it Is" CBS news outlet.
Journalism is still considered a profession, yes?
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I think I might hate journalists. They skew shit and our mildly retarded citizens eat it right up, no questions asked.
Propaganda and yellow journalism used to be hard work. Now they just spit it out as fast as they can type it.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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a daunting task. any findings will be microscopic. very difficult. but i believe these police want something to take this 'mother' to trial.
Glendale police will start searching a landfill south of the Valley for Jhessye Shockley's body on Feb. 6.
Five-year-old Jhessye was reported missing Oct. 11. Weeks later, police said they did not expect to find the girl alive and said the girl's mother, Jerice Hunter, was their primary focus in their investigation of Jhessye's disappearance.
Police suspect Jhessye's body was dumped in a Tempe trash bin, miles from her Glendale home, and taken from there to the Butterfield Station Landfill in Mobile.
More than 40 officers, detectives, FBI staffers and others will be working on the search daily. Forensic experts from Glendale, Maricopa County and the FBI, as well as Glendale paramedics, will also be on hand.
Police are set to search an area that's about 180 feet by 200 feet and more than 20 feet deep - the equivalent of a day's waste.
That's about 6,000 tons of compressed trash, according to police.
It will take more four to six weeks to sift through that amount of trash, though police hope to find Jhessye's body sooner than that, said Officer Tracey Breeden, a Glendale police spokeswoman.
"We want and hope for a quick resolution but we're planning for an extensive search operation that could last a number of weeks," she said.
Breeden said police identified the spot after determining the specific day they believe Jhessye's body would have been disposed and working closely with landfill workers.
The area had been covered with a layer of dirt before police pinpointed it as their possible search area. No additional trash has been added for weeks, the police spokeswoman said.
Experts say the search will be taxing.
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Today was day one of the search for little Jhessye, they were saying it could take up to six weeks, I has heard that the GPD now say they have it narrowed to to one day of trash in one specific area so Jhessye may be found a lot sooner. I am trying to find an updated news link.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
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MOBILE, AZ--The BITCH LYING grandmother of missing 5-year-old Jhessye Shockley says she is happy police have finally begun their search of an area of the Butterfield landfill, and is hopeful the search will bring answers and closure. oh sure she's happy.
"I'm happy they started looking," Shirley Johnson said from her home in California. "I'm just sitting with a bated breath, trying to see if anything is going to come out of it." yes i bet she is.
On Monday morning, a team of 40 Glendale police officers and detectives began searching an area of the Butterfield Station Landfill in Mobile, which is about an hour southwest of Phoenix.
Glendale Police Sgt. Brent Coombs said detectives believe Jhessye was dumped in a Tempe trash receptacle days before she was reported missing from her Glendale apartment complex by her mother on Oct.11.
Investigators have been able to narrow down the area of the landfill that corresponds with trash picked up at the time and place they believe Jhessye's body was dumped.
Crews will sift through 6,000 tons of trash, working "from the front to the back of that search deck going through every bit of trash with different tools, ripping every single bag open, going through everything," Coombs said.
Police say Jhessye's mother, Jerice Hunter, is their primary focus in the murder investigation and are hopeful the landfill search will provide the evidence they need for an airtight case.
When asked about her daughter's involvement in the case, Johnson said: "I hope no one can hurt their children. I hope I haven't raised anyone that could hurt their child, and it's up to law enforcement to find that out."
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(02-07-2012, 07:40 PM)Lady Cop Wrote:
When asked about her daughter's involvement in the case, Johnson said: "I hope no one can hurt their children. I hope I haven't raised anyone that could hurt their child, and it's up to law enforcement to find that out."
I kinda feel badly for this woman, but her daughter already served time for child abuse. She knew she hurt her grandchildren. Did she forget about that?
The grandmother illegally returned the children to the mother. She should be arrested, too.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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no pity whatsoever for her. she played the race card from day one of baby missing. it was all whitey's fault. screeching and screaming all over the media.
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In 2005 Jerice Hunter was charged with torturing another 7-year old daughter and causing corporal injury her other three children. Her mother Shirley Johnson told the police that Jerice whipped the child with an extension cord while the child was being held down by her husband, registered sex offender George Shockley. In 2006 torture charges were dropped in exchange for a “no contest” plea. Hunter was subsequently sentenced to 8-years in prison and denied her parental rights because she was considered a threat to the well being of her children. Jerice justified her criminal behavior by claiming that she had been abused as a child.
Jerice Hunter's mother Shirley Johnson, the woman who taught Jerice how to discipline and abuse kids, received custody of the four children named in the criminal complaint. Little Jahessye, born shortly before her mother went to prison, was turned over to other relatives. Upon her release from custody four years later Jerice moved to Arizona where grandma Shirley decided to ‘reunite the family’ without going through legal proceedings. Upon an order from Phoenix Police little Jahessye was turned over to her mother in August, 2010. Jerice now had total control over the children she had gone to prison for abusing and the daughter who would disappear within the next ten months.
Jerice was eight months pregnant when Jahessye disappeared, so she was not allowed to take the polygraph she said would prove her innocence. By the time Jerice gave birth at the end of October, Arizona Child Protective Services (CPS) had removed the other three children from her custody and placed them in foster homes. They quickly did the same with her infant. Jerice now refuses to take a polygraph exam.
Once free of her mother’s control Jahessye’s thirteen-year-old sister told her foster mother that Jahessye was kept in a bedroom closet and deprived of food and water and that she had seen her with black eyes and bruises and cuts to her face and body. She also reported that clumps of Jahessye’s hair had been pulled out. She went on to say that Jahessye did not look alive, that she looked like a zombie and that the closet where Jahessye was kept looked like a grave and smelled like dead people.
The sister said that a few days before Jahessye was reported missing Jerice spent the entire day cleaning the apartment and cleaning her shoes from the closet with soap and bleach. The police found a receipt that showed Jerice bought a bottle of bleach two days before she reported Jahessye missing. Jerice was arrested for child abuse on November 21. She has since been released and has not been charged with Jahessye’s disappearance.
This case oozes deferred responsibility. It wasn’t Jerice Hunter’s fault that she tortured and abused her kids: after all, that’s how she was treated when she was a child. It’s not Phoenix PD’s fault that Jahessye was returned to her mother because children belong with their parents. California CPS wasn’t responsible for actions that took place in Arizona, and Arizona CPS couldn’t prove abuse despite numerous complaints and repeated reports documenting Jerice’s sad and sordid history with children.
Yeah, I don't feel sorry for her, either.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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this ho is beneath contempt. disgusting. a breeding welfare sow.
GLENDALE, AZ (CBS5) - March 26
Friday marked week seven in the search for the body of 5-year-old Jhessye Shockley who Glendale police believe was killed and placed in the trash.
Meanwhile, family members have confirmed with CBS-5 News that Jerice Hunter, Jhessye's mother, is pregnant.
Hunter's four other children are in state custody. Three were taken by Child Protective Services the night of October 11, 2011, when Jhessye was reported missing. Hunter then gave birth two weeks after that, CPS took custody of the baby shortly after she was born.
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Who the hell would fuck this abusive nigger cunt? Unbelievable!
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(03-26-2012, 04:49 PM)Sterling Wrote: Who the hell would fuck this abusive nigger cunt? Unbelievable!
There is always someone who will fuck anything no matter how disgusting someone is. I hope this baby never hears of the monster age was born too
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.