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He's been identified, and I watched his YouTube video.
Sick little fucker.
Angry because he's a 22 year old virgin and women didn't like him.
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(05-24-2014, 12:34 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: He's been identified, and I watched his YouTube video.
Sick little fucker.
Angry because he's a 22 year old virgin and women didn't like him.
Shit, if I'd seen his video beforehand, I'd not have taken it seriously.
It seems like a badly written and acted script -- but, obviously, he was dead serious.
^ The mass murdering psycho, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger. VERY BIZARRE.
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Holy shit! My first reaction is to laugh at him. Dramatic much? I knew the moment he opened his mouth and began to talk why women aren't drawn to him. He's a creepy muthafucka!
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(05-24-2014, 01:37 PM)Duchess Wrote: Dramatic much?
Ultra-dramatic, for sure.
New details are being released by the hour.
This won't likely surprise you. Turns out, Elliot Rodger was the son of a Hollywood director and step-son of an actress who starred in a French version of the Real Housewives reality show.
Here's the mass murderer with his dad, Peter Rodger, and his step mom on the red carpet for "Hunger Games" (dad's one of the directors for the franchise).
I'm not blaming the parents because it's not clear yet WTF happened with this kid and they didn't pull the trigger, but gotta wonder how long he was off in la-la land mentally and emotionally and if anybody noticed.
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What a douchbag, no wonder he never got any play, best part of him ran down momas leg.
Too bad he had to take so many with him
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I'm thinking that his creepiness was in your face obvious. I say that because he has a number of positives that some females would be drawn to - he's a good looking kid, he drives a very nice vehicle and I'm going to assume he dresses beautifully as well, his Dad is in show biz, he probably had more than a couple bucks to spend on a date yet he couldn't get one. I bet he gives off that vibe that we've all felt one time or another.
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Oh yeah, his entitled superior "creepy" factor oozed the minute he opened his mouth -- it wouldn't matter what he was saying, it's how he said it and his mannerisms/demeanor. That was clear from the jump of the Youtube video. IMO.
I wondered if his destructive mental and emotional states were noticed by his family, or was he living in a reality of his own making without their notice.
Seems they knew he was way off, based on latest updates. His dad's attorney says that Elliot was receiving mental health treatment from several therapists and had been labeled a high-functioning Asperger's patient (same as Adam Lanza).
Reportedly, his dad called police on him a couple of months back when he found some of Elliot's disturbing Youtube videos. Police interviewed him and noted that he was a polite kid and that he had trouble making friends.
A social worker also allegedly reported him to authorities last week after seeing one of his videos.
He spent time on a site for disgruntled males who blame women because they can't get laid and a bodybuilder site. Even there, his rants and materialism were met with scorn in many cases.
How'd he get the gun? If he was receiving treatment, was it noted and in the NICS database for background checks? Was it instead one owned by dad? Or, did he simply take some of that money that seemed to be thrown at him by his parents and buy one black market? That'll be the next question the media dives into, I bet.
One of the victims has been named, 19-year-old Veronica Weiss. RIP. I feel so badly for the families of the girls that he killed.
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(05-24-2014, 06:26 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I wondered if his destructive mental and emotional states were noticed by his family
I bet his peers noticed a long time ago that he was flucky. He'd never even kissed a girl. That's something that usually happens during one's teen years.
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It's now being reported that 3 bodies were discovered in that kid's apartment.
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RIP 20-year-old Christopher Ross Martinez. He was shot in a deli last night by Elliot Rodger.
Agree with his statement about politicians and the NRA being to blame or not, I found his father Richard Martinez's palpable pain and anger to be completely heartbreaking -- effin' made me cry a little.
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That's very saddening. ^^^^^ 
The apartment of Elliot Rodger is now also a crime scene, as authorities recovered three bodies from the Capri apartment complex on Isla Vista this afternoon. As of this report, it is unclear whether these three bodies are part of the original reported death toll of seven (including the shooter) or three new victims.
Earlier this afternoon, Santa Barbara news station KEYT reported receiving a 140-page manifesto from Elliot Rodger titled "My Twisted World: The Story Of Elliot Rodger." KEYT reporter Joe Buttitta tweeted out a picture of the manifesto.
The printed manifesto has yet to be published by the station, although you can make out the first page in that tweeted out picture. In the introductory paragraphs he explains he felt "cast out and rejected" and that society "forced [his] hand" to go on his violent rampage. He places the blame on "the females of the human species [who] were incapable of seeing the value in [him]." KEYT also reported a quote apparently from the manifesto that explains the victims found in his apartment:
On the day before the Day of Retribution, I will start the First Phase of my vengeance: Silently killing as many people as I can around Isla Vista by luring them into my apartment through some form of trickery.
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This is a link to his manifesto. It's entitled - My Twisted World - The Story of Rodger Elliot.
I was going to copy & paste it but it's quite lengthy, it encompasses his entire life from the moment of his birth.
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(05-24-2014, 06:26 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Oh yeah, his entitled superior "creepy" factor oozed the minute he opened his mouth -- it wouldn't matter what he was saying, it's how he said it and his mannerisms/demeanor. That was clear from the jump of the Youtube video. IMO.
I watched them yesterday. I got the impression he was acting a bit, didn't you? Especially with that punk-ass laugh...I wanted to reach through my monitor and bitch-slap him. Sounded too fake..and Daddy is a film director.
He came across as a whiny little bitch to me, it's no wonder he had problems getting women. He's not a bad looking guy, but I'm sure when he opened his pie-hole to a lady, it was an instant turn off.
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
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(05-24-2014, 08:35 PM)Duchess Wrote: This is a link to his manifesto. It's entitled - My Twisted World - The Story of Rodger Elliot.
I was going to copy & paste it but it's quite lengthy, it encompasses his entire life from the moment of his birth.Manifesto
Did you read any of it, Duchess? I skipped some years, but read most of it last night between chores.
He wasn't a bad writer and there were points where I thought, "wow, this kid was very open an in-touch with his feelings -- particularly in regards to envy and hate". It didn't appear, to me, that he even realized those feelings were negative -- they just were what they were, to him.
Anyway, hard to believe that all of his "issues" stemmed from lack of attention and sex from girls, but I do believe that's what he believed. Never in his account did he ever mention even approaching a girl, btw. He just hated the boys who got girls and hated the girls who went for other boys. Either he left out rejected approaches, or more likely to me, he just expected girls to come to him.
Majorly 'effed up individual, for sure, but I didn't get the sense that he had Asperger's or was insane when I was reading his story in his own words. I got the sense that he overcompensated his inferiority complex by developing a superiority complex and devising plans to rid the planet of things that caused him pain rather than put forth any effort to improve his life. Hateful, entitled, murderous asshole.
Hopefully, the psychiatric professionals can garner something useful from analyzing his manifesto (and that of Christopher Dorner) -- maybe it'll help in understanding and identifying these kinds of fermenting killers in our midst in advance and spur some meaningful dialogue on how to handle such individuals, before it's too late. Doubt it, but that's my hope.
(05-25-2014, 07:59 AM)thekid65 Wrote: I watched them yesterday. I got the impression he was acting a bit, didn't you? Especially with that punk-ass laugh...I wanted to reach through my monitor and bitch-slap him. Sounded too fake..and Daddy is a film director.
He came across as a whiny little bitch to me, it's no wonder he had problems getting women. He's not a bad looking guy, but I'm sure when he opened his pie-hole to a lady, it was an instant turn off.
Oh yeah, he did seem to be acting. I think the Hollywood lifestyle, red carpets, and such were part of his make-up. He was a drama king.
In his manifesto, he's generally positive about his dad, but he does mention near the end about his realization that dad was never really there for him much in his times of crisis (but he never mentions telling his dad about his struggles) and that dad was not around much. In the documentation of his early years, he notes how he admired his dad for being able to attract and snag a new woman so shortly after divorcing his mom. Maybe part of his motivation to do something "big" was driven by trying to get even with, or noticed by, his director father? IDK.
There are probably a lot of frustrated lonely men out there harboring festering resentments, IMO. I suspect Elliot Rodger will be seen as a hero to other extremists who also blame women and society for their own shortcomings -- hoping copycats don't start emerging.
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(05-25-2014, 11:27 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Did you read any of it, Duchess?
I read some of it and I do intend to go back and finish. I'm interested in the years leading up to this. It's funny (not haha) how even those who appear to have it all are so dissatisfied with their life. My nature is to think about what I have, not about what I don't and I guess I expect others to think the same way. Bad, I know.
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The Sequence of Events
The Santa Barbara City College student fatally stabbed three men in his apartment sometime before 9:30 p.m. (Friday), authorities said.
The unidentified victims were “stabbed repeatedly with sharp objects,” said Brown. “It was a pretty horrific crime scene.”
Rodger then took off in his car. He was armed with three semiautomatic handguns — a Glock 34 and two Sig Sauer P226s — and several hundred rounds of ammunition. All three of his weapons were purchased legally, Brown said.
His first stop was an Alpha Phi sorority house in the center of town. Rodger banged on the locked front door, but no one opened it.
Moments later, he shot three women outside — two of them fatally. The dead were identified as Katie Cooper, 22, and Veronika Weiss, 19.
Veronica Weiss was a college water polo player. Her father spoke with media yesterday. “My daughter would probably have been a friend to him because of the way she was. She was always drawn to the ones with the broken wings,” the devastated father told the Daily News. “She was the opposite of what he thought he was shooting. She was the kind who would have reached out to him. She reached out to the kids who weren’t the most popular or the cutest.”
After the sorority house, Rodger drove to a nearby deli where he got out of his car and opened fire at the people inside — killing 20-year-old Christopher Ross Michael-Martinez, Brown said.
RIP Katie Cooper, Christopher Martinez and Veronica Weiss
Still not done, Rodger got back in his car and started spraying bullets. Over a span of a few minutes, he fired dozens of rounds from his vehicle.
The end came after the second of two gun battles with cops. Rodger, nursing his own bullet wound, stepped on the gas and struck the second cyclist, Brown said.
The victim landed on the front of Rodger’s BMW, caving in the windshield. The vehicle then collided with several parked cars and came to a stop.
The deputies grabbed Rodger’s body out the car and cuffed him, but he was "obviously dead with a gunshot wound to the head," Brown said.
Of the 13 people Rodger wounded, eight suffered gunshot wounds, four were hit by his vehicle and one had an injury of unknown origin.
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Signals Overlooked by Police?
Alan Shifman, the lawyer for Rodger’s father, said Saturday that his family called police several weeks ago over concerns about YouTube videos where the son mused about murder and suicide.
It was the third of three bizarre run-ins Rodger had with cops over the past year.
In the first, he claimed to be the victim of assault, but deputies believe he may have been the aggressor in a fight.
Rodger later contacted police and accused his roommates of stealing $22 worth of candles from him. The roommate was booked into jail, but released.
Officers, after interviewing the lonely Rodger, described him as a “perfectly polite, kind and wonderful human being,” said Shifman.
Brown confirmed that Rodger downplayed his problems, and the deputies cleared the call. (HOTD: hindsight is 20/20, but man I wish they'd asked to search his room.)
Rodger recounted the episode in his creepy manifesto.
“I had the striking and devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered what I was planning to do, and reported me for it,” he wrote.
“If that was the case, the police would have searched my room, found all of my guns and weapons, along with my writings about what I plan to do with them. I would have been thrown in jail, denied of the chance to exact revenge on my enemies. I can’t imagine a hell darker than that. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, but it was so close.”
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I finished reading the manifesto. Whatta fruitcake! I don't believe a lot of it. He writes beautifully but it sounds contrived in many places. It's said that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction so maybe it really was like he writes but I feel skeptical.
Selfish little fuck saying his mother should have sacrificed her well being for his happiness.
I'd like to know how he overpowered his roommates to the extent that he could kill three of them.
He sure did have an extreme loathing of females. Woooo.
The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t have them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.
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His creepiness HAD to come out as soon as he opened his mouth to a woman.
It sure the hell isn't because of his looks. He was a very good looking young man.
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Most chicks have a built in Creepo radar, it seems to have worked for this particular squirrel. what a whack job.
So, before everyone goes all gun control nuts, where did the squirrel get the guns? It said Legally bought but by who and where?
I don't blame Martinez' dad for his rant, he never said Motherfucker or anything, I would never have been able to be that articulate and inoffensive were I in his shoes.
The squirrel was a whacko for sure, Playing and putting on for the camera, the cops choked on not investigating his weirdness reported by his family, they need to take some heat for it.