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I don't have a single concern about an absolutist global government.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The only concerns you have are the ones you let the idiot box vomit into your mind, amirite?

Of course I am.
rothschild, I very rarely watch television and that's normally during football season. If I'm hearing much of anything it's only what I hear as I pass from room to room.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(07-20-2023, 05:26 PM)Duchess Wrote: rothschild, I very rarely watch television and that's normally during football season. If I'm hearing much of anything it's only what I hear as I pass from room to room.

Every morning a unicorn whispers into your ear the latest poop from clown world.
I read a great deal, sugar booger.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Orange Thunder in 2024, sweet pea! Blowing-kisses
(07-20-2023, 08:48 PM)rothschild Wrote: Orange Thunder in 2024, sweet pea!  Blowing-kisses

Ridin' the Biden Lightning in 2024, bitches!

Caffeine and Alcohol = Diuretics.  Scientology = Dianetics.  

Yeah . . . I do believe globalism is and has been a goal, by many, for eons.  Alexander and Genghis both did quite nicely . . . as did Rome.

Too many moving parts to pull off a global government, at this time.  Hell, it won't be for another 1,200 years until Stacey Abrams is elected Earth's President and then . . . rejoins the United Federation of Planets.

Continued and manufactured fear and division will ultimately cause individuals to surrender themselves for protection and care from someone or something.  And then the cycle of rebellion against the usurping "protectors" and the demand for personal rights and freedom, begins again.  

In all actuality, wasn't this the genesis for the birth of the United States?

Nothing new . . . just history repeating itself and a select few are paying attention to the repeating pattern.   It's just a new coat of paint for an old ceremony.

And that is easy to prove with statements linking a bunch of unarmed, criminal vandals, forcing their way into the Capital . . . and then having their acts being labeled as "the greatest threat to OUR Democracy!".   hah 

To believe that "greatest threat" bullshit, you really have to be a complete idiot and completely devoid of any American history. 

Do you actually believe you are going to convince any Mock members to abandon their steadfast beliefs and consider an opposing opinion, as valid?

It's tribal and they will not be swayed.

To answer your question:  Smart money . . . No.  Smart investments . . . Yes.
(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: RC:

Caffeine and Alcohol = Diuretics.  Scientology = Dianetics.  

Yeah . . . I do believe globalism is and has been a goal, by many, for eons.  Alexander and Genghis both did quite nicely . . . as did Rome.

Too many moving parts to pull off a global government, at this time.  Hell, it won't be for another 1,200 years until Stacey Abrams is elected Earth's President and then . . . rejoins the United Federation of Planets.

Continued and manufactured fear and division will ultimately cause individuals to surrender themselves for protection and care from someone or something. And then the cycle of rebellion against the usurping "protectors" and the demand for personal rights and freedom, begins again.  

In all actuality, wasn't this the genesis for the birth of the United States?

Nothing new . . . just history repeating itself and a select few are paying attention to the repeating pattern.   It's just a new coat of paint for an old ceremony.

And that is easy to prove with statements linking a bunch of unarmed, criminal vandals, forcing their way into the Capital . . . and then having their acts being labeled as "the greatest threat to OUR Democracy!".   hah 

To believe that "greatest threat" bullshit, you really have to be a complete idiot and completely devoid of any American history. 

Look at the UN System of National Accounts: homogeneity of economics, which is the most significant thread in the fabric of human interaction. Nothing has a more profound impact on people than economics, which assigns value to everything that constitutes commerce. When a system of reporting assigns value solely on the basis of utility, the stage is set for the expansion of global dehumanization by several orders of magnitude. GDP is all that matters, because it reflects monetary exchange, which is of primary importance to those who finance economic growth for the sake of increasing their revenue streams.

Now look at where/what it's brought us to: homogeneity of "emergency" management. All of the absolute powers that were created for the ostensible purpose of preparing for a catastrophic calamity, rear their ugly heads to "save the day" in most of the nations on this planet-- creating an exceedingly important precedent for those interested in advancing the transition to global governance. WHO is being empowered to declare states of global emergency, as needed by those wielding the emergency powers -- who are the same people empowering WHO. To say this is an incestuous arrangement is an understatement of epic proportions.

Too many moving parts, you say? That's the sociological perspective, which is social "science" of the worst sort, evidenced very clearly by the global degradation of culture -- due mostly to the standardization of commerce. Degrade a nation's culture and it's only a matter of time before it's sovereignty is forfeited by those posing as leaders.

Add to this BlackRock and Vanguard, two multitrillion dollar asset management firms closely aligned with the globalist vanguard (which includes the UN and every other major NGO, such as the aforementioned WHO), and you have all the financial muscle needed to force recalcitrant corporations and governments into getting on board with the "save the planet" brigade; which, ironically, includes major corporations that have poisoned the entire planet, such as Dow Inc. Here's a pic of former CEO and Chairman of the board, Andrew Liveras...

[Image: 1920px-Andrew_N._Liveris_World_Economic_Forum_2013.jpg]

(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: Do you actually believe you are going to convince any Mock members to abandon their steadfast beliefs and consider an opposing opinion, as valid?

It's tribal and they will not be swayed.

Some people enjoy sudoku. I enjoy argument and improving my writing.

(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: To answer your question:  Smart money . . . No.  Smart investments . . . Yes.

To clarify, "smart money" refers to central bank digital currency (CBDC), which is in the process of being implemented by appr. 95% of the central banks that comprise the global financial system, the hub of which is the Bank for International Settlements.

It's a system of "money" that entails the utilization of smart contracts, which means we're talking about programmable currency, the use of which will be controlled, obviously, by those doing the programming.
(07-21-2023, 05:50 PM)rothschild Wrote: Some people enjoy sudoku. I enjoy argument 

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(07-21-2023, 05:50 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: Continued and manufactured fear and division will ultimately cause individuals to surrender themselves for protection and care from someone or something. And then the cycle of rebellion against the usurping "protectors" and the demand for personal rights and freedom, begins again.  

In all actuality, wasn't this the genesis for the birth of the United States?

Nothing new . . . just history repeating itself and a select few are paying attention to the repeating pattern.   It's just a new coat of paint for an old ceremony.

And that is easy to prove with statements linking a bunch of unarmed, criminal vandals, forcing their way into the Capital . . . and then having their acts being labeled as "the greatest threat to OUR Democracy!".   hah 

To believe that "greatest threat" bullshit, you really have to be a complete idiot and completely devoid of any American history. 

Too many moving parts, you say? That's the sociological perspective, which is social "science" of the worst sort . . .
Yes, RC.  Too many moving parts.  It is not a sociological perspective, it's a fact. ("Fuck you" was my initial response.)

Who, what, why, when . . . you give partial snippets (of which I mostly agree) of what is in the works and yet, ignore any solid or cohesive theory of how these events will come together and why the masses will rally behind this new Global World Order.

This grand scheme of Global World Order . . . you also pay no credence to effective rebellion, by those to be subjugated, and the Cabal's method to defeat any push-back from them.

And yet, that information is published and widely available . . . from the Cabal, itself.

No offense, I'm well aware of all of the "players" and theories you have posted.  And . . . I agree with much of what you post (including most of your conclusions, premises and analysis). 

However, your complete rejection of the essential components of fear and tribalism (of the populous), for the Globalists to achieve their goal, is your blind spot.

And that is what the Globalists will exploit . . . it's the magic trick, performed right in front of you . . . and you're too blinded by "facts" and "players" and "theories" to see. 

(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: Do you actually believe you are going to convince any Mock members to abandon their steadfast beliefs and consider an opposing opinion, as valid?
It's tribal and they will not be swayed.

I enjoy argument and improving my writing.

And how's that working out . . . your arguments and writing . . . to convey your message and change hearts and minds?

(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: To answer your question:  Smart money . . . No.  Smart investments . . . Yes.

To clarify, "smart money" refers to central bank digital currency (CBDC), which is in the process of being implemented by appr. 95% of the central banks that comprise the global financial system, the hub of which is the Bank for International Settlements.

Yeah . . . I knew what you meant.  Hence, my "No". 

Most of my adult life has been dealing with the intersection of politics and finance.  I found your remark to be a tad condescending and preachy.  If that was your goal, then my congratulations, to you.

It is comforting (to me) that you venture beyond MSM and post information and observations, contrary to the narrative being fed to the American public (and suffering the subsequent heavy criticism, by many, within this forum)  . . . often times with great accuracy and insight.  It displays courage . . . or a masochistic need for repeated spankings.  

However, at the risk of sounding arrogant, you have posted nothing that is new or earthshattering to me. 

No offense, but you're gonna need to stay focused and up your game, if you expect me to publicly side with your most of your arguments and analysis.

I sincerely mean that in the most respectful and appreciative way.
Were the red fonts an accident, Tiki?
(07-21-2023, 11:31 PM)rothschild Wrote: Were the red fonts an accident, Tiki?


I've been screwing up the quote function lately, so I used a contrasting color to respond to your statements.

Seemed fairly straightforward, to me.
(07-21-2023, 02:16 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: Yes, RC.  Too many moving parts.  It is not a sociological perspective, it's a fact. ("Fuck you" was my initial response.)

Who, what, why, when . . . you give partial snippets (of which I mostly agree) of what is in the works and yet, ignore any solid or cohesive theory of how these events will come together and why the masses will rally behind this new Global World Order.

This grand scheme of Global World Order . . . you also pay no credence to effective rebellion, by those to be subjugated, and the Cabal's method to defeat any push-back from them.

And yet, that information is published and widely available . . . from the Cabal, itself.

No offense, I'm well aware of all of the "players" and theories you have posted.  And . . . I agree with much of what you post (including most of your conclusions, premises and analysis). 

However, your complete rejection of the essential components of fear and tribalism (of the populous), for the Globalists to achieve their goal, is your blind spot.

And that is what the Globalists will exploit . . . it's the magic trick, performed right in front of you . . . and you're too blinded by "facts" and "players" and "theories" to see.

How is "the populous" -- which is rife with divisions -- of serious consequence when they're dependant on corporations for their survival -- which is, and will continue to be, leveraged for maximum coercion?

If "too many moving parts" is indeed a fact, perhaps you could quantify it and provide a brief explanation of why they're an insurmountable obstacle.

The only major obstacle I see is the obedience of subordinates in the globalist hierarchy, hence the need for characterizing it's behavior as "emergency management". They're subject to coercion, reprisal, and if necessary, replacement.

Is that an insurmountable obstacle? Perhaps, but it certainly wasn't in the case of Nazi Germany. The scale is different here, but functionaries tend to be servile, and mangers who climb the ladder tend to be brown nosers, neither of which tend to have an abundance of moral fiber.
(07-22-2023, 01:52 PM)rothschild Wrote: How is "the populous" -- which is rife with divisions -- of serious consequence when they're dependant on corporations for their survival -- which is, and will continue to be, leveraged for maximum coercion?

I reject your premise that dependency on corporations is the catalyst to establish the new Global Order . . . and, thus, achieving a docile and compliant global population.

Additionally, your premise paints all corporations as being the same. 

You do not distinguish between their composition (e.g., closed, public, non-profit, municipal, business), nor what would cause them to “join” with the elitists.

However, you just identified (and according to your premise) a potential and critical “moving part”, but fail to give any explanation to why, once a country controls all the corporations, they would now yield this incredible power and control, to another?

Convince me and I’ll jump on board.

If "too many moving parts" is indeed a fact, perhaps you could quantify it and provide a brief explanation of why they're an insurmountable obstacle.

Ahhhh . . . the old do as I say, and be specific . . . but not as I do . . . by tossing lofty theories and prognostications without support.


We’ll start with an easy question illustrating “moving parts”:  What would unite different countries into abandoning their individual cultures, religions, political structures, and governance, and not only welcome, but embrace a new monolithic Global Government?

Let’s think micro and approach this, by applying the same question, to the United States. 

Give me an example that would unite all of America’s population into abandoning our current government in favor of a new Global World Order.
Easier still . . . why haven’t we unified our population into one unified and acceptable mindset . . . regarding anything that divides us?

As we haven’t found a solution, domestically, to resolve our divisions, it is absurd to ignore this “moving part” before postulating an international resolve.

Remember, it must be for all . . . lest now you have “tribes” rejecting and threatening the New Global Order and their allies.

This segues directly into your next point . . .

The only major obstacle I see is the obedience of subordinates in the globalist hierarchy, hence the need for characterizing it's behavior as "emergency management". They're subject to coercion, reprisal, and if necessary, replacement. 
Is that an insurmountable obstacle? Perhaps, but it certainly wasn't in the case of Nazi Germany. 

And how did that work long term?  What thwarted and derailed the grand design of a pure-blooded Aryan Nation, ruling the world?

Quite simply:  Why did it fail and what is preventing the same failure from happening again?

And then there’s your unresolved “obedience of subordinates” obstacle to overcome, too.

Global domination, other than by force?  

Simple:  End tribalism by creating fear, and then providing a universally accepted solution to waylay the fear.

The rest of the journey is just the devil in details.

I feel that I did provide some concrete examples that support my position, including one that specificly referenced a corporation that is among the largest. Small corporations are of very little consequence in the globalist ecosystem. Everything that's perceived to have significant value is subsumed. The rest are subject to the crippling economic volatility that's sweeping the world -- by intention. Some will have the wherewithal to survive, most will not, IMO, unless a dramatic shift occurs -- which I very much hope is the case.

I also referenced BlackRock and Vanguard, which have an *insane* amount of capital at their disposal. They were built up over time for the express purpose of forcing the compliance of corporations that are resistant to the latest iteration of the "NWO". "Get woke, go broke" is oblivious to the fact that profitability is now secondary to EGS compliance. Corporations aren't being mismanaged, they are literally being forced to behave in the manner we are now seeing -- a manner which appears to be irrational but is not. BlackRock's CEO recently stated that noncompliance with EGS standards is not an option, and he means that.

One thing the gobalists excel at is leveraging wealth and power, which is of far greater importance than the amount one has at their disposal. They are masters in this art, and have been for centuries. They also take the long view, and think ahead far into the future, unlike the vast majority of us, who are incapable of thinking ahead one year, much less lifetimes.

As for nations, the Western World is ruled almost entirely by people who have no national allegiance at all. "Build Back Better" means economic deconstruction, which is precisely what we're experiencing. These "leaders" are committed to relinquishing all of the sovereignty that remains in their respective nations -- which isn't very much at this point in time.

As for American politics, extreme polarization coupled with the circumstances inflicted by the response to the "pandemic" are all that I think is necessary to preclude the possibility of large-scale resistance. Riots, yes; effective, large-scale resistance, absolutely not. That requires healthy family structure and healthy community. As isolated individuals we're defenseless. Most of us who have the wherewithal to take this in stride are incapable or unwilling to look beyond electoral politics, which is completely insulated from policymaking. Wedge issues comprise the totality of what is addressed by politics, IMO, and that is merely theatre.

What percentage of the American electorate do you think understands sovereignty, much less appreciates it's significance?

Those who tick off both boxes are where resistance is occurring, and I don't know whether or not it will be sufficient. I think the prospects are far better in a nation such as France, where stiff resistance has been going on for the last two to three years. They understand the stakes, but even then, what happens when severe food shortages become the new "emergency" requiring the "expertise" of the "public health" industry?

With respect to the Nazi quest for lebensraum, that sorry chapter was set up by the usual suspects prior to WWI. The Versailles Treaty paved the way for the rise of a loutish man who would not otherwise have been accepted by German society. The Dawes and Young Plans established the cartels that were essential for German remilitarization.

John D. Rockefeller transferred the technical processes for the manufacture of synthetic rubber and the fuel required for the German air force, both of which were absolutely essential for German military success. Rockefeller also sold fuel to Japan for it's navy. This was documented by Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau, whose papers are at the Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park.

The quest for lebensraum failed, but success was never in the cards. The war was a stunning success for Zionism, paving the way for the establishment of Israel, and neutering the great powers of Continental Europe, and Imperial Japan, establishing the US as a global superpower -- under the thumb of the Federal Reserve System. The CIA was the brainchild of that system, which gives insight into it's intended purpose, I think. BlackRock is an extension of that dark hierarchy.

Finally, I believe you're referencing thesis-->antithesis-->synthesis, which is today referred to as problem-->reaction-->solution, of which the pandemic is a perfect example. 911 is another one. The origin is found in Hegelian dialectics, upon which Marx and Engels developed dialectical materialism, which was further advanced by other Marxists. Communism obviously comes to mind, here. It's function, I think, lies in the dynamics associated with empire, e.g., the necessity for official "enemies". How else can a permanent wartime economy be rationalized?

Re the here and now, there comes a point where the cat gets out of the bag, so to speak. Obviously, this plays out along partisan lines, and will continue to do so as long as the progression remains gradual. I'm not sure if the globalists have the luxury of continued graduality, though. I think they're "all-in" at this point, resistance is building, and the clock is ticking. What are your thoughts here?

Let me know if I left something unanswered.
Bill Gates and his cronies are the puppet masters.
Whatta weirdo you've turned into.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(07-23-2023, 03:10 PM)rothschild Wrote: * * * Blah, Blah, Blah . . . Yadda, Yadda, Yadda  * * * - [Tiki synthesizing RC's response]

Let me know if I left something unanswered.


Every one of my questions was unanswered, by you.