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Having Newbietard on ignore
The ignore button, what a godsend.

I now have a pathological liar and a bearded prick with learning difficulties on ignore.

I refuse to give these two fuckwits the oxygen of my attention any longer.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Boo-fuckin'-hoo. 21

Why do you think it is important to any of us here who you have on ignore? You just want some attention, or make them beg you not to ignore them? Why the fuck do you think who you ignore is anything of any significance to anyone except you? I can't wait till you have everyone else on ignore and are in here talking to yourself. You're probably used to that, though.

As if it would matter. You come up with one phrase and you use it over and over and over and overtill it is worn down to a meaningless smear on my monitor. Let's see how long you use "neo nazi cohort" before it sounds just like a fucking parrot or broken record. Or white noise.

Whoops......that already happened. ::doh::

Unoriginal and repetitive; predictable and quite boring. Poophole -summed up in 4 accuratelydescriptive words.
Sinister Wrote:Boo-fuckin'-hoo. 21

Why do you think it is important to any of us here who you have on ignore? You just want some attention, or make them beg you not to ignore them? Why the fuck do you think who you ignore is anything of any significance to anyone except you? I can't wait till you have everyone else on ignore and are in here talking to yourself. You're probably used to that, though.

As if it would matter. You come up with one phrase and you use it over and over and onver and overtill it is worn down to a meaningless smear on my monitor. Let's see how long you use "neo nazi cohort" before it sounds just like a fucking parrot or broken record.

Whoops......that already happened. ::doh::

Unoriginal and repetitive; predictable and quite boring. Poophole, summed up in 4 accuratelydescriptive words.
Put your leash back on.

I will post what I like, when I like, about what I like, your bullshit opinions on what I post are as important to me as the life of the fly I have just swatted. Who I put on ignore is important, as the buzzing hub of this whole fucking site I can make or break members here by how much attention I pay them, notice how quiet the lying bitch antagonist has been since I put her on ignore.

Newbietard made the cardinal error of boring me to death, he is only put up with here because he kisses your, and MFs arseholes daily that is the only reason. He is completely witless and adds a big fat retarded zero to every thread he posts in. Occassionally I will repeat things, not because I think its funny but because it pisses people off, I am only here for hate, distance and irritation.

You know as well as I do, that without me this place would quickly turn into a yawnfest, a clusterfuck with everybody sucking each others dicks. Mock is a Hydra with lots of heads I have just cut off two of the more worthless ones.

As for four words to describe you?, try self loathing biker bitch.

Or brain addled homicidal sociopath.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Holy Shit...Are you for real, OP?!...And you have the absolute amazing audacity to refer to me as a narcissistic bitch ?...Pfft !
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Who's a pathological liar?
Duchess Wrote:Holy Shit...Are you for real, OP?!...And you have the absolute amazing audacity to refer to me as a narcissistic bitch ?...Pfft !

The phrase "pot, say hello to kettle" comes to mind, don't it, Dutch? ::lmao::

::nuts::<<< Poophole. Summed up even more easily by a simple emoticon instead of words. ::laugh::
There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Who's a pathological liar?
He thinks Antagonist is. Like I said; ::nuts:: <<< Poophole.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:You know as well as I do, that without me this place would quickly turn into a yawnfest, a clusterfuck with everybody sucking each others dicks.

You learned that in self importance 101. I can tell.
Maggot Wrote:There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
I agree. who cares who has anyone on ignore or not. who gives a shit who gives a fuck.
::banana::::banana::Yeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaa ::banana::::banana::

I made poopholes ignore list.

This is better than getting a salary increase::bigg::::bigg::::bigg::
newbiecollector Wrote:This is better than getting a salary increase::bigg::::bigg::::bigg::

Norway is Socialist. Every time you open your mailbox you got a salary increase.
Sinister Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Who's a pathological liar?
He thinks Antagonist is. Like I said; ::nuts:: <<< Poophole.

I don't think anything I have conclusively proven her to be a fucking liar, making up stories about me harrassing her via PM and E-mail when she knows for a fact I have never sent her a PM or E-mail.......ever.
I always mention it as a cautionary reminder to other members, when antagonist (twitchin kitten) realises she can't get to you with words she will switch to blatant lies, like "you virtually raped me in a chat room". Which she will then pass on to her "British lawyer friend" to investigate.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Liquid Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
I agree. who cares who has anyone on ignore or not. who gives a shit who gives a fuck.

Your opinion about what I post is even more insignificant than Eva Brauns opinion.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I don't think anything I have conclusively proven her to be a fucking liar,
Hate to break it to ya, Poophole, but you haven't proven shit to me. I don't buy any of your claims. Anyone can say anything about anyone else in here and to conclusively prove something would take a lot more than your BS claims. Why should anyone take your word over hers? Because you're "such a nice guy"? Pfffffttt..... Gimme a break. Where's your proof? More words that you type? That ain't gonna cut it, fuckwit.

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
I agree. who cares who has anyone on ignore or not. who gives a shit who gives a fuck.

Your opinion about what I post is even more insignificant than Eva Brauns opinion.

Like everyone on Mock has said over and over and over again - No one thinks your posts are worth an infected ingrown cunt hair. So go pull up your skirt for the 200th time today and fist yourself like you love to do in your well abused ass from all the butt pounding you regularly take in back alleys all around your insignificant shit hole of an island you pretend to call a country.
Liquid Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
I agree. who cares who has anyone on ignore or not. who gives a shit who gives a fuck.

Your opinion about what I post is even more insignificant than Eva Brauns opinion.

Like everyone on Mock has said over and over and over again -::haha::[color="blue"] No one thinks your posts are worth an infected ingrown cunt hair.[/color] So go pull up your skirt for the 200th time today and fist yourself like you love to do in your well abused ass from all the butt pounding you regularly take in back alleys all around your insignificant shit hole of an island you pretend to call a country.
Oh I love that part....hahahaha::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::
Liquid Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
I agree. who cares who has anyone on ignore or not. who gives a shit who gives a fuck.

Your opinion about what I post is even more insignificant than Eva Brauns opinion.

Like everyone on Mock has said over and over and over again - No one thinks your posts are worth an infected ingrown cunt hair. So go pull up your skirt for the 200th time today and fist yourself like you love to do in your well abused ass from all the butt pounding you regularly take in back alleys all around your insignificant shit hole of an island you pretend to call a country.

Lame stuff fatboy, I'm the trawler, the rest of you are just fucking seagulls following me around waiting for me to throw you scraps.

Your continued fascination with my rectum has been added to the ever growing file labelled "Liquid - secret arse bandit?"
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Do you ever just say, "ass", OP ?....Arse is sorta fairylike..."I can't be arsed, I've heard you say before...Oh, and by the way, do you have sideburns like I've seen pics of Elvis having back in the day ?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:There's not enough people here to put anyone on ignore, I've only used it once and that was for about 5 min.
I agree. who cares who has anyone on ignore or not. who gives a shit who gives a fuck.

Your opinion about what I post is even more insignificant than Eva Brauns opinion.

Like everyone on Mock has said over and over and over again - No one thinks your posts are worth an infected ingrown cunt hair. So go pull up your skirt for the 200th time today and fist yourself like you love to do in your well abused ass from all the butt pounding you regularly take in back alleys all around your insignificant shit hole of an island you pretend to call a country.

Lame stuff fatboy, I'm the trawler, the rest of you are just fucking seagulls following me around waiting for me to throw you scraps.
[Image: NewJaws.gif]