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Cheese & Whine
What the fuck have you done to this place, Frank? It's become a haven for whiney little bitches, cry babies and he said she said schoolyard catfights.

Fucken hell.. it used to be a place for a healthy argument and a good old solid pasting, now it's like two crack whores on a trip arguing over a french fry.... Where did you find this new influx of lack lustre talent? If they found you, why the fuck didn't you do your job and cull the chaff from the wheat?

This place has seriously gone down hill, Frank, and I blame you... sheesh, I can even see Poophole is bored with it
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
crash Wrote:sheesh, I can even see Poophole is bored with it
Only because he missed you terribly. 21
crash Wrote:What the fuck have you done to this place, Frank? It's become a haven for whiney little bitches, cry babies and he said she said schoolyard catfights.

Fucken hell.. it used to be a place for a healthy argument and a good old solid pasting, now it's like two crack whores on a trip arguing over a french fry.... Where did you find this new influx of lack lustre talent? If they found you, why the fuck didn't you do your job and cull the chaff from the wheat?

This place has seriously gone down hill, Frank, and I blame you... sheesh, I can even see Poophole is bored with it

I can agree with part of that ... we have to step up the honesty with these soupy drama bitches.
86 112
Frank was grasping for straws,so hetook to the mommy forums and extended breast feedingsites trying to recruit new members. Hence all the whining and large floppy tits.
sally Wrote:Frank was grasping for straws,so hetook to the mommy forums and extended breast feedingsites trying to recruit new members. Hence all the whining and large floppy tits.
Sinister was already a member. ::dunno::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
sally Wrote:Frank was grasping for straws,so hetook to the mommy forums and extended breast feedingsites trying to recruit new members. Hence all the whining and large floppy tits.
Sinister was already a member. ::dunno::
When you fly, do you have to buy two tickets; one for you and one for your fat ass? Or maybe they just stuff you into the cargo hold.
Fuck you and your 186 posts. Hang around and add to this shithole if you're going to complain about it, doucheface
what's a pasting?
sally Wrote:Frank was grasping for straws,so hetook to the mommy forums and extended breast feedingsites trying to recruit new members. Hence all the whining and large floppy tits.

::laugh:: Oh - snap.
86 112
That's when he glues a oscar meyer weiner to the place his dick SHOULD be.
momster? please... even your nic reflects your significant lack of imagination. The weiner comment just affirms my original post.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
sally Wrote:Frank was grasping for straws,so hetook to the mommy forums and extended breast feedingsites trying to recruit new members. Hence all the whining and large floppy tits.
Ah yea, YOU arefrom a mommy site.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
crash Wrote:momster? please... even your nic reflects your significant lack of imagination. The weiner comment just affirms my original post.
There ya go big guy. Try and make fun of my screen name.. or "nic" as you say. Its so incredibly unique of you. Ohhhhh boy, I feel uber mocked right now. Ouch, my ego is bruised.

Fuck off bitch.::karate::

ramseycat Wrote:
sally Wrote:Frank was grasping for straws,so hetook to the mommy forums and extended breast feedingsites trying to recruit new members. Hence all the whining and large floppy tits.
Ah yea, YOU are form a mommy site.

Ramsey, can you please try and read your posts a little before you hit that beloved send button?

You sound like a backwoods, ass humping, hick.
That is why I am Queen Typo Bitch.
I don't bother to proofread before hitting send.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Proofreading for typos is one thing; using absolutely heinous grammar is another. You should be "Queen Fucking Moron Bitch"
Oh fuck off. I am not about to worry about how I write on here. I don't give a shit. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
You fuck off. I will read it, and give you shit about it, as much as I please. Fucking twat.
Momster Wrote:You fuck off. I will read it, and give you shit about it, as much as I please. Fucking twat.
Well then you have fun with that.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
why would you call me big guy? Are you used to being walked all over buy men in your life? The airhead little Texan bimbo that left high school and didn't quite make it to college so she married the one who made sense the most and got knocked up and became momster. All was merry until he grew tired of you and had an affair and you realised you had nothing so you found refuge in Prozac and the internet, cussing at people you'll never meet... Kinda like road rage without the risk.

Get back in your little box, bitch, it's safer in there
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021