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He's a nigger...I know, I KNOW that's a horrible word & I wish it coulda been a white boy that I usedit on but, that miserable fuck is as awful as what that word stands for !...I'm talking about that stunt he pulled last night at an awards show. I'm not going to cut & paste anything, it will be very easy to find if anyone is interested but, suffice to say, he showed his ass AGAIN & I don't think the industry will give him a pass on it this time...As well they shouldn't !

If I had thought "cracker" or "honky" would have carried the same zing, I would have used that word instead.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
He's a full blown asshole.

WTF? He rained all over Taylor Swift's parade. Fucking dickweed!
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
What award show?

What stupid shit did he say now?

I was watching a better program - vintage hockey - 4/19/1975 Philadelphia vs Toronto. I guess I made the better choice? ::dunno::
Oh I don't watch those banal shows......I heard about it on a news broadcast today.
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
I read about it online...He is such a no class motherfucker, he really is.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The Antagonist Wrote:What award show?

What stupid shit did he say now?

I was watching a better program - vintage hockey - 4/19/1975 Philadelphia vs Toronto. I guess I made the better choice? ::dunno::
I didn't watch it, but I heard she won best female video award and instead of congratulating her, he got up on stage and basically said that Beyonce should have won.
What a dick.

I'm so glad I don't watch regular network TV.
You know yesterday we actually watched one episode of this show Castle on the on demand thing .... well, let's just say Matt suffered through to the end just because he wanted to see the result of the investigation. I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes.
She is 17 I think.........She looked very lost when he did that. I saw the video this morning. Tough guy isn't he.::angrier::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
He's a DICK!!! Always has been, always will be.

WTF is with this guy? He pulls some kind of stupid shit like this every year, doesn't he?

Beyonce made it right when she called Swift back to the stage to finish her speech.

I think he should be banned from every award show, but that's just me.
I couldn't agree more. That poor girl was like WTF? She didn't know what say after that stunt of his. And she is such a sweet kid. Kanye is one of those idiots that think that black people should be rewarded because they are black. And ya know what? He isn't all that talented. He has only had a few good songs. The rest sucked.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
She's 19

A very sweet lovely young lady. Yeah, she was flabbergasted.
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
I had to listen to a serious amount of shit last night for using the N word in here so, to every Mocker that I offended, you have my sincere, heartfelt apology.

As dreadful as that word is, I have come to the conclusion that there are actually moments in life where that word suits some people,whether they areblack, brown, red, yellowor white.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Well, it was shocking seeing the word come from you, but I knew you weren't just using it to express mild disgust in a racist way.

Cunt might've worked just as well...
Kanye is a cunt even sounds better. ::thumbs::
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess, it's all about context.
"Oh the nasty black man made the nice white girluncomfortable!" - :Yawn:

Kanye came across as a complete dick, but then Taylor Swift came across as a complete airhead.

I say during the next MTV awards they lock the doors of the venue and set fire to the building, no great loss.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Do you only come here when you have a shitty attitude or is this your normal demeanor ?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:Do you only come here when you have a shitty attitude or is this your normal demeanor ?
You just noticed this? After all these years you JUST noticed this? ::lmao::
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
#20 Smiley_emoticons_smile