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[/b][/i] Why are so many people trying to make the father and step mother out as bad people. I don't think they were bad people. Just because they went to a little league game and left the 12 and 8 year old home alone? big deal. I used to have to baby sit my little brother and sister when I was 12. Maybe the other 2 did not like sports. Why force them to go along.
As to why the brother may have killed her? Who knows, maybe he did have some mental issues. Maybe he was clever enough to hide them I mean after all he was clever enough to keep the police searching for someone who did not exist for 2 weeks. Maybe any mental issues were just starting to surface and the parents assumed it was part of puberty. I have a feeling that he was probably molesting her and she threatened to tell her father and he had to stop her. They were searching the lakes incase the guy that the boy claimed he seen tried to dispose of the weapon.
As for people asking how they can afford an attorney. Wouldn't you do whatever you had to do if someone you loved needed something. If your loved one needed an attorney wouldn't you do what you had to do come up with the money? I know I would.
Also, You can all say how dysfunctional the family is but you don't know. I don't know. they could be the most normal family you ever met. It doesn't matter how dysfunctional they are as long as they were all happy and loved each other. Don't judge people on what you think unless you know them personally.
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(05-19-2013, 12:02 AM)lady love Wrote: Also, You can all say how dysfunctional the family is but you don't know. I don't know. they could be the most normal family you ever met. It doesn't matter how dysfunctional they are as long as they were all happy and loved each other. Don't judge people on what you think unless you know them personally.
Perhaps you might be able to cite several examples demonstrating this family's normalcy?
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lady love,
For some of us, including myself, a home with that many children with so many different sets of parents (some estranged) is outside of the norm. I haven't seen anyone suggest that because it's not a 1950s nuclear family that it's dysfunctional. Instead, the living circumstances in this case are exceptional to most.
Add to that the fact that a 12 year old child is accused of stabbing to death his 8 year old sister in that household, and it's reasonable to speculate that there was dysfunctionality beyond the norm.
Having said that, there's no way to know if Isaiah would have turned out any differently in a different environment and we don't know what made him do it, assuming he did (which is very likely, to me). Until we find out the reason (if we ever do) exploring the possible factors contributing to the crime is one of the things we do here. One such factor is his family life and influences, often a significant factor.
Like BlueTiki, I'd be interested in hearing what factors lead you to believe that the family situation could be considered normal. Also, why you think speculating that the 12 year old suspect was molesting his sister is any less presumptuous than speculating that the family life was dysfunctional.
P.s. If you leave the color of the font at the standard setting (or change the font to a light color) it's easier to read against the black background.
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My problem with the parents in part is how they've conducted themselves since their daughter was murdered. There were no public cries for help finding her killer, no publicized statements (that I saw) of shock and wild grief for their daughter. In fact, early on, if I recall correctly, the only public statement they made was an announcement through their attorney that they were setting up a memorial fund.
Put it this way, their behavior to date seems to indicate to me that they knew pretty early on that the 12 year old had done it. That's just my opinion but I'm hoping we learn more as this progresses.
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Barney Fowler has relationship issues. Crystal, aka Krystle, may as well face the facts now. All that pillow talk about being the real Mom to his kids ain't going to last. The man still has a few decades of baby mommas in his future.
Priscilla knows more than Crystal, I'm sure.
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I would like to state that in LEGAL documents it states that the COURT enforced Mr. Fowler to obtain employment. THIS IS only stated when the actually individual is NOT working. THE COURT would not stated that he was NOT WORKING last year if he in fact was, THIS is where the comment came from on my part. LEGAL DOCUMENTS.
As for now, I am under the impression he has employment. Of course he would know, he was forced to by the court.
As for the family being "NORMAL", I have to ask WHAT IS THE DEFINITION of a "NORMAL FAMILY"? I don't think there is a correct definition for this.
This family has issues, YES, I am sure they do. They have SEVERAL kids at SEVERAL different ages and SEVERAL DIFFERENT mothers. (pursuant to Mr. Fowler)
Okay all that being said, haha, I do not think this is about Mr. Fowler Or this "Step Mom". IT is about this 12 year old child who felt the need to kill his Biological sister.
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(05-20-2013, 11:07 AM)LytoMe Wrote: ... haha, I do not think this is about Mr. Fowler Or this "Step Mom". IT is about this 12 year old child who felt the need to kill his Biological sister.
But, if dad is an angry man that uses intimidation to control those around him, a bully one may say, then the twelve-year-old son may have some hope of changing. Or rehabilitation in the juvenile justice system, if adjudicated to be a delinquent and made a ward of the court for the next decade, or so.
Was this twelve-year-old a born killer, or was anger and frustration bred into him thru the years of being subjected to the influence of his father. And did he take that frustration and anger out on his little sister?
Barney seems to be real into baseball. Was Isiah interested in playing ball? If not, did his dad see that as a failure? The measure of a man?
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(05-20-2013, 12:32 PM)Adub Wrote: (05-20-2013, 11:07 AM)LytoMe Wrote: ... haha, I do not think this is about Mr. Fowler Or this "Step Mom". IT is about this 12 year old child who felt the need to kill his Biological sister.
But, if dad is an angry man that uses intimidation to control those around him, a bully one may say, then the twelve-year-old son may have some hope of changing. Or rehabilitation in the juvenile justice system, if adjudicated to be a delinquent and made a ward of the court for the next decade, or so.
Was this twelve-year-old a born killer, or was anger and frustration bred into him thru the years of being subjected to the influence of his father. And did he take that frustration and anger out on his little sister?
Barney seems to be real into baseball. Was Isiah interested in playing ball? If not, did his dad see that as a failure? The measure of a man?
There are so many questions, very few answers. Sadly enough.
If you look at the pictures of the memorial, or video. NOW that we know it was the brother. Watch him, his facial reactions, his interactions. THAT is the biggest key to any investigation. The memorial and how murderers act at them. Statistics show that if it is indeed a family member or someone that knows the person. They are always in attendance.
Also wanted to mention something that was said earlier with law enforcement looking in the lake/pond area. It has NOT been said why they were there or what they were looking for, so as of right now its all speculation.
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Sorry I did not realize I had the color set to blue. I really don't know why everyone is turning this into a witch hunt on the Fowlers. The only important thing is that their child was murdered and that their son may have done it.
I don't care what you people all call the "norm" who decides what the norm is? Just because you raise your family one way or you believe in something don't mean that everyone has to be the same. Maybe I call my family the norm. My mother had 3 kids and all three had different fathers. She married a man with 1 kid from another wife and then they had a baby together. We all got along, yes it took some adjusting but we were a happy normal family. The "norms" have changed over the years.
How can anyone judge the Fowlers by the way they act during this time. It is easy for us all to sit there and say "I would be doing this" or "I would never do that" truth is unless it has happened to you you cannot really say how you would react if this had happened to you. Havent you ever practiced what you were going to say to someone that you were angry with and then when the time came you didn't say any of what you practiced and not came across the way you thought you wanted to? I know I have. So you can all say you would be doing this but until you are in their shoes you cant really know if you would or not. Maybe they were to heart broken to publicly demand that this guy get caught
You know maybe the Fowler parents want to break down and scream and demand this and that or just fall to pieces. Maybe the feel they have to be strong to help their other kids, just maybe they are putting their kids well being ahead of their own.
Who are we to say they are dysfunctional. If they all love each other isn't that all that matters? We don't know that anyone was being neglected or abused or going to bed hungry, we just speculate. A family can be many different people that love each other and that's what I think this family could of been.
As for saying that she might have been molested by the 12 year old brother, just like everything everyone else is saying here its just a guess. I guess it because I have heard people saying that he was very protective of his sister and that they were always close. Could be because she was the closest to him in age or was he always close to her and looked out for her so that he could keep her from telling something on him. Yes that is my speculation. I have heard people say that the boy took a knife to school (I don't know if its true or not) but they say that should of proved he had mental problems. There are many kids who have tried to take things to school. Yes some of them actually meant to harm someone but many just wanted to take something like that to school. We don't know the reason why.
So what if they had an attorney ask for donations. How do we know that they told him to ask? I have seen many times in my area where donations are set up for someone within an hour of something happening.
I think that unless we were in the house with them or know them personally none of use have any right to judge or accuse any of them of anything. Unless you have seen this family together no one has the right to say they were beyond the norm. All that should matter is that they loved all their kids and they treated their kids right. Believe it or not it is possible for half brothers and sisters and step brothers and sisters to love each other.
I have seen Crystal Walters facebook before she deleted it. I have seen comments from people last year telling her that she was more of a mother to the kids then their real mother ever was. I have been on a tribute site to Leila where there are friends of the family talking about her and the rest of the family. They have kids that went to school with the boy and they said he was always nice and smiling when they seen him and that he was always looking out for Leila.
Now the news says that he may have been into animal mutilation. Yes that could of been a sign that he was suffering mental issues but at the same time it could of been a normal part of puberty or growing up. Can anyone say they have never done anything mean to an animal? My brothers used to do that and I am not saying its right to do but they never turned into killers or hurt anyone or never had mental issues. They grew up to have happy normal families. Hell even I once treated a cat badly just to see what it was like.
We just all need to stop playing arm chair psychologist and show the family some respect. If you were in their place would you want people doing this to you?
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Perhaps you might be able to cite several examples demonstrating this family's normalcy?
Can you cite any examples demonstrating this families abnormalcy? Other then things you have heard from people who claim they read this and that? As far as I am concerned is that as long as they loved each other and their children are cared for that anything else don't matter. A family can be made up of many different types of people but all that matters is that they are still a family no matter what.
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(05-20-2013, 01:21 PM)lady love Wrote: We just all need to stop playing arm chair psychologist and show the family some respect. If you were in their place would you want people doing this to you?
Welcome to Mock, lady love. Thank you for your replies.
We don't need to stop speculating or playing arm chair psychologists.
You are free to continue with your speculation and arm chair analysis here at Mock, as are all Mock Members. Differences of opinion regarding the case and how people view the crime, the suspects, the victims, and other related factors are not discouraged at Mock.
Please read the "Rules in the Crime Block".
As long as members here label speculation and opinion as such and follow the minimal guidelines, discussion about any elements related to crime is not restricted here.
Regarding "norm" and "dysfunctional", I agree that those terms will have different meanings to different people. Again, that's not a problem here. Thank you for sharing yours.
P.s. It would be appreciated if you'd start a thread to introduce yourself. You can do so here:
Click "New Topic" at the top right to start the thread.
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Lady Love, I'm glad you're joining in the conversation. We DEFINITELY do a lot of speculating here knowing that it's just that. We speculate away and then wait for real answers from LE and the judicial process.
You're absolutely entitled to your opinion and you may be right. Maybe the parents are innocent in this whole tragedy. Time will tell.
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(05-20-2013, 12:32 PM)Adub Wrote: (05-20-2013, 11:07 AM)LytoMe Wrote: ... haha, I do not think this is about Mr. Fowler Or this "Step Mom". IT is about this 12 year old child who felt the need to kill his Biological sister.
But, if dad is an angry man that uses intimidation to control those around him, a bully one may say, then the twelve-year-old son may have some hope of changing. Or rehabilitation in the juvenile justice system, if adjudicated to be a delinquent and made a ward of the court for the next decade, or so.
Was this twelve-year-old a born killer, or was anger and frustration bred into him thru the years of being subjected to the influence of his father. And did he take that frustration and anger out on his little sister?
Barney seems to be real into baseball. Was Isiah interested in playing ball? If not, did his dad see that as a failure? The measure of a man?
I don't think he seen his Isiah as a failure. I think he wanted this son to be into baseball the way he was he would of forced the boy to attend the little league game. Keep in mind that this is my opinion and not what I am saying is fact.
I don't think the boy was a born killer. I have read comments from kids that went to school with him that say he was always nice and always smiling. He could have had everyone fooled if he had any mental issues. He could of simply snapped on April 27 th, he could of felt the need to silence his sister about something. Or he could of just got angry and went out of control. Maybe he was upset about something completely unrelated and poor little Leila just happened to say something or do something that sent him into a rage.
Unless we were in the house no one may ever find out what really happened on that day.
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My opinion is that they are a bunch of whackos.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(05-20-2013, 01:37 PM)username Wrote: Lady Love, I'm glad you're joining in the conversation. We DEFINITELY do a lot of speculating here knowing that it's just that. We speculate away and then wait for real answers from LE and the judicial process.
You're absolutely entitled to your opinion and you may be right. Maybe the parents are innocent in this whole tragedy. Time will tell.
LOL so this is like a wanna be CSI site or Law and Order? I am sorry I misunderstood the intentions of this site. You are right everyone is entitled to their opinions and no matter what anyone says everyone will try to speculate what happened and how it happened until the real truth is announced.
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(05-20-2013, 01:44 PM)Maggot Wrote: My opinion is that they are a bunch of whackos.
I think that the obvious was stated in the court docs concerning child support.
Now will this twelve-year-old be amendable to rehabilitation? Or not? If adjudicated by the courts to being delinquent and made a ward of the court for the next decade or so? That is my only concern. At this point. The family will be able to provide invaluable input, if honest, and willing to put their egos aside.
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(05-20-2013, 01:26 PM)lady love Wrote: Can you cite any examples demonstrating this families abnormalcy? Other then things you have heard from people who claim they read this and that?
(05-20-2013, 01:38 PM)lady love Wrote: I have read comments from kids that went to school with him that say he was always nice and always smiling.
It's odd one moment you condemn citations gleaned from "reading" and then, you, offer an example from something you read.
Bottom line: You couldn't cite ANY example of normalcy. That's sad . . . I could think of at least five.
I'll be courteous and give you an example of what I consider outside of the "norm".
Coming home and finding a child murdered and the other, who was responsible for her care, unscathed.
Here's a few more:
1.) Fathering additional children while being unable to provide for previously sired offspring.
2.) Step Mom not knowing the age of a child or identifying them by name. . . especially when she wants to be identified as "Mother".
3.) Not immediately rushing home after learning that an alleged intruder caused so much terror, that a 12 year old has locked himself in a bathroom and the daughter's whereabouts and condition is unknown.
4.) Sponging off a woman who isn't your spouse.
I apologize if the preceding occur with regularity in your neighborhood.
It ain't the norm in my little slice of heaven.
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(05-20-2013, 01:50 PM)lady love Wrote: LOL so this is like a wanna be CSI site or Law and Order?
Ha! No. The crime forum is just one of almost 20 forums in Mock.
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(05-20-2013, 02:48 PM)Duchess Wrote: (05-20-2013, 01:50 PM)lady love Wrote: LOL so this is like a wanna be CSI site or Law and Order?
Ha! No. The crime forum is just one of almost 20 forums in Mock.
We are too a real crime site!
We are CSI: Mock.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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(05-20-2013, 03:24 PM)ramseycat Wrote: We are too a real crime site!
We are CSI: Mock.

Really wish I could have made that say MOCK Vice.