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Speaking of that, my son somehow forgot the dog in the truck last night. My husband got up to go to work and there was blood everywhere from cutting her mouth trying to get out. She tore the whole panel off the door and chewed up the seat belts and the locks. Thank god he didn't do that during the day or she'd be dead right now and none of us would be able to live with ourselves. Even at night it was still hot and uncomfortable in there for 8 fucking hours, obviously from the looks of what she did to the truck.
She's not allowed to be here and I've told my son several times to stop bringing her here, animal control banned her from the city so she stays at my husband's office/warehouse where there is someone always with her during the day and she has a couch and AC at night and a few mice to keep her company. But my son keeps insisting on bringing her home at night after work because he feels sorry for her and doesn't want her to be alone. Well that worked out great.
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(09-10-2015, 01:19 PM)sally Wrote: because he feels sorry for her
He'd be a lot fuckin' sorrier if she'd died and he was the one to find her and know his actions caused her death.
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That will be the last time he does that, I know he feels awful about it. I don't even know how he forgot about her in there, he said it was late and he was tired and dirty from work and just forgot her. Plus she's been deemed a dangerous animal by the city, if she ever happened to get out and attack a neighbor's pet both me and her are going to be in big trouble with the city.
So he's paying to have the door and seatbelts replaced.
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Dogs like that disappear around here.
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(09-10-2015, 02:26 PM)Maggot Wrote: Dogs like that disappear around here.
She's not that bad really. She's very lovable with people, but if she sees another animal outside she wants to chase it and grab a hold of it. She got a cat and three dogs which she didn't cause any injuries, but people don't take kindly to their pets being attacked and rightly so.
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Poor dog! Crap happens but she must have been traumatized (like your son).
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(09-10-2015, 01:42 PM)sally Wrote: That will be the last time he does that, I know he feels awful about it.
I bet it blew his mind how easy it was to do. Most people never intend for their kids or pets to die.
A few states are starting to have something on the books pertaining to no prosecution of people who break into cars to save children or animals. Odd that anyone would ever want to press charges over something like that. Jesus.
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I feel bad too because I stayed up cleaning out the garage after everyone went to bed and I must have walked past the truck ten times taking junk out to the road. But at that time she was probably still content, it probably wasn't until 3 or 4 in the morning that she started to wonder if these fuckers are ever going to let me out of here.
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This is just what she did to the back door, she chewed the whole truck up like that. You can't tell by the crappy phone picture, but she pulled the whole panel off the door.
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(09-10-2015, 06:55 PM)Duchess Wrote: A few states are starting to have something on the books pertaining to no prosecution of people who break into cars to save children or animals. Odd that anyone would ever want to press charges over something like that. Jesus.[/i][/size]
It's sad to think that some people would file criminal or civil charges against a person who damaged their window with the intent of saving their child or pet. Total assholes.
I wish Good Samaritan laws would protect good samaritan bystanders from such liability in all jurisdictions, like they do for nurses, emergency workers, etc...
I hope your dog is okay sally.
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(09-10-2015, 10:20 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: It's sad to think that some people would file criminal or civil charges against a person who damaged their window with the intent of saving their child or pet. Total assholes.
Yes, it is sad and speaks to how society is these days. As I typed that I recalled reading something years ago about a person who had needed CPR suing the individual who gave it. As you know, getting CPR can do some damage. Instead of being grateful for having their life saved that person sued the person who saved it.
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Bullshit or Appropriate?
The footage taken by a student shows the moment school resource officer, Deputy Ben Fields, grabs a female student at Spring Valley High in Columbia, South Carolina by the throat with one hand and uses the other to flip over her chair, with the girl still seated in it. Then he drags her to the front of the class and pins her down.
The female student had taken out a phone in class and was ordered to turn it over to her teacher. She refused, according to student witnesses. She told the teacher that she only took it out for a minute and pleaded to stay when an administrator was called in.
The resource officer was then called in and told her that he was putting her under arrest for disturbing the class and ordered her to give him her hands. She refused and told him she hadn't done anything wrong and didn't know who he was, that's when the deputy forced her out of the chair.
In 2013, Fields had been sued (unsuccessfully) for excessive force and was also named as a defendant in a federal lawsuit that claimed he 'unfairly and recklessly targets Africa-American students with allegations of gang membership and criminal gang activity.'
So now, a group of black parents have ordered an investigation and the Sheriff has requested an FBI and Justice Department investigation.
Story and witness interview:
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Deputy Fields is suspended while the investigations are underway.
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I would like to see the footage of what she was doing before she was spanked. What do you do when a kid is causing a ruckus? Take all the other kids out of the class? There is always 2 sides. They don't allow phone use in school around here though.
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I read about that early this morning and even with all the disobeying I think it's pretty fucked up that a grown man would handle a teenage student in that fashion.
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She may be able to afford college now.
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I watched another video & listened to some commentary about this case last night. This is bullshit on a whole other level and that cop needs to be fired. The girl that he manhandled was not a troublemaker. She was so quiet & unassuming that there are kids in that class who didn't even know her name.
Cops should be able to exhibit self control and when they can't, they need to be removed from their position.
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I watched that tonight on the news. My first reaction was 'Heh, onl fucking Americans would be OK with that', followed by 'well, at least he didn't fucking shoot her'..then a solid 'WTF is wrong with you, America? How did it get to this?'
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It's a shocking video.
The Sheriff says there is video of the girl taking a swing at the resource officer, but that was after he put his hands on her. The sheriff says his investigation is only focusing on how the officer handled the situation.
No matter how quiet and unassuming the demeanor of the girl, failing to turn over her phone or to leave class when requested three times was worthy of suspension or expulsion (if she has other incidents on record) or some other serious administrative disciplinary action, in my opinion.
She was wrong and asking for trouble. However, she wasn't asking to be physically assaulted. She hadn't committed a crime or threatened anyone's safety, based on what we know now. So, I don't even know why the resource officer was called in.
Why couldn't the teacher and the administrator just tell her that she could sit there while class continued, but she would not be coming back to school if she did and that her parent(s) was being called to come pick her up, or something of that sort.
I don't think there's any justification for the incident escalating into her being put in a choke hold, slammed to the ground, and drug across the room.
![[Image: s0553881031.jpg?w=770]](
Note: I got the details wrong on the lawsuits against ^ Deputy Fields upthread. He was unsuccessfully sued for brutality in 2007/2008, and the 2013 suit against him -- by a kid he accused of being in a gang fight and got expelled with a criminal record -- is still pending. Fields is an 11 year veteran of the police force and has been a school resource officer for 7 years.
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We never had resource officers on campus when I was in high school, as far as I know. And, I've never heard my nieces and nephews talk about SROs. So, I had to look up their responsibilities.
School Resource Officer Job Description
The following is an example of a School Resource Officers Job Description, taking into account the postition three main roles and responsibilities: law enforcement officer, law-related counselor, and law-related educator.
1. Provide law enforcement and police services to the school, school grounds and areas adjacent to the school. Investigate allegations of criminal incidents per police department policies and procedures. Enforce state and local laws and ordinances. Make appropriate referrals to juvenile authorities or other governmental agencies.
2. Work to prevent juvenile delinquency through close contact and positive relationships with students. In addition the SRO shall develop crime prevention programs and conduct security inspections to deter criminal or delinquent activities. The SRO should monitor crime statistics and work with local patrol officers and students together to design crime prevention strategies
3. Establish and maintain a close partnership with school administrators in order to provide for a safe school environment. Assist school officials with their efforts to enforce Board Of Education policies and procedures. Ensure school administrator safety by being present during school searches, which may involve weapons, controlled dangerous substances or in such cases that, the student’s emotional state may present a risk to the administrator. Assist school administrators in emergency crisis planning and building security matters. Provide a course of training for school personnel in handling crisis situations, which may arise at the school.
4. Be visible within the school community. Attend and participate in school functions. Build working relationships with the school’s staff as well as with student and parent groups.
5. Develop and implement classes in law related education to support the educational efforts of the faculty. Work closely with teachers in designing and presenting law-related topics and the role of police in our society.
6. Work with guidance counselors and other student support staff to assist students and to provide services to students involved in situations where referrals to service agencies are necessary. Assist in conflict resolution efforts.
7. Initiate interaction with students in the classroom and general areas of the school building. Promote the profession of police officer and be a positive role model. Increase the visibility and accessibility of police to the school community.
There are over 80,000 SROs in the U.S., covering about 43% of schools.
I can see how SROs provide a valuable service to high schools. But, again, I question why the SRO was called to arrest an insubordinate teen in the Spring Valley High classroom. Overreach and excessive use of force, in my opinion.