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(09-01-2024, 01:27 PM)sally Wrote:  It's hardly the national news story the media is turning it into. You also conveniently left out the part that Trump was invited there and given permission to photograph by the family members, many of who spoke out against Biden.

Sally, the family of the dead who are buried there don't make the rules and it's fine for family to invite trump. I don't see anyone having a problem with that. The problem is that trump and his thugs broke the law. Within hours of filming at Arlington the video was up on trump's sites and presented as a campaign video. That POS stood on the grave of an American soldier grinning insanely and giving a thumbs up. trump is an abomination.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Oh for fuck's sake. It's funny how you and the media are saying he was disrespectful, but the actual family members of the dead aren't.
[Image: GWaJuEEXYAIQYnK?format=jpg&name=medium]
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The family members invited him and have not spoken anything badly about him. Their day of rememberance wasn't ruined by anyone other than the media and assholes like you who are now exploiting it
Exploiting it? Sally, it's against the law to do what they did and it's not the first time trump & Co have done so because they think the law doesn't apply to them. I already said it was fine for the Gold Star family to invite trump there, not a problem at all.

Speaking of exploiting-

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[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
So not one family member that the whole thing was intended for has complained, you know who they are, the people that actually were there mourning their loved ones and spoke out against Biden. But the media makes a big deal out of an incident with a photographer and cemetery worker and that's where your priorities are? Nothing you say can be taken seriously.
Why would you hold them to a different standard than the one you and your family would be held to? Your ass would be jailed as well as your family. Keep making excuses for that POS, Sal, you have justified his appalling bullshit for years. No low has been too low for the standards you hold him to. At first I thought it must be different for those of you who don't come from a military family, but that's not it at all.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Say what you really mean!
I did! What the hell do you want me to do, treat her like maga treats people? No. 
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Trump is the only thing the Democrats have to run on, which says everything that needs to be said about them.

Trump isn't any better but he isn't worse, either.
So you think the parents of the fallen soldiers should be jailed too? They are the ones that invited Trump to their ceremony and asked for pictures and videos.
(09-02-2024, 10:12 AM)Duchess Wrote: I did! What the hell do you want me to do, treat her like maga treats people? No. 

The only ones treating people badly here are Kamala Harris and the media for politicizing fallen U.S. service members and their families. The families have spoke out and said they invited Trump and a private photographer there and they blame Biden and Harris for even having to be there in the first place.
(09-02-2024, 10:59 AM)sally Wrote: So you think the parents of the fallen soldiers should be jailed too? They are the ones that invited Trump to their ceremony and asked for pictures and videos.

How many times do I have to tell you that the families feelings are irrelevant? They don't make the rules, they don't enforce the law. How do you not know the difference between law abiding and law breaking?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
As for your other bullshit story, the man trying to the enter the press area was a Trump opponent according to witnesses which included the press themselves. He was cursing at Trump and his aggression was directed towards him. When Trump said " he's on our side" he was referring to the officer that took the man out.
(09-02-2024, 11:54 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(09-02-2024, 10:59 AM)sally Wrote: So you think the parents of the fallen soldiers should be jailed too? They are the ones that invited Trump to their ceremony and asked for pictures and videos.

How many times do I have to tell you that the families feelings are irrelevant? They don't make the rules, they don't enforce the law. How do you not know the difference between law abiding and law breaking?

Their children gave the ultimate sacrifice to this country and their feelings are irrelevent? You're disgusting, I'm not talking to you anymore.
I don't know why that made me laugh. Send help.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
This is what I'm talking about folks. She's outraged over a dispute between a Trump photographer and a cemetery worker which there isn't even a video of. According to her everyone trying to have a peaceful rememberance ceremony for their loved ones who died fighting for the country should be locked up. Their feelings are both irrelevant and funny to her because they committed this henious crime.
She won't even address the Trump rally incident that she was so mad about that turned out to not even be true, in fact it was the complete opposite. How you gonna go around being mad about something that didnt even happen, and she's been doing this shit for 8 years. Get help!
(09-02-2024, 01:02 PM)sally Wrote: This is what I'm talking about folks. She's outraged over a dispute between a Trump photographer and a cemetery worker which there isn't even a video of. According to her everyone trying to have a peaceful rememberance ceremony for their loved ones who died fighting for the country should be locked up. Their feelings are both irrelevant and funny to her because they committed this henious crime.

I'm so glad you brought that up! One of the first things trump's people said was that they had video of the altercation and it was going to prove they were telling the truth (or words to that affect), so of course they are asked to provide the video and I think it's been a full week of waiting for them to prove their innocence. *snort laugh* 

Everything about your post is wrong, trump defender. 
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
...and why the hell are you acting like this kind of thing happens all the time and trump is being singled out because he's trump? It doesn't happen all the time, it's never happened before.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]