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(12-02-2014, 10:23 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: You can choose to keep that pretty head of yours in the sand.
I won't be offended in the least.
The ability and desire to see things from different angles, both of which you sorely lack, is not equivalent to having one's head in the sand.
But, you can keep that hypocritical, sanctimonious, arrogant head of yours firmly planted up your ass.
I won't be surprised in the least.
P.s. I said that you disgust me, not that you disappoint me.
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(12-02-2014, 10:26 AM)Duchess Wrote: Wow, just wow.
He's fucking 100% serious, too.
Jesus Christ.
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(12-02-2014, 10:58 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: He's fucking 100% serious, too.
I know & I don't know how to respond to it because I can't take it seriously, not even a little bit. It feels like a joke to me even knowing that it's not and then he had the amazing audacity to accuse you have having your head in the sand.
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Attention: Earth To Morons, Earth To Morons (you know who you are):
The shame that a kid can't run around the city playing with his toy gun? Maggot, i'm surprised at this statement.
He's outside of a community Rec Center, alone, with no friends, brandishing a real looking gun at people that pass by. Talk about the potential for harm.
He's not playing cops and robbers as some here have contended.
He's not with his buddies. A person wouldn't call 911 if they thought this was some harmless kid. He apparently looked like an adult to the caller and the cops obviously didn't think he was some "little kid" when they rolled up on him.
In finishing, I appreciate you fine folks removing your heads from the sand long enough to read this very important message.
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Kids used to run around playing cops and robbers it was a fun game and everyone had a blast.
I can see the fear someone might have seeing a kid with a gun today, with all the stories of kids shooting people with the guns they find next to the ice cream it makes sense. I would think twice before approaching the kid and would probably throw a chair or a rock or something at him to divert his attention.
Bottom line is don't let your child run amuck with a toy that looks like a real gun. Adults should be smarter but many parents are stupid and let their children do whatever they want so they can watch Oprah in peace. Lazy fucks. This is the result. It is not the officers fault.
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(12-02-2014, 11:23 AM)Duchess Wrote: (12-02-2014, 10:58 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: He's fucking 100% serious, too. I know & I don't know how to respond to it because I can't take it seriously, not even a little bit. It feels like a joke to me even knowing that it's not and then he had the amazing audacity to accuse you have having your head in the sand.
Well, I do like to look at things from all angles and consider all sides before forming a firm opinion.
So.....consider this: Maybe MS is right?
Maybe Christ didn't find Tamir Rice worthy of intervention or saving. In which case, any true Christian would feel blessed that a 12-year-old had his stomach and intestines shot out, laid bleeding in pain without assistance in the park, and died several hours later in a hospital bed when his body and brain shut down completely. The kid deserved it; he was from a poor ghetto family and he WAS playing with a fake gun in the public park after all! Christ had no love or hope for Tamir Rice and apathetically disowned one of God's children. Such is the word of the Lord (according to the gospel of MS). Amen.
Maybe Christ had planned to intervene and save Tamir Rice from his pitiful worthless existence, but Christ was too busy answering more worthy calls from some bigoted, middle-aged, suburban dipshit praying for the strength to keep his mind and fingers from succumbing to sinful sexting temptation, again. Christ has his priorities after all.
Maybe MS is wrong and has no business speaking for Christ or painting Christ in his image. Maybe MS has a very distorted, bastardized, self-serving concept of Christianity and he's completely full of shit.
Having looked at it from all angles and considered all sides, I'd bet it all on the latter --were I a betting woman.
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(12-02-2014, 12:15 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Maybe MS has a very distorted, bastardized, self-serving concept of Christianity and he's completely full of shit.
We have a winnah. Here's your trophy. Hoist it with pride.
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(12-02-2014, 12:03 PM)Maggot Wrote: It is not the officers fault.
You may well be right. The officers may have been justified in killing Tamir Rice, even though he undoubtedly did not represent a threat to their lives. I'm gonna wait to see what the investigation uncovers.
In the meantime, do you agree with MS that it is the child's fault, that the child deserved to die, and that society is better off because 12-year-old Tamir Rice was fatally shot by police officers in the park? Is that what Christ tells you too, Maggot?
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I cannot believe he brought Jesus Christ into this. 
Well...yes, I can but still...
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(12-02-2014, 12:28 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I cannot believe he brought Jesus Christ into this. 
Well...yes, I can but still...
Hey Moron, go back and re-read.
HotD brought him in, and I humored her by 'speaking' for him.
My exact words were, "Christ would not want to see him die."
Holy hell, some stupid MoFo's around here.
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(12-02-2014, 12:35 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I humored her by 'speaking' for him.
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(12-02-2014, 12:26 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: (12-02-2014, 12:03 PM)Maggot Wrote: It is not the officers fault.
You may well be right. The officers may have been justified in killing Tamir Rice, even though he undoubtedly did not represent a threat to their lives. I'm gonna wait to see what the investigation uncovers.
In the meantime, do you agree with MS that it is the child's fault, that the child deserved to die, and that society is better off because 12-year-old Tamir Rice was fatally shot by police officers in the park? Is that what Christ tells you too, Maggot?
I blame it on the adult that should have been around somewhere at least checking on the kid from time to time. At 12 yrs old do you think the child is OK to be running around going bang-bang at Christ knows what or who? I don't blame society or religious objectivity. I place the blame squarely on the watchers shoulders.
Blaming the police is a cop out and easily done when the finger should be pointed back at the truly guilty, but that would be hard it seems.
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(12-02-2014, 12:35 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: HotD brought him in, and I humored her by 'speaking' for him.
My exact words were, "Christ would not want to see him die."
Holy hell, some stupid MoFo's around here.
Try again, dipshit.
I said your words didn't reflect my perception of a supposed good Christian and loving father. I did not bring Christ into it.
You responded by telling us how Christ thinks and acts. You said: While Christ would not want to see this boy dead, he certainly would understand the circumstances. He would've intervened long before that fateful day, giving the boy guidance as to WHAT and WHAT NOT will get you killed.
So, Christ-whisperer, why do you think Christ didn't intervene? And, why (according to you) would Christ be apathetic to the fatal shooting of one of God's children even though Christ wouldn't explicitly want to see the boy dead?
Since you did indeed bring Christ into it by speaking for Christ, why not speak for yourself and respond to the second part of my statement about you as a loving father. Explain to me why Tamir Rice had less right to grow up and have a future than your son? Do you contend that your son is more worthy and, by default, has more potential than did Tamir Rice?
Before you answer, take a minute to get your bearings and remind yourself that I am not blaming the officers or anyone else. I have questions that can't be answered yet. And, it's quite possible to me that this was a tragedy of circumstances with many contributing factors. It happens. I don't have to find some way to vilify the dead boy in order not to blame the officers. My questions to you are solely focused on your insistence that Tamir Rice's death is a benefit to society -- a cleansing of the gene pool, per Darwin.
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Christ-whisperer. Hahaha! Dying here.
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(12-02-2014, 12:50 PM)Maggot Wrote: I blame it on the adult that should have been around somewhere at least checking on the kid from time to time. At 12 yrs old do you think the child is OK to be running around going bang-bang at Christ knows what or who? I don't blame society or religious objectivity. I place the blame squarely on the watchers shoulders.
Blaming the police is a cop out and easily done when the finger should be pointed back at the truly guilty, but that would be hard it seems.
So, you disagree with MS's insistence that society won when Tamir Rice was fatally shot to death by police officers. Is that right, Maggot?
In response to your question: I saw the child playing. I don't know what scenario was in his mind when he was tooling around bang banging with a fake gun; neither do you.
Regardless of what was in his mind, Tamir didn't shoot or hurt anyone while playing with his fake gun in the park and he was fatally shot because officers mistakenly thought he posed a threat to their lives. I can understand how that could happen without the officers being to blame. I've said that since post 1 in this thread and, since the investigation is still underway and no new evidence is available, my stance has not changed.
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Does Christ intervene when innocents are beheaded in the middle east or when a busload of Kenyans is stopped and slaughtered because they're Christian?
No He does not.
I don't have any answers about intervention.
Above, Maggot repeated my first sentiments on this topic: the parents should have taught this boy better. However, maybe they did, and he decided to do his own thing anyway.
Maybe he idolized the gangbanger lifestyle? Maybe that was his way out of the hood? Maybe not, but maybe yes. If he did want to be a banger, then it may be fair to say that at some point he would become a criminal. That's a huge jump on my part, but very well could be true.
As for my kids, while I'm still alive they will learn right-from-wrong behavior, personal responsibility and compassion for their fellow human beings.
I personally am saddened/shocked that neither of those cops rendered aid to that boy. He did not deserve to die like that.
Those cops should face something for their neglect.
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I thought there was a video. And I wonder how long it took for the watcher to come screaming around the corner wondering what the shooting was about. If indeed there was one.
Or lets play "what if"
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(12-02-2014, 01:10 PM)Maggot Wrote: I thought there was a video. And I wonder how long it took for the watcher to come screaming around the corner wondering what the shooting was about. If indeed there was one.
Or lets play "what if"
Watch the video and listen to the 911 call. No shots fired by Tamir. No claims of shots being fired by Tamir or claims that Tamir had hurt anybody.
A 911 report was taken whereby a caller said there was a male in the park, who might have been a juvenile, pulling what was probably a fake pistol in and out of his pants and it was scaring people.
No "what ifs" there. Them's the facts, Maggot.
AGAIN, I understand why the officers would need to assume that the gun was real and I can see how this might be a justified shooting.
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Have you done the ice bucket challenge? Because I'd love to help you with that.
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The parents have some responsibility but I don't know a thing about the family. Maybe they're both hard working adults and the kid doesn't have constant after school supervision. At 12, that wouldn't be unheard of. Maybe the kid wasn't a genius and used REALLY BAD judgment...for that, he bears some responsibility.
However, I'd put a big, fat double dose of responsibility on the stupid dispatcher and the way the police approached this. I can't imagine that it's proper police procedure to fire on someone while practically on top of them and simultaneously telling them to "drop their weapon". Had that kid had ten seconds and a few feet of room, he may well have been able to process their request and drop the stupid thing. Two seconds...and they didn't even bother attempting CPR on him. Fuckers. I don't feel any sympathy for them.
My son and his friends were in to airsoft guns when he was around 11. They used to meet up in the hills around here and shoot the hell out of each other. The only thing I insisted on was that my kid (or any kid I saw going to participate) wear goggles. Still one kid got shot in the cheek and cried like a baby. His mom came over and sadly told me her son was no longer allowed to play with the airsoft guns. Good times/good memories.  I guess I'm a bad parent.