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(03-04-2023, 12:40 PM)MirahM Wrote: This is a 1⁄2 ring thing w/ a jewel on each end.
I know exactly what you're talking about. I bought one, but never used it because I can't figure out how to get the ring out. The guy who put the ring in used a tool to do so.
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(03-04-2023, 12:58 PM)sally Wrote: I'm not going to be one of those old ladies that cut my hair short and wear purple slacks.
*cringe* Me either!
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(03-04-2023, 01:06 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: To both Myrah and Duchess . . .
Your piercing stories were a GREAT foundation to get me laughing this morning.
I thought about me . . . putting in jewelry . . . with the price tag still attached.
And the delighted look on my lover's face, after slowly and passionately kissing my neck . . . proceeding to do the same down my body . . . and noticing my navel piercing.
" Only $20 bucks? Wow! I thought tonight was gonna cost me at least two large! "
Yeah . . . I'm the Geico whore of physical pleasure and desire.
Hubba Hubba! I'm glad it's such a pleasant memory.
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Oh My Gawd ! It was an attempt at humor.
Besides . . . my tramp stamp clearly states my going rate.
On a serious note . . . what is the age when you believe one should stop wearing T-Shirts, printed with sarcastic or sexual references?
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I'm the wrong person to ask, I don't wear t-shirts and when I see grown ass women wearing hello kitty or some such shit it makes me feel snarky.
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I said that I wear t-shirts, but they do not have print on them. They don't say "it's 420, get out the bong" or anything like that. They're v-neck tunics I guess, so not actually t-shirts.
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Women wearing some permutation of "awesome Grandma" make me want to say something like "Oh! Lookie there! Did your 'I was a Shitty Parent shirt', need laundering?"
Or . . . "Funny. They think you're a stupid twat . . . Gam-Gam."
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i stopped wearing guess shirts because people kept on yelling out 300.
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(03-04-2023, 01:06 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: To both Myrah and Duchess . . .
Your piercing stories were a GREAT foundation to get me laughing this morning.
I thought about me . . . putting in jewelry . . . with the price tag still attached.
And the delighted look on my lover's face, after slowly and passionately kissing my neck . . . proceeding to do the same down my body . . . and noticing my navel piercing.
" Only $20 bucks? Wow! I thought tonight was gonna cost me at least two large! "
Yeah . . . I'm the Geico whore of physical pleasure and desire.
Ha Ha Ha! I laughed!
I dress for function.
I am sad I have some super cute dresses and office clothes that will just stay in my closet for now. Any of my shirts that have sayings on them are from this area or say something about nature or some shit like that.
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Years ago, I got a T from a friend who moved to Seattle, to work for Microsoft. She sent me a shirt that said "I Rode the SLUT" . . . the acronym for the South Lake Union Streetcar (Trolley).
I only wear it around the house.
I did laugh at a T that said: "My Spirit Animal Has Rabies".
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My husband's uncle visited here from Hungary years ago and he was so proud of all these fucked up, cheap t-shirts he got at the Goodwill. One of the shirts had a little bear on it and said mommy, daddy and baby makes three. He looked so ridiculous and doesn't speak English so he had no idea what it said. We just let him wear it without telling him.
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(03-04-2023, 01:45 PM)sally Wrote: They're v-neck tunics I guess, so not actually t-shirts.
I have a picture of you in one.
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Yeah, I like plain clothes. Not frumpy, but not screaming look at me. I do have a pair of thigh high leather boots that I rock if I do say so myself, but it's not me and I've only worn them a few times.
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Another thing that gets me boiling is when these ego-based women force their grandkids to where shirts professing their love and adoration to their "MeMaw".
WTF? You can't gender label your kid, but you can force them to wear matriarchal adulations?
The "Glam Ma" and "Gi Gi" labels get my mouth rolling.
True story:
Mum at a Bingo Tournament in Vegas. I pop-in and over to her table, during lunch break, for a quick update. One of the women sitting at her table is wearing a shirt, all fucking glittery and bedazzled with " I'm called Gi Gi . . . it's way cooler than Grandma ".
So I look at Mum and say, (in not-so-quiet voice): "Hey . . . wasn't Gigi the name of your neighbors poodle that yapped all the time and had no control over its bowels?"
She immediately got up and grabbed my arm and began dragging me over to a beverage station. She wasn't happy (actually she was livid) and told me she didn't appreciate me making comments like that, especially since she had to sit at that table, with these women, for the next two days.
And then she started laughing. I mean laughing! All the while saying "That was awful, what you said!" over and over. She was laughing so hard, thinking about that damn dog, she literally ran to the bathroom because she was about to wet herself.
When she came back, she's now all serious (because I almost caused to to have a humiliating and public accident) and once again she reminded me she didn't appreciate me saying things like that, in front of the other women. I apologized, wished her luck and left. All was well.
To this day, she will me call to report any "Gi Gi" shirt sightings . . . always laughing and talking about that damn poodle.
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People love attention. I just saw a news story about a woman whose son is a 10 year old transgender holding up a sign that says "I'm the transgender the media warned you about". What you are son, is a dumbfuck kid and your mom is an attention seeking cunt who obviously has nothing better to do. Then the mother adds some shit about being bisexual herself like anyone fucking cares whose vagina or dick she's sucking. Apparently people do though, this world is so fucked up.
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Why is it you rarely see the fathers, sitting beside these nutters, when they declare their "uniqueness" to the world?
It's always mom . . . sporting a forced and frightened grin . . . stating support for their little psycho.
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It's munchausen syndrome by proxy and men are less likely to have it because by nature and in general they do not crave as much attention as women. I'm not saying that some kids aren't truly transgender, but let them be kids and make a decision as an adult, not exploit them on social media just so you can get your rocks off.
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(03-04-2023, 05:47 PM)sally Wrote: People love attention. I just saw a news story about a woman whose son is a 10 year old transgender holding up a sign that says "I'm the transgender the media warned you about". What you are son, is a dumbfuck kid and your mom is an attention seeking cunt who obviously has nothing better to do. Then the mother adds some shit about being bisexual herself like anyone fucking cares whose vagina or dick she's sucking. Apparently people do though, this world is so fucked up.
Welcome to George Soros' Open Society.
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(03-04-2023, 08:12 PM)rothschild Wrote: (03-04-2023, 05:47 PM)sally Wrote: People love attention. I just saw a news story about a woman whose son is a 10 year old transgender holding up a sign that says "I'm the transgender the media warned you about". What you are son, is a dumbfuck kid and your mom is an attention seeking cunt who obviously has nothing better to do. Then the mother adds some shit about being bisexual herself like anyone fucking cares whose vagina or dick she's sucking. Apparently people do though, this world is so fucked up.
Welcome to George Soros' Open Society.
He's a Hungarian Jew, same as my husband. They're blood runs deep and they will do things against their own beliefs if it brings power and wealth.
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(03-04-2023, 07:34 PM)sally Wrote: It's munchausen syndrome by proxy . . . I'm not saying that some kids aren't truly transgender, but let them be kids and make a decision as an adult, not exploit them on social media just so you can get your rocks off.
I like your Munchausen take. I didn't even consider that. Makes sense. Harm by exploitation. Good catch!
When I used the terms "nutter" and "psycho" (after listening to some of the kids and parents), they NEVER consider this new identity as anything other than truth . . . "from the mouth of babes".
Where is the abundance of of juvenile psychological and psychiatric research? What quantitative or qualitative tools are being used? What psycho-social stimuli might be contributing to the decision for a child to want to change gender?
It's funny, if one were to have stated the "lab leak" theory, regarding Covid, without any evidence provided one of the aforementioned tools, you'd be labeled as a conspiracy theory nut-job.
When it comes to gender, all it takes is a "feeling" . . . and those who support it, are heralded compassionate sages . . . and not as disciples and sycophants of unproven theories.
I know two people who transitioned. One a male to female and the other . . . female to male. Both did it well into their late twenties.
For the male to female . . . 2 years of intense psychiatric work, through Stanford Medical Center, before being approved for "gender reassignment surgery".
Female to male . . . 18 months (not sure where in Colorado . . . I'm thinking Trinidad).
Both were happy . . . both sometimes had regrets . . . but they accepted who they are now. And so did I. They kept their same sexual preference, after transitioning.
So I guess that means they are now gay, too.
Never liked the new names they chose for themselves. "Claire" and "Pheron".
But this was over twenty years ago and I haven't seen either, in over ten years.