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Parliaments of the United Kingdom
Unelected LORDS with lifetime positions? You need the fucking Queen to invite you to form a Party? Make sure you sent in your royal tax. You need her authority to do business in Government? That relic from anti-freedom medieval times? No wonder you people have no sense of power over Government and don't appreciate what it means or takes for the balance of power to be with the PEOPLE. Just asking, I have not researched to confirm. Just checking out how the principles of freedom are doing over there, between gun bans.

In the United Kingdom, Parliament consists of the House of Commons, the House of Lords, and the Monarch. The House of Commons is composed of 646 members who are directly elected by British citizens to represent single-member constituencies. The leader of a Party that wins more than half the seats or less than half but can count on support of smaller parties to achieve enough support to pass law is invited by the Queen to form a government. Legally the Queen is the head of government and no business in Parliament can be taken without her authority. The House of Lords is a body of long-serving, unelected members: 92 of whom inherit their seats and 574 of whom have been appointed to lifetime seats.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Unelected LORDS with lifetime positions? You need the fucking Queen to invite you to form a Party? Make sure you sent in your royal tax. You need her authority to do business in Government? That relic from anti-freedom medieval times? No wonder you people have no sense of power over Government and don't appreciate what it means or takes for the balance of power to be with the PEOPLE. Just asking, I have not researched to confirm. Just checking out how the principles of freedom are doing over there, between gun bans.

In the United Kingdom, Parliament consists of the House of Commons, the House of Lords, and the Monarch. The House of Commons is composed of 646 members who are directly elected by British citizens to represent single-member constituencies. The leader of a Party that wins more than half the seats or less than half but can count on support of smaller parties to achieve enough support to pass law is invited by the Queen to form a government. Legally the Queen is the head of government and no business in Parliament can be taken without her authority. The House of Lords is a body of long-serving, unelected members: 92 of whom inherit their seats and 574 of whom have been appointed to lifetime seats.

The lords have stopped a large number of bullshit new labour policies from getting passed through parliament. Its a good job they are there to counteract the fucking new labour nazi party.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
What's next out of your excuse-making, anti-freedom, Queen and Lord servant mouth, the benefits of dictatorships?
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:What's next out of your excuse-making, anti-freedom, Queen and Lord servant mouth, the benefits of dictatorships?


Sorry, polly isn't going to get his cracker this time.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Exactly, there's no real defense to what I am saying. Lifetime Lords, Queen, etc. Sad, very sad. No wonder you're an anti-freedom douche is all I was saying. Take a look at your Country and it's not surprising.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Exactly, there's no real defense to what I am saying. Lifetime Lords, Queen, etc. Sad, very sad. No wonder you're an anti-freedom douche is all I was saying. Take a look at your Country and it's not surprising.

Bad, repetitive, ill informed polly!

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Quote:The lords have stopped a large number of bullshit new labour policies from getting passed through parliament. Its a good job they are there to counteract the fucking new labour nazi party.
If I remember correctly, and I do, Maggie wasn't a Lord during her power reign.

newbiecollector Wrote:
Quote:The lords have stopped a large number of bullshit new labour policies from getting passed through parliament. Its a good job they are there to counteract the fucking new labour nazi party.
If I remember correctly, and I do, Maggie wasn't a Lord during her power reign.
Uh-oh my ignorance meter is flashing on maximum again!

Margaret Thatcher (bitch queen and dismantler of the British manufacturing industries) often had the support of the lords but certainly not all the time newbietard.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ang you..poop-hole brought up keeping the labour unions inline.

Do you really remember or are you old enough to? I remember that time, I lived there back then.

Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Exactly, there's no real defense to what I am saying. Lifetime Lords, Queen, etc. Sad, very sad. No wonder you're an anti-freedom douche is all I was saying. Take a look at your Country and it's not surprising.

Bad, repetitive, ill informed polly!


The lords have stopped a large number of bullshit new labour policies from getting passed through parliament. Its a good job they are there to counteract the fucking new labour nazi party.

::lmao:: I just wanted to see that lame ass excuse-making for lifetime unelected LORDS again ...
86 112
newbiecollector Wrote:Ang you..poop-hole brought up keeping the labour unions inline.

Do you really remember or are you old enough to? I remember that time, I lived there back then.

Yes I remember that time, unlike you I actually did live through it as a few of my relatives were miners at the time. Maggie the bitch literally left the miners and their families starving for food the fucking bitch.

It had fuck all to do with keeping the unions in line and everything to do with destroying the lower and working classes. Her stance against the miners means that today we now import fossil fuels from abroad at ridiculous prices even though there are hundreds of undisturbed coal seams and other resources in the UK.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
You brought up union control ------ live with it
Don't you just love it, when the retarded and the uninformed yanks, start thinking they know about UK politics? It's as though they seriously think their political system is so fucking great.

As it's coming up to your fucking elections, I've heard so many Americans saying that both presidential candidates are crap. These are people who appear to be level headed and intelligent. However, that then begs the question as to how can you end up with two crap candidates, if your fucking political system is so god damned good?

I don't pretend to understand the US political system, but looking in from the outside, it does rather look like it's all about money and flash flag waving bullshit and campaigns of very little substance.

I find it difficult to see how you can decry UK politics, when you've had presidents like Ronald Reagan and George Bush. I mean come on guys, you were having a fucking laugh right? Why would anyone vote those jokers into office for fucks sake? A third rate actor and a mumbling fucking fool.

You've also in your very short history had four presidents assassinated while in office and several have had attempts made on their lives, such as Reagan for example.

What is it about US politics that makes the American people assassinate their political leaders? Surely the sensible thing to do would be to not vote people into office if you think their so crap, rather than voting them in then trying to kill them.

Of course the UK has it's problems and not all our politicians are what I would describe as top notch. However, I truly believe our political system is better than the bullshit you fuckers have, though it's not perfect by any means.

Hi, I'm the Queen of the Lords, and I approve that message.
86 112
You definitely got the queen bit right. ::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::::lmao::
You like me as a Queen, I know that Howard. Smiley_emoticons_smile

Regards, MF. Smiley_emoticons_smile
86 112
So sorry to disappoint you mate, but I am definitely not that way inclined.

However, I have no problem with your alternative sexuality.
Howard_hopkinso Wrote:So sorry to disappoint you mate, but I am definitely not that way inclined.

However, I have no problem with your alternative sexuality.
Oh I know you don't have a problem with alternative sexuality. That's for sure.
86 112
Why thankyou for finally realising I'm not homophobic. Took fucking long enough for it to sink in to that thick dim witted brain or yours.

Mind you, better late than never I suppose.

Fuckin' Aye..Really, Gentlemen, does every thread have to evolve into homosexual dialoge ?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]