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You know exactly 0.shit about Texas History. We did not steal that land from mexico, it was Promised and deeded to the settlers from the US to come and settle the land by the mexican govt. Then when santa anna took over he renigged on the deal, killed people and took their farms. Read a little, subjects like The Alamo, Goliad...
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Nutcases with guns, nutcases with knives, nutcases in cars, nutcases in jail..........there will always be and it cannot be legislated. Al Sharpton is more racist than he is.
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(08-05-2019, 11:25 AM)Rootilda Wrote: Jesus Christ, we originally stole that land from Mexico, there's always been a large population of Latinx there and he's saying "they invaded the area". Between Sally's "I hate niggers" and "maybe Hitler was onto something" and this shit, I understand why they don't think Trump is a racist. Well nobody likes niggers, they're assholes. I never said I hated black people, however.
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That doesn't matter in far left, left field.
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Yeah I could say how much I like black people until I'm blue in the face, but because I used the word nigger to describe an ignorant asshole, then I am most definitly racist and lying when I say that I am not. Because you know, I just enjoy lying about not being racist towards black people when I really am. Makes plenty of sense.
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I called someone a nigger and then I did it again to stress the point.
I own a Confederate flag too. It stays packed away in a drawer because I feel some shame for having bought it. There's a real one in the barn, it feels like it's made from very heavy cotton, not a cheap imitation like mine. It doesn't fly, it too is packed away.
I wouldn't want to be seen as racist even though I've said and done things that belie that. I don't view myself as superior to any average black or brown skinned person.
I've called someone a filthy fag even though I support gay rights and think they are as entitled to love as I am.
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People are people are people.
We are not the sum of the colour of our skin, our genitalia, our sexual preference or whatever.
Its not like talking to people as people great efforts need to be made.
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I will be nice to someone until they turn into an asshole no matter what color, sex, age they are.
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Quite awhile ago every time I went to my regular nail salon they were closed so I went to the one that's located inside the super Walmart here in my little town and I've been going there ever since. Today when I went, I was nervous and then I got annoyed with myself for feeling nervous. Sonofabitch! I don't want to feel apprehensive simply going about my life FFS.
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Did you feel this way after other massacres or just after these two? Honest question? I did not feel that after Port Arthur but it was highly unusual and i was a kid.
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I'm going to chalk it up to reading/listening to way too much news.
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Fair enough. I am wondering whether it happening as often as it does would be terrifying or you become desensitised to it
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I love the black and Mexican culture, but I don't like those fucking Jews or my tax paying dollars going to them.They move in on a land and displace thousands of people and cause turmoil because of some stupid bible reference. They fucking suck and Hitler knew it. Not that I want them tortured or anything, but I just don't fucking like them. Love the blacks and Mexicans though.
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(08-04-2019, 12:03 AM)Fry Guy Wrote: You crazy Americans and your crazy shooters
I agree for sure.
(08-04-2019, 10:19 AM)Fry Guy Wrote: (08-04-2019, 09:45 AM)MirahM Wrote: (08-04-2019, 05:47 AM)Duchess Wrote: Y'all don't have anything to fear from Mexicans, Muslims or whatever brown skinned boogeyman you've cooked up but you should probably give your lily white neighbor a second look given they share the profile of a mass shooter.
(08-04-2019, 08:11 AM)Fry Guy Wrote: (08-04-2019, 05:14 AM)Duchess Wrote: Can I interrupt your chat about the mass shooting to tell you about another public massacre? This time it's in Ohio. Three mass shootings in seven days. 'Merica.
You crazy Americans and your crazy shooters
(08-04-2019, 05:38 AM)Duchess Wrote: (08-03-2019, 08:17 PM)Misguided Wrote: Shooter was supposed to leave behind a Manifesto. Any info about that? Anyone got a police pic of this asshole? He did, it was posted online. He talked about the Hispanic invasion of Texas and he expressed the belief that white people would soon be ethnically replaced. He drove over 600 miles to kill those people and he thought that he would probably be killed while doing so but he's a young white dude so THAT didn't happen. It was reported that he told investigators that he was trying to shoot as many Mexicans as possible.
So he came to kill as many Mexicans as possible and as a result he 20 people and only 15% were Mexican? So he is racist, crazy and incompetent?
(08-04-2019, 05:47 AM)Duchess Wrote: Y'all don't have anything to fear from Mexicans, Muslims or whatever brown skinned boogeyman you've cooked up but you should probably give your lily white neighbor a second look given they share the profile of a mass shooter.
Who the heck are you talking to now? Is this stream of consciousness?
I find it hard to believe that you don't know what Ducess is talking about.
I find it hard to believe that you don't see the discussions in this country that point to a supposed fear of anyone that is not white-the fear of Mexico, the fear of Muslims etc etc
yet look at who is doing the majority of these mass shootings.
It ain't women!
I can't believe you are playing dumb as if you don't know what Duchess is talking about FGuy.
Yes men have usually been the shooters. But then that has about nothing to do with anything. The average man on the street is no more likely to pick up a gun and start blasting than the average female. Now the crazy person on the street, released from prison, profiled at work, or written up at school is a WHOLE nother story.
I get what you are saying. I really do. Yes, anyone is capable of picking up a gun and shooting people-no matter who they are. Sure.
What worries me about your rhetoric is I feel it is failing to look at the actual data, the patterns, the facts. When those are dismissed we could fail to find a solution to this problem. Please be open minded.
And you are right-quite often these shooters have been profiled at their workplace, school, even in their families.
If we fail to look at the patterns and similarities then we may fail to find a solution to this growing problem.
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Here is an interesting video. I have no idea who this person is-and I see that they have many videos-ALOT! It would be interesting to listen to them probably.
Anyway, he talks about the traits in these mass shooters and how they relate more to serial killers.
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(08-04-2019, 05:56 PM)Fry Guy Wrote: If your country has the gun laws it has, you ougbt to make sure crazy people are easily identified, properly treated and kept away from guns
(08-04-2019, 06:07 PM)Fry Guy Wrote: (08-04-2019, 06:03 PM)sally Wrote: They don't care about the crazy people, they can buy all the assault rifles they want. But if you get a medical marijuana card for a physical ailment they make sure you can't even keep one shotgun in your home for protection.
Yes laws need to change there. Hell, if i had a crazy family member living with me and a gun is the house, last thing i would worry about is their second amendment rights to possess and use it
Our laws need to definitely change. I think there were some in place that were repealed and I am not sure why.
Apparently the mother of the El Paso shooter called the local precinct roughly 2 weeks prior to see if her son could legally own the gun he had. They said yes that it was legal. It was merely an inquiry and not recorded as a concern.
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I'm glad to be able to say that my state has a red flag law.
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(08-04-2019, 07:06 PM)sally Wrote: The 60 year old lady with cancer who legally has a medical marijuana card because her doctor deemed it necessary can't even legally have a pocket pistol to protect herself in the home. Nobody says shit about her rights. But dare say that assault weapons that are capable of killing multiple people in less than a minute should be made harder to get and everyone goes ape shit about their rights and goverment tyranny.
This is so shitty.
(08-04-2019, 08:02 PM)sally Wrote: Perhaps our priorities are in the wrong place and we let the goverment and media dictate it. You know if there really was tyranny, the goverment would just blow you up real quick no matter how many weapons you crazy fucks have stockpiled? You do know this, right? The only way to prevent the mass shootings is to make the weapons difficult to get. They can make it difficult for people with medical marijuana cards to just obtain a hand gun, why can't they do the same and make it difficult for people to buy assault weapons?
(08-04-2019, 08:31 PM)sally Wrote: I'm not willing to give up my rights to own a gun, but I am willing to give up my right to just leisurely stroll in and buy any assault weapon I wish without having to go through a difficult process and an extensive background check. What, am I going to carry my assault weapon to the mall with me in case of an active shooting? No my assault weapon would be sitting at home during an active shooting and if I had a gun on me I would soon realize it would do me no good without knowing where the shots are coming from in the midst of hundreds of people running around in chaos. As we just seen with the black military guy in the recent shooting. He put his gun away knowing it wont do any good and started running towards an exit trying to get kids out of the way.
Also agree.
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Please don't stand in front of a glass window in case that knee starts jerking around.
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