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Liquid Wrote:i wonder why sinister has to answer for him. it is pretty sad that he was turned into a chick in the joint and sinister is now the male in the relationship. bulletess Because he's not home. He's a free man untill he gets an itchy trigger finger and goes back to prison,wouldyou want to waste the little time you had hanging out with Sinister?
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Middle Finger Wrote:Is Ramsey a White woman? Well from the witness protection program picture she posted, she appears to be a white woman with an afro.
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Sinister Wrote:crash Wrote:You're even less interesting than your old lady if all you can come up with is Kangaroo and Dingo jokes... Little too close to home for ya, dog-fucker?
[user=115]Borndragon[/user] wrote: Quote:Tell us again how it was self defense or how you got away with being a badass murderer, who only had to spend a few years in the clink, getting stuck in the ass.
After dealing with this through the courts and the lawyers for almost 3 years, do you really think he is giong to waste a second of his time trying to explain Michigan's self-defense laws to a dumbulb like you?
[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote: Quote:I wouldn't get too "acclimated" douchebag, I still thinkmurdering scum like you will eventually end up back behind bars giving handjobs to the bloods and crips.
From the idiot limey fuck whose best line of self-defense is his cell phone. Go have one of your prize-winning hamsters crawl up your ass. You'll feel better.
What happened to 'When Bullet gets here you can take him on, if you dare?' Pffft.... Every time you rush to his defense, you just make him look more pathetic... as if posting a pic of his hairy posing gay ass wasn't bad enough
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Anyone got a link to her pic? I think I missed it.
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Middle Finger Wrote:Is Ramsey a White woman? Are you a Wop?
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
The Antagonist
He can't be a WOP dingbat... he was born here.
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boring topic. until the criminal returns this is a dead and boring topic. let's move on already.
Okay everyone, move along! Liquid's bored and wants the topic dropped.
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i dont want the topic dropped, but the jerkoff is not here, has made about 1 posts and this is pointless (like any thread LMPP starts).
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Liquid Wrote:i dont want the topic dropped, but the jerkoff is not here, has made about 1 posts and this is pointless (like any thread LMPP starts). I think someone else started this thread.....1 guesswho, without looking.
I did just start a pointless thread but it made me laugh, so I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time. ::dunno::
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Bullet's too concerned right now about how he's going to get the warm prison spent spunk stains off of his inner milky white thighs to peck away at a keyboard right now.
(Clorox, maybe?)
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I recommend orally administered, not topically.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Bullet's too concerned right now about how he's going to get the warm prison spent spunk stains off of his inner milky white thighs to peck away at a keyboard right now.
(Clorox, maybe?) Wow, he's got California potato chips on his legs? :shock:
[user=48]crash[/user] wrote: Quote:You're even less interesting than your old lady if all you can come up with is Kangaroo and Dingo jokes... No wonder she protected you
Hey, all I can do is work with what you give me, which isn't much.
[user=115] Borndragon[/user] wrote: Quote:So far, ********* is a lot more interesting.....
and that little motherfucker is dead.
Borndragon ~ pussy ass, reactionary shot in the dark, eh bullet?
LOL, I suppose it would depend on what you find interesting. This tells me that youare a necrophiliac. Look it up dumbass.
[user=135]Fry Guy[/user] wrote: Quote:Well there was a lot of build up and Mayhem I fail to see why you were worthy.
"This crowd is going to be easy" type statements, really mean what exactly? Face it, because Sinister let you in straight away, you have effectively become part of "this crowd". As for "easy", easy at what? Now as part of your answer try to avoid contradicting yourself in indicating that you think you are a big deal.
As for whether everyone here is dumb, no not really. So far the truly stupid are Ramseycat, D, Jackboots, Antagonist, Syberbitch and Sinister. You seem about on par with these retards. I think you will fit in well.
AS for emptying your nuts into Sinister...meh. How that is supposed to impress us I dunno. Believe it or not most of us are or have been married and many have kids, which makes it extremely likely we have had sex. Emptying your nutsack into a woman is not an unknown to the guys here.
Prison sex? That would be different, it would be completely unknown to US. However also not that interesting. Course if you want to talk about it big fella, we won't stop you, start a thread.
That's the best you got?? Really??:  :
[user=47]Liquid[/user] wrote: Quote:AT LEAST he already knows in ONE DAY how to quote multiple people in one post. SinCUNTer still can't do that and she is supposed to be a mod.
[user=93]sally[/user] wrote: Quote:[user=164]Mayhem[/user] wrote: Quote:[user=93]sally[/user] wrote: It was probally just Sinister typing that for him, it sounded just like her. I doubt the first thing on Bullet's agenda is to come here and take us all on ::rollseyes::, thats why shelocked the thread after the first post. Bullet hasother things to do, like ride his honda to the club house N'shit.
Quote:[user=164]Mayhem[/user] wrote:
She doesn't need to type for me. I can hunt n' peck pretty good, thank you. We do sound alike, and I'll take that as a compliment, since she is brilliant. And you're right, my agenda doesn't include takin' you on first thing. That's too easy to be a priority.
It looks like you are the one with the brains in the relationship and that's not saying much.My post flew right overSinister's stoned head and shetook it as an insult, you took it as a compliment which is what it was meant to be. Nice to see you're not a homonal cantankerous bitch like your wife ::thumbs::
Wow, 2 compliments in a row. This place is getting soft. But I'll take it....thanks.
[user=1]Middle Finger[/user] wrote: Quote:Who cares if someone takes it as an insult. Insulting people is what we do. Sheesh ...
That's why I'm here. It's all in fun. Now fuck off.::fu::
[user=115]Borndragon[/user] wrote: Quote:Was it proven that the 20 year old ******, was even the shooter of Chris's poor little ankle that July 1st, Mayhem? or just an innocent bystander in that darkened window you decided to blindly pop a cap through?
It's a bum beef when you blindly shoot and didn't even realize you'd hit anything until the cops come knocking down your door a few days later.
Tell us again how it was self defense or how you got away with being a badass murderer, who only had to spend a few years in the clink, getting stuck in the ass.
Yet, I'm sure for a punk, such as yourself, you feel it was a small price to pay, when you're so hardcore.
Borndragon ~ one scary motherfucker, indeed.
Again; this thread has been edited to remove real names in accordance with the law in Michigan.
Damn, omitting some evidence, making the rest fit your agenda, and just plain making shit up ( what window?);are you a cop too? Maybe a prosecutor? It's obvious that you don't really believe the crap you're spewing because if you really thought I was a murderer you would be too much of a pussy to call me on it. But I tell ya what, pick the time and place and I'll show you how I defended myself. (Not a real life threat, don't want to get booted already.....not worth the ammo)
[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote: Quote:[user=164]Mayhem[/user] wrote: Quote:Thanks for the welcome. I've been too busy to spend a whole lot of time here, getting acclimated to the outside. I don't have the time, or desire to respond to each thread individually, so scroll down and maybe I've graced you with a reply.
I wouldn't get too "acclimated" douchebag, I still thinkmurdering scum like you will eventually end up back behind bars giving handjobs to the bloods and crips.
Only homicidal maniacs brag about shooting someone you sick, twisted, fuck.
You have my sympathies though banging away at sinisters roly poly ass, bet that pussy isn't quite tight enough anymore is it?, I bet you got too "acclimated" pumping hairy male anus in jail before you drifted off to sleep reading your copy of Mein kampf.
LMAO, too prison sex jokes. Too dim to do any better?? And yes, I am a sick, twisted, fuck. Congrats on grasping the obvious.
[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote: Quote:[user=7]Sinister[/user] wrote: Quote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote: Quote:I wouldn't get too "acclimated" douchebag, I still thinkmurdering scum like you will eventually end up back behind bars giving handjobs to the bloods and crips.
From the idiot limey fuck whose best line of self-defense is his cell phone. Go have one of your prize-winning hamsters crawl up your ass. You'll feel better.
I was talking to the bald, murdering organ grinder not the one eyed, fat,drunkenmonkey.
[user=47]Liquid[/user] wrote: Quote:i dont want the topic dropped, but the jerkoff is not here, has made about 1 posts and this is pointless (like any thread LMPP starts).
OK, the jerkoff is back...sorry I don't post as much as you'd like, but I have a real life that's not consumed by a forum, and I don't need to waste a lot of time with fuckwits like youwho havethe personality of a venereal disease.
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[user=164]Mayhem[/user] wrote: Quote: It's obvious that you don't really believe the crap you're spewing because if you really thought I was a murderer you would be too much of a pussy to call me on it.
How dare I, stand up to the Mighty Mayhem...of course I don't believe you're some badass murderer, when plainly you're a bitchass, twitchy punk How's it feel knowing you killed a 20 year old kid due to the fact that you flexed your ass cheeks when someone threw a rock?
Quote:But I tell ya what, pick the time and place and I'll show you how I defended myself
Well, first you'd take off your glasses.....
Borndragon ~ Sinister....Stop playin'
Once again, this thread has been edited to remove real names. I will continue to edit or remove posts that break the law for as long as this bullshit continues. If I have to keep warning you, you will be sent back to the newbie toilet.
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Mayhem Wrote:That's the best you got?? Really??: : Really no. You have an idea that I think you are worth learning about and putting effort into.
I will sum up what I know about you and this is really not that impressive or exciting to me.
You are Sinister's other half - Whatever. Most of us have a significant other. I think she is a retard of the highest order and a self-centered ego tripping, whining sow but I would not discriminate on her right to a fella.
You "empty your nuts into Sinister" - Again, you are an item I would expect most people in most relationships would have sex.
You are a Biker - This is the least impressive thing I have learned about you. Now most Bikie Gangs try to claim legitimacy when it suits them and most non-criminalised Bikers try to borrow from the Bikie aspect to make themselves more "hardcore. Which are you? Don't know. I do also know you ride a Honda so I have my suspicions.
The criminal Biker Clubs are a blight on society and whilst they stay out of general society for the most part they do not mind straying outside their spheres of Drugs and Prostitution into mainstream society. They are weak lowlifes who always really on their Brothers for back up.
Yes this is from nasty personal experience. I was involved in a situation many years ago I should not have got myself into. Young man's bravado in confronting what sounded to me like a domestic disturbance next door. Had me backed into a hallway of a home with locked doors on each side and the resident behind one and a bikie barelling towards me with a bit of wood that he had been trashing the house with. There was a fight and I hurt him very badly. I was very pleased he regained consciousness but not so pleased with his threats, as he was carried out, to get his mates to "do me over" as they knew I lived next door.
I have no problem admitting I made a few phone calls packed a few bags of necessities and a knife and bailed.
I stayed with an ex-girlfriend a couple of months and when I went back the house had been trashed and shit stolen. No biggie. I got most of my bond and stuff back on insurance. I heard from the residents some time later it was indeed Bikers and they did come in a group and that guy ended up in prison for smashing a brick on his girl friend's head.
Here is hoping Sinister has a hard head.
I have also learned you shot a drugdealer - OK maybe he was or wasn't but the obvious question would be why were you associating with a drug dealer?
I guess it doesn't matter. You seem to both (Sinister and yourself)wear it as a badge of honour. Whatever. You killed someone and maybe he deserved to be dead.Maybe it was a righteous or justified thing. Don't expect me or anyone to give you accolades. He was buried for his actions we don't need to dance on his grave too.
So yeah, not impressive and I really don't think enough of you to give you more than that.
However seeing as you are here ad been given such an unworthy "Bullet will kick your ass" build up, you may actually want to try mocking? I mean answering in yawn emoticons is not really "kicking our ass".
Just a thought. Apart from that, do what you do and good luck. I don't really give a shit.
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