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(02-05-2015, 10:05 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Obama does nothing but bow to Muslim leaders (look at the pics) and take potshots at his own country.
To compare the Crusades which ended 700+ years ago to today's IS is treasonous. The Crusades were in response to Islamic violence (see a trend?) whereas IS is slaughtering innocents in the name of Mohammed.
In the New Testament you won't find one reference to Jesus telling his followers to kill non-believers. In fact he says "Love your enemy."
However, what does the Koran say on many occasions? You got it: Kill the infidel if he does not become a Muslim.
I hope there's enough outrage in the Muslim world over the killing of the Pilot that they commit 100% to wiping these scum from the face of the earth.
And Obama should be mocked and ridiculed until the end of his presidency for being such a fucking wimp.
I am sick and tired of you, Maggot and the rest of the Obama bashers. Yes, you are entitled to your opinions, but you blame him for everything and the whining gets real old considering he won the election twice. Guess who started this mess, George W. Bush, but I like to think that i am not the kind to whine and moan about the past mistakes of administrations.
Give it a rest and back up some of your rhetoric with facts. If you were surrounded by advisers as to what is a recommended action, what would you do and why don't you try to be part of the solution, instead of this constant bashing of Obama. What would you do if you were in Obama's situation? A few years ago, we wanted all of our troops out of the mid-east. Now you want the U.S. to bomb everyone which would include innocents over there just as long as it isn't on U.S. soil. We always stick our nose in the business of this earth....maybe caution is called for....just maybe, we should allow the mid-east to deal with these crazy fanatical killers by the "real" Muslims. We will support those countries, of course, but why do we have to be number one on the list to fight back. .Yeah, we hate what they do, but maybe, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, will unite to destroy these shits who are cowards and hide behind their religion. I also would like to hear from someone who lost someone in the wars in the mid-east....many US lives have been lost and, in my opinion, it was due to false intelligence, which engaged the U.S. in this war which, apparently will never end, and according to some of you, it is all Obama's fault. Christ on a Crutch, get real.........George W. Bush started this fucking deal with it.... We need to get back to a "United States" and quit bickering and pointing fingers and blaming Obama for damn near everything under the sun. It solves absolutely nothing and makes us the laughing stock of the entire world. I would like one Obama basher to specifically list how Obama has negatively affected your lifestyle as compared to when Mr. Bush was President. Be specific and provide sources of information. I especially take issue with your calling the President "a wimp."
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(02-05-2015, 09:55 PM)Maggot Wrote: Ya know,,,,,,,,,,,The Christians did tons of damage 4-500 years ago right?
President Barack Obama stirred outraged with his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, comparing the atrocities committed by ISIS to those of Christians "in the name of Christ."
"Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."
"So it is not unique to one group or one religion," Obama said. "There is a tendency in us, a simple tendency that can pervert and distort ou
Let us compare the crusades and Inquisition with todays modern terrorist.
Thank God for automatic weapons. These guys need to be wiped out.
My Flash Player doesn't work half the time so couldn't watch video but for 2 minutes. When I see that it is Pat Buchanan, it is no surprise to see negative comments....Fact is there have been religious wars since beginning of time, and this was a "Prayer" breakfast, so he gave his views of religion. Why is everything he says, so repugnant to you? I cringed every time George W. Bush spoke and it was hard to respect him, after he started a war that he couldn't finish because of faulty intelligence, but I didn't go on the internet and bad mouth, insult him, disrespect him, etc. I said nothing except to close friends. I was taught to respect the office of the United States Presidency. How do you think we can improve our Nation's many problems if we don't work together. Some people care more about party affiliations, than actually resolving our problems together as one nation. I haven't seem much hate spewed on MOCK, and I do sincerely care about most of you, but I just don't think calling the President names is the way to problem resolution. You all make me laugh and bring joy to my life (that may a bit exaggerated)....but I get my dander up when you start with the name calling.
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Did Blueberry just say .... fucking? Awesome!
And yes, she is right. All this "Let's go over there and kick them in their nuts!" did nothing but start this whole mess.
(02-05-2015, 10:05 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: To compare the Crusades which ended 700+ years ago to today's IS is treasonous. The Crusades were in response to Islamic violence (see a trend?) whereas IS is slaughtering innocents in the name of Mohammed.
In the New Testament you won't find one reference to Jesus telling his followers to kill non-believers. In fact he says "Love your enemy."
However, what does the Koran say on many occasions? You got it: Kill the infidel if he does not become a Muslim.
I hope there's enough outrage in the Muslim world over the killing of the Pilot that they commit 100% to wiping these scum from the face of the earth.
And Obama should be mocked and ridiculed until the end of his presidency for being such a fucking wimp.
No, the Crusades were not because of Muslim violence, they didn't have You Tube or Handycams yet that time so nobody really knew what the heck exactly went on all the way over there, but was simply politics. After the Christian Pope that time was told they got some WMD's over there, he send in his troops to .... well, kick them in the nuts. Sounds familiar? After quite a few years they had to give up and bring the left over troops back who obviously had enough of Hummus and Babaganoush. Deja Vu?
Obviously a lot of people in Europe felt a bit awkward that the Arabs actually brought some civilization into the otherwise ridiculously dirty and barbaric Europe. Mathematics, medicine, nice buildings, and so on, so of course they wanted to show who the real boss is after letting them stay and rule Andalusia, or Spain, for 700 years, hence making sure the Latina chicks look like Shakira and that chick from Modern Family.
Now comparing the atrocities of Christian times to today is a bit silly for sure, but then again, those guys maybe believe they are in the dark ages. We had the Witch Hunts, the Inquisition, Robert de Niro in The Mission, and so many of the Christians being fed to Lions that it makes one wonder if it is simply not only Human Nature. We love to fuck each other in the most entertaining ways. Especially if we are from different .... well, different anything really. Skin colour, countries, believes, a liking for Foie Gras or not, and so on and on.
You see, if a drone takes out a wedding party, you have all those charred bodies lying around, and a few pissed off people standing close by. Somebody here was giving a statement last time saying that a burned body reminded him of the shadows left on the wall after bombs are dropped on homes during the Iraq war. That the rubble poured over the poor guy represented the sand and rubble that was used to cover trenches full of Iraqi soldier with American bulldozers. They got their inspiration from somewhere.
Can't we just all get along? It seems not.
What I wonder so, where is Saudi Arabia in all of this? They certainly spend billions on their weapons they buy from the States, but why are they not using them? They could sure do a bit of wiping out there, especially considering they are the closest buddy of America really. But no, they are just busy sending you all their oil over, keeping the price of it down, and thereby fucking up quite a few countries in the process.
This world is sure fucked up!
Look at me, not even 8.30am yet, and after talking all this I feel like a Gin Tonic already. Horrid!
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I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack but I'm not the dimmest either and I think many people are reading way more into Obama's remarks that what is actually there. That freak Michelle Malkin is leading the charge of crazies. I read a lot of that speech and what I took from it was that people have inflicted horror on others in the name of religion since the beginning of time. I'm not defending Obama so for godssake don't read that into my comment.
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A lot of people are questioning his leadership as it pertains to the Middle East right now.
And, despite what BBH says I have not been an Obama basher during his first 6 years, but when he tried to diminish what's going on over there, today, in modern times, by comparing it with events that happened upward of a 1,000 years ago, he looks foolish and weak.
Anyone who has any sort of military background is confused by our strategy (or lack thereof) in the region.
He just sits around, puts forth the mandated soundbite exclaiming he's "mad" at the evildoers, but is he leading anything? He's the President of U.S.!!
I'm less impressed with him as each day passes.
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No, I don't think anybody is confused by your strategy. You made Saudi Arabia and plenty of others rich around here with your need for oil. In my own experience I found it absolutely astonishing to make the American experience myself. I started working with the US Department, everybody absolutely and utterly loves you while you are being of service and supply the necessary needs, the Ambassador himself walks up to you, telling you what a fabulous job you are doing and if you would have been around the times of Pearl Harbor, that shit would never have happened.
Then you walk out after 18 months and the very next day there is a sign declaring you a Persona Non Grata, surprising everybody around that all of a sudden you and your wife are like Al Qaeda affiliates. Your strategy so far was purely that out of self interest! Nothing else. You got something I want, fair enough, let's talk. You don't do what I like, fuck you! Simple as that.
All that USAID, how much we give those poor folks over there, is simply to places that have an interest to you.
Obama is doing excellent and perhaps he has understood that for the last 1000+ years, if it was the Crusades or whatever else, it needs to be the locals here to take care of shit, be it the Kurds or now Jordan, or else you, the States, will simply just end up as a scapegoat for whoever wants to call you that way, hence keep everything brewing.
Take a step back and watch what will happen. Why? What else you want here anyway? All that "change" that was started some years back here across the region has sure started to look a bit dodgy from Lybia to Egypt to Syria to fucking everywhere around here.
The second wold war didn't start with Hitler getting up one fine day in 1939 saying "Achtung, Achtung, I got this awesome stache, let's fuck up the whole world, jawohl!" No, it took quite a bit of fuck you people and time to get there. Mainly it took the rest of the countries saying "Hey, I hate Sauerkraut, fuck these Germans! Let's show them our ball busting strategy!"
Seriously, you got way more atrocities happening just across your border on a daily basis and yet you obviously don't give a fuck about Mexico? Why? Cause you can't drive your cars with Taco's?
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I don't know Mo, crucifying children, burying children alive, throwing people off buildings, stoning people and now, burning people alive.
Glad you find it so easy to just shrug that stuff off.
And I'm not saying the U.S. should necessarily lead the way here. Countries like Jordan are taking prominent roles, but Saudi Arabia is the wildcard. Sunni's like IS, it'll be difficult for them to take up arms I believe.
As President, Obama needs to be more of a leader, devising game plans, etc, because as you're aware, the history of our country DOES revolve around lending a helping hand, wherever needed.
Folks like you suggest it's merely because we're serving our interests only, and is a couple of instances it's be hard to argue.
In the case of IS, it looks like this is spreading rapidly. Most rationale, humane people can't tolerate a 'state' conducting itself in this manner.
As for Mexico, because very one loves to bring them up, they are actually improving internally. Yes, the beheadings were shocking, but we're mainly relegated to drug cartel violence against each other, not slaughtering people who don't agree with a certain ideology (IS).
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This is Kayla Jean Mueller. She's 26 and an aid worker, she's been held by ISIS for a year and a half. Today they are claiming she was killed in one of the airstrikes that Jordan has been making but every report I've read has said this is a propaganda move. No one can confirm her death.
She looks so young & innocent. Given she's held by ISIS I can't help but feel that being killed by a bomb might be the better way to check out. 
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(02-06-2015, 07:15 PM)Duchess Wrote:
This is Kayla Jean Mueller. She's 26 and an aid worker, she's been held by ISIS for a year and a half. Today they are claiming she was killed in one of the airstrikes that Jordan has been making but every report I've read has said this is a propaganda move. No one can confirm her death.
She looks so young & innocent. Given she's held by ISIS I can't help but feel that being killed by a bomb might be the better way to check out. 
![[Image: 25684A5100000578-2942966-image-a-22_1423249461058.jpg]](
I'm sure plenty of bleeding hearts will believe ISIS didn't kill her.
I guess since this is only the third AMERICAN hostage that's been killed...that's still not enough. No need for us to get involved.
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(02-06-2015, 08:08 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: (02-06-2015, 07:15 PM)Duchess Wrote:
This is Kayla Jean Mueller. She's 26 and an aid worker, she's been held by ISIS for a year and a half. Today they are claiming she was killed in one of the airstrikes that Jordan has been making but every report I've read has said this is a propaganda move. No one can confirm her death.
She looks so young & innocent. Given she's held by ISIS I can't help but feel that being killed by a bomb might be the better way to check out. 
![[Image: 25684A5100000578-2942966-image-a-22_1423249461058.jpg]](
I'm sure plenty of bleeding hearts will believe ISIS didn't kill her.
I guess since this is only the third AMERICAN hostage that's been killed...that's still not enough. No need for us to get involved.
It was my understanding that this young lady was killed (not confirmed)
during air strike by Jordan. Civilians and many innocents get killed in any air strike. I think we need to be involved in the fight against terrorism, but just think we need to do it in a calm way and not necessarily be leader of the pack this time. Leadership based on emotion is never a good thing and as angry as we all are, we don't want to become so embedded in this war which will probably never end, that we have to send our troops there to be killed and leave so many families heartbroken just as the hostages' families are suffering now. No one should have to die, but in War, they die, even the good guys....even your son, brother, uncle, neighbor, friend, etc.
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I agree with BBH and Mo. And Obama.
Calm the fuck down already and back away from the news channels for a little while.
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(02-06-2015, 08:46 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: Leadership based on emotion is never a good thing
But Obama dissed the military, MS can't help it. Go easy on him.
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Those fuckers make me feel bloodthirsty.
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(02-06-2015, 09:07 PM)crash Wrote: (02-06-2015, 08:46 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: Leadership based on emotion is never a good thing
But Obama dissed the military, MS can't help it. Go easy on him.
I'd like to see him show some backbone for a change.
Quit apologizing for America and stand up for what's right and speak out against what's wrong, without minimizing it.
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I see it the opposite way regarding his latest speech. He knew he was going to piss off a lot of people, but he spoke the truth anyway instead of bowing down to the masses and giving them what they want to hear, a bunch of bullshit.
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(02-06-2015, 03:27 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I don't know Mo, crucifying children, burying children alive, throwing people off buildings, stoning people and now, burning people alive.
Glad you find it so easy to just shrug that stuff off.
And I'm not saying the U.S. should necessarily lead the way here. Countries like Jordan are taking prominent roles, but Saudi Arabia is the wildcard. Sunni's like IS, it'll be difficult for them to take up arms I believe.
As President, Obama needs to be more of a leader, devising game plans, etc, because as you're aware, the history of our country DOES revolve around lending a helping hand, wherever needed.
Folks like you suggest it's merely because we're serving our interests only, and is a couple of instances it's be hard to argue.
In the case of IS, it looks like this is spreading rapidly. Most rationale, humane people can't tolerate a 'state' conducting itself in this manner.
As for Mexico, because very one loves to bring them up, they are actually improving internally. Yes, the beheadings were shocking, but we're mainly relegated to drug cartel violence against each other, not slaughtering people who don't agree with a certain ideology (IS).
It's a war scenario. Remember when the Russians put bombs into Barbie Dolls in Afghanistan for the kids to pick up? Or Pol Pot's guys shoving pencils thru the ears of kids who attended schools in Vietnam that time? Or maybe all those hundreds of kids that just got killed by Israel recently?
No, it's nothing to do with easy to shrug off. Why the heck are your guys ain't running thru the jungles after Boko Harram? Same thing, no?
But you can't, because that very wild card, Saudi Arabia, has got you to be their very own body guard. And they are obviously paying well. They don't have to do anything because they got you.
No, it's sure not "wherever" your help is needed and it would be very naive to think that way. Either it is financially lucrative, like the Iraq war being a massive money machine for Halliburton alone, or strategically location wise important. Hence here Yemen with the entrance to the Red Sea.
If it would be wherever your help is needed perhaps your presence would be more felt in Africa. But wait, it was. About 30 years ago in Somalia when it was about exploring all the oil fields there, leading to that famous Black Hawk incident later on. And then that's it. Much easier to deal with the Saudi's then some nut case Somali's.
My point is that if you have trouble in your neighbourhood it must be taken care of by the very neighbour's and not some wild bunch of fancy dressed Hell's Angels that ride into town everytime something happens. Why? Because those Hell's Angels will eventually leave and talk more about their local pubs back home and how much they would wish to be there instead of having to deal with these obviously manic morons here.
The Kurds kicked ass first, and it took ages for anybody coming to their assistance, and now, bless them, Jordan is on a trip. Even the UAE is getting involved and standing up, but the longest serving buddy of the States, the Saudi's, will just sit on their fat asses and giggle about it all.
And you let them.
Now saying that it is more acceptable to slaughter large amounts of people because it's drug related instead of ideology related is a bit harsh, no? To me anybody doing such, killing innocent folks for whatever reason, should be hung up by their balls for a communal pinjata session.
Anyway, am quite curious what's going to happen around these areas down the road as also here the Hooters have fully taken over the capital and we had wonderful celebrations in town last night.
All I want is a proper Chili's close by with draft Beer and jugs of Margharita's, is that so much to ask for?!
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This is actually a nice article regarding Kobane.
The fight that went on just a few steps from the Turkish border and the price that was paid. Seriously, I truly wonder who is all behind IS!
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(02-07-2015, 03:26 AM)Mohammed Wrote: I truly wonder who is all behind IS!
Kinda odd that the intelligence from so many sources are unable to discern who that is.
Whenever some new horror occurs I think of George Bush standing on the flight deck proclaiming "mission accomplished".
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I like my sons idea. "Why don't we just get rid of money?" Gotta love the reality of the the innocent.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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This makes actually a very nice read. It's 1978 and the story by a young expat girl in Tehran.
The part that got me was when it gets to those comments made by some of her party. "It needs a strong leader", "The Shah is a wimp". Sounds familiar?!