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I hate to give the rotten whore any attention but having watched the video, I have one question. It seems like there are 2 times in there where names are muted. I'm wondering who muted those and why because maybe they would give away her location and someone could then hunt her down and kill her.
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Thats a crying shame if thats what happened. The world is better off without her.
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even if it's a crock-'0-bull, it's funny as hell:
whore 1 to fire whore 2? 
Casey Anthony is planning to fire her lawyer Jose Baez, who defended her in the 2011 murder trial involving her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. She’s angry over how he’s handling the media circus around her first sit-down interview.
Sources tell us Anthony is furious that Baez has been basking in the limelight and rubbing shoulders with top TV talent, but hasn’t nailed down a big interview deal for her.
Anthony’s original attorney, Cheney Mason, will take over as her representative to the media, and sources say an announcement is imminent.
“Casey doesn’t want to be reading that Jose’s working on all of these deals on her behalf,” a source said, adding that Anthony avidly pores over online reports about herself and her camera-hogging lawyer. “She thinks he’s using her name as a meal ticket,” the source said. SURPRISE!! 
Baez has been dangling a $750,000 fee for the first interview with Anthony, who’s been in hiding in Florida.
While Anthony finishes her probation, Baez has been making television appearances on her behalf and enjoying the perks of being schmoozed by network bigwigs.
“He’s going around taking meetings with TV producers and networks,” a source told us. “She doesn’t trust him anymore.”
After the video diary of Casey leaked on the Internet last week, sources tell us her inner circle grew angrier with Baez.
“They haven’t been talking for weeks,” our source said. “The video was the last straw.”
Baez threatened to sue the perpetrator of the leak in an interview with Geraldo Rivera that aired on Fox News on Sunday, stating that they were private video diaries. Yesterday, it was reported that Anthony told her probation officer that her computer had been hacked and she was upset that the clips were posted on YouTube.
Baez and Mason didn’t respond to numerous requests for comment.
cash cow
more crap here:
her mental evaluation released.
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(01-11-2012, 12:04 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: cash cow
![[Image: caseycow.jpg?w=640]](
I read a few excerpts, no surprise she spewed more lies, dumb bitch even admitted she lies to protect herself, DUH
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
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the filthy scum claimed outright that her father george raped Caylee then drowned her in pool. nobody believes that shit.
i wonder how her greedy parents feel after reading that today.
i don't really care about them either, they continue to profit from their grandchild's murder. fuck them too.
the karma train is coming for the whole lot, including baez, mason et al.
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hahahaha let's see how long cheney foghorn mason wants to pay her fucking expenses.
ORLANDO - Jose Baez and Dorothy Clay Sims have withdrawn as Casey Anthony's attorneys, according to reports.
Without citing sources, the celebrity website reports that Baez "has decided to REMOVE HIMSELF from Anthony's legal team." Note the use of capital letters.
The Orlando Sentinel tried to contact Baez for confirmation, but he had not returned the calls.
On Wednesday, the New York Post reported that Casey planned to fire Baez over his dealings with the media and his apparent failure to land a lucrative interview deal.
Also on Wednesday, another Anthony attorney, Dorothy Clay Sims filed paperwork to withdraw, according to .
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god i hate bumping the dirty lying murdering slut's thread.
but this bears mentioning.
i wonder if they got the $600. laundry hamper that was on their gift register?
as for casey, her civil case by zanny the nanny was moved to Jan. 2013! she's special you know.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's brother Lee Anthony finally married his long time fiancee Mallory Parker this weekend, sources told WESH 2 News.
Both Anthony and Parker provided emotional testimony during Casey Anthony's murder trial last summer.
WESH 2 learned the wedding was held at an undisclosed location in the Orlando area and Casey Anthony did not attend.
There's a new effort to locate Casey Anthony.
Anthony now has one of the most powerful law firms in Florida on her back.
Morgan and Morgan is now interested in getting Anthony's tweets.
Meanwhile, in a renewed effort to locate her, they are trying to obtain her address through the Florida Department of Corrections.
Judge Lisa Munyon said the law firm representing Zenaida Gonzalez could subpoena Anthony to appear in court, if they could find her on their own.
On Tuesday, Judge Munyon delayed Anthony’s civil trial until January 2013.
Gonzalez is suing Anthony for defamation of character, accusing her of claiming a woman with the same name kidnapped her daughter Caylee in 2008.
Matt Morgan said Gonzalez has already gotten some justice, because Anthony is now the one in hiding and shows this situation has come full circle.
“If you remember at the beginning, Zenaida was confined to her house and she couldn’t leave her house because of Casey Anthony’s lies,” Morgan said. “So as a direct result of that she had to be in hiding. Now it’s come full circle, because now, Casey Anthony has to be in hiding from us, Morgan and Morgan.”
Morgan said his law firm gets thousands of phone calls whenever Anthony is spotted.
Morgan and Morgan has an entire investigation team that’s solely devoted to finding Anthony and handing her a subpoena to appear in court.
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i'll bet this is self-published, and i hope not one copy gets sold except to his mother!
more profit on a dead murdered child.
Casey Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez will release a book this summer about the infamous criminal case that captivated (and nauseated) a nation, according to his publisher.
BenBella Books announced Tuesday the book, "Presumed Guilty, Casey Anthony: The Inside Story" will hit the shelves in July.
Intended to be part autobiography and part "behind-the-scenes" expose, Baez's book details the case's seminal moments, including his first meeting with Casey Anthony and his "bombshell" opening statement.
Jeff Ashton's book is being made into a *gag* *vomit* lifetime movie. bozo the clown will play baez.
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i don't want to give this lying whore a minute of my time! but i have to post this link, it's all i can stand to do. in the interest of thread continuity.
oh, i hear she's so fat she can't waddle out of her new hideout.
god, i guess i'll have to follow up with orlando news outlet tomorrow. ugh. please don't give her or her nasty parents a fucking dime.
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It would have been better for her if she had been found guilty. I don't think the world would hate her as much as they do. She would be getting punished by society for doing her crime. The fact that she got away with murder has made her probably one of the most hated women in the world.
Here is something I thought about what she did. How does she get up in the morning and have her breakfast etc. and not think 'hey I killed my kid' ?? Or has she said to herself 'I didn't kill my kid' does she believe her own lie? Nah.
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I think that at some point in time Casey will relax. She was a party girl after all, and then justice will discover her in the oddest way.
As the Chinese like to say: "May she live in interesting times"
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Interesting that she said she's 26 and been through hell. But it's certainly not the same hell that the daughter she killed was thinking as the last bit of consciousness was leaving her tiny body. Or the hell Caylee must have experienced looking up and wondering why her MOTHER was hurting her.
Little Caylee didn't even get to live 2.6 years.
Fuck off and die already you fat whore.
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it was simply another disgusting display by the classy mason and his client. they're worried about the lack of attention= $$$$.
foghorn mason and bozo are still trying to shop an interview for her! liars.
so she's moving to costa rica when her probation is over, there might be some chimpanzees there she hasn't screwed yet.
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Well, I watched the Piers Interview. Why I ask? WHHHHHHYYYYYYY?????? She did it. End of story. I don't care how the justice system works, or how articulate she speaks. Shameless woman will never be accepted by society. Ma is right it will come back on her some way some how.
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Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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i don't think so Cars. he and mason and the slut have desperately been trying to sell a video about her nasty life, with no takers.
i don't think any of the cast has cashed in the way they anticipated.
oh, baez continues to call george a child molester in his book. and even implies he may have drowned Caylee so nobody (he thought) would know he (george) was the father! that doesn't even make sense.
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(07-05-2012, 10:06 AM)Lady Cop Wrote:
oh, baez continues to call george a child molester in his book. and even implies he may have drowned Caylee so nobody (he thought) would know he (george) was the father! that doesn't even make sense.
So is Baez saying that George really IS Caylee's father? I thought DNA proved that George and brother Lee could NOT be Caylee's father?
I'm so confused!
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no. baez IMPLIES george killed Caylee because he thought he was her father and grandfather. as i said, it makes no sense. it's bozo's theory.
Jose Baez writes in his new book that Casey Anthony suspected her father George may have intentionally drowned Caylee, so as to hide evidence that he could have been Caylee’s grandfather -- and father.
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Hmmm. I recall Baez specifically mentioning oral sex was performed on George. I wonder why it was never mentioned, during trial, that he was banging Casey, too?