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Hi, OP!
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:The fact you barked out a public warning without even realising I was lampooning someone else, proves conclusively I am a marked man at 24.

You are a marked man with a bullseye painted on your arrogant British ass.

If I see you breaking the rules I will bark out, warn, and ban you without notice due to past offenses. Just like a criminal may get a big fine or jail time for an offense due to the track record of aggravation. You might want to not look for excuses or reasons to break the rules, including what others may have written.

I'm sorry that you expect excuses to still work, and I'm sorry that you don't want past aggravation to matter - but it does. So, be the smart cookie you claim to be and do what normal adults are able to do - which is, respect the rules, not cause or fuel their breakage.

I hope you are done being a pathetic crybaby.

86 112
Quote:I am finally collapsing the political forum for good, it is not a level playing field and I am done with right wing retards trying to constantly antagonise me and getting away with it.

I see the crybaby added more lying and crying after I posted.

Wow, no wonder you aren't married. You can't even handle yourself like an adult and control yourself on a fucking forum. You are like a little fucking kid, wanting to poke and prod, fuel and flame, causing trouble and then crying like a little bitch about it.

"Right wing lunatics" have been banned for breaking the rules, so, as usual, your broken-toothed mouth doesn't hold water.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
86 112
Sinister Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I am finally collapsing the political forum for good,
From what I've seen, your "for good" lasts, on average, about 4 days.
Fuck you.

The political forum will now be like a 24 hour a day KKK rally, redneck central if you will. I am never going to post there again, it can become the jingoistic, flag worshipping right wing paradise that many "true americans" dream of.

I am fucking done with it, it has become a stone in my online shoe.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Middle Finger Wrote:
Quote:I am finally collapsing the political forum for good, it is not a level playing field and I am done with right wing retards trying to constantly antagonise me and getting away with it.

I see the crybaby added more lying and crying after I posted.

Wow, no wonder you aren't married. You can't even handle yourself like an adult and control yourself on a fucking forum. You are like a little fucking kid, wanting to poke and prod, fuel and flame, causing trouble and then crying like a little bitch about it.

"Right wing lunatics" have been banned for breaking the rules, so, as usual, your broken-toothed mouth doesn't hold water.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Antagonists get free reign, as long as they have star spangled underpants.

This is a fact, it will be left to Sirlamre now to be the voice of reason, I am done for good.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Who are you trying to kid, pretending you don't antagonize others?

God damm you are a lying, crying, bitch.
86 112
[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote

Quote:My girl never handles my hamsters

That's just weird Opie. How many hamsters do you have and what do you do with them?
sally Wrote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote

Quote:My girl never handles my hamsters

That's just weird Opie. How many hamsters do you have and what do you do with them?

::laugh:: Good catch. What the hell is a grown man doing with some god damn hamsters? What's next, an ant farm?
86 112
He's either gay, torturing them, using them as therapy to keep the voices away, or has a snake that he's feeding them to. I hope he has a snake.
sally Wrote:He's either gay, torturing them, using them as therapy to keep the voices away, or has a snake that he's feeding them to. I hope he has a snake.

86 112
does sirlame ever shut the fuck up?? blah blah blah. an entire treatise on the least subject.

You crack me up ...
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
sally Wrote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote

Quote:My girl never handles my hamsters

That's just weird Opie. How many hamsters do you have and what do you do with them?

::laugh:: Good catch. What the hell is a grown man doing with some god damn hamsters? What's next, an ant farm?

Gee, my daughter and her friends like them as well, give some seven year old girls a fucking break will you?, you miserable cunt.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
sally Wrote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote

Quote:My girl never handles my hamsters

That's just weird Opie. How many hamsters do you have and what do you do with them?

::laugh:: Good catch. What the hell is a grown man doing with some god damn hamsters? What's next, an ant farm?

Gee, my daughter and her friends like them as well, give some seven year old girls a fucking break will you?, you miserable cunt.

Decent cover-up, rot-mouth, but we all know that you've owned hamsters before that and as an adult. It's all part of that tri-sexual mental-case gig you have going on.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
sally Wrote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote

Quote:My girl never handles my hamsters

That's just weird Opie. How many hamsters do you have and what do you do with them?

::laugh:: Good catch. What the hell is a grown man doing with some god damn hamsters? What's next, an ant farm?

Gee, my daughter and her friends like them as well, give some seven year old girls a fucking break will you?, you miserable cunt.

Decent cover-up, rot-mouth, but we all know that you've owned hamsters before that and as an adult. It's all part of that tri-sexual mental-case gig you have going on.

Pets don't have age limits you fucking moron.

Maybe I ought to try and buy one of those "talking" dogs like yours?

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Notice he doesn't deny owning hamsters as an adult.
86 112
I wouldn't normally do this to MF, but I have to say; ragging on a guy for owning hamsters is just a bit pathetic. I thought you had better in you than that, MF. I'm disappointed in you, really. ::hmph::

<picture of a very disillusioned Sinister>
I (hate to do it but) agree.

The relationship between a man and his rodent should remain private.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:The relationship between a man and his rodent should remain private.
Damn good one there, asshole. Subtle, but damn good. ::thumbs::
Sinister Wrote:I wouldn't normally do this to MF, but I have to say; ragging on a guy for owning hamsters is just a bit pathetic. I thought you had better in you than that, MF. I'm disappointed in you, really. ::hmph::

<picture of a very disillusioned Sinister>

A grown man who owns hamsters SHOULD be ragged on.

Anything else you'd like to make excuses for?

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Anything else you'd like to make excuses for?

I'd like to figure out an excuse for you being more turned on by the body pillow than the hot chick in the picture, but the only thing I can come up with is that you're a pillow faggot. ::dunno::

[Image: AAAAAiFG6ykAAAAAAFOeUg.jpg]
