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(01-27-2010, 12:17 PM)sally Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 12:04 PM)Middle Finger Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 11:40 AM)The Antagonist Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 10:59 AM)Middle Finger Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 10:57 AM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: Gee Frank, I'm sorry that I don't have the same tiny boxes as you when labeling people.

It's not a box, it's common language use. On forms, in conversations, etc, when someone is "White" they are Caucasian, not fucking Mexican or Chinese you dope.

That's the whole problem right there Frank. Especially on forms. Remember last spring when I was filling out something that had NOTHING at all to do with race and they had dedicated a whole page to asking me what race I am? Remember how pissed and offended I was about it?

I never accepted the thing I was applying for and I sent it back with a piece of my mind. NO FORM ON EARTH should ask you what your skin color or ethnicity is unless they're trying to fill an acting role for a particular skin color!

I was applying for a loan then and of all things, it was government backed. It was the assholes in our government asking me what color my skin was. I'll be damned if I tell them on general principal alone. My skin has nothing to do with the fact if I can pay back a loan or not. PERIOD.

That shit is only used to fill quotas and continue their own brand of reverse racism.

Next time anyone sees those idiotic check boxes and questions you fill it out with one extra box and big letters saying AMERICAN. that's all they need to know. 86

I hear you on the whole skin color on forms thingie.

Fixed it for you.
Thanks! I actually like that better. 27
86 112
So Frank, by your definition of Caucasian any black person with white skin is white? Are you fucking kidding me?
Hispanics are not white, even with light skin colors.
Frank, I realize that you think you're being terribly witty by posting after every one of my remarks here at Mock that I'm complaining, but you're actually looking more of the fool than usual. You're unhappy with my broad definition of "white"' I get it. We all get. You're a small minded bigot. What would it accomplish if I actually did complain about it? You're not going to change.
(01-27-2010, 12:42 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: So Frank, by your definition of Caucasian any black person with white skin is white? Are you fucking kidding me?
Hispanics are not white, even with light skin colors.

I think Frank agrees with you, it's D that agreed with me on that.
(01-27-2010, 07:46 AM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I think it's kind of funny that a few people in here have gotten a little huffy denying they're 'white' when it was mentioned... so now it's a bad thing? Claiming you've got 1/1,248% Cherokee blood makes you non-white? Maybe I take the term too broadly but I consider Hispanics and Asians 'white' as well. Most of them are the same color as me, so what's the difference?

According to my son, I'm pink. I am a little pale, but white? geeze... that would be downright pasty.
(01-27-2010, 12:42 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: So Frank, by your definition of Caucasian any black person with white skin is white? Are you fucking kidding me?
Hispanics are not white, even with light skin colors.

No, my definition of Caucasian is light-skinned people - Whites. Here is, though:
86 112
I just call them how I see em. If I were ever to be mugged by a little bandito then I would most likely describe him to the cops as a Hispanic guy.
So I guess I'm not technically "white" because I've got some Semitic in my gene pool. That's blatantly ridiculous. Try thinking a little more broadly instead of categorizing people into neat little boxes.
Sorry Sally, that wasn't aimed at you.
(01-27-2010, 10:41 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 09:54 AM)Julie Wrote: i can see why you are so well liked here. Smiley_emoticons_smile

Yeah, 'cuz she's everything you're not.

This may be true, and I am not sure that this would be a bad thing from my perspective. Smiley_emoticons_smile

Quote:Stop trying to figure me out, moron...

I'm not trying to figure you out...I really don't give you too much thought at all.

Quote: You're just too fuckin' stupid, you reiterate that with each & every post you make...You are so fuckin' annoying that people actually gave me kudos for calling you what I did...Kind, decent people that don't have a racist bone in their bodies thought that you whole heartedly deserved to be called that...


That's contradictory.

Quote:You did everything except beg for it...


This thing has now taken on a life of its own. I'll bet you don't even really recall exactly what happened anymore. All you know is we're e-enemies.

Quote:There are people here that think you are dragging this out in order to somehow push me over the edge in such a fashion that MF will be forced to ban me...Ain't gonna happen, bitch...I would never give you the satisfaction of seeing that.

I really hadn't thought about this....but now that you mention it, you are getting pretty riled up.

Honestly, I do not have any "intentions" of that nature towards you or anyone else here. Frank can & will ban whoever he likes for any reason he likes, but looking @ the rules of the forum & how Frank manages the forum, I doubt he would ban one of the most active posters here.

I don't think you should worry so much. 11
You're probably really safe. I mean... you could do anything short of threatening to muder one of the other members & I think you'd be OK. You're an established member and a very big contributor here.
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
(01-27-2010, 12:09 PM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: Julie's unhappy cuz her hair is so nappy.


I love my hair and I wear it straight sometimes, but mostly I wear it au naturale / kinky.

Either way - I'm still way more appealing than you.
I will not be participating at this forum.
This is a toxic place. Goodbye.
(01-27-2010, 08:39 AM)IMaDick Wrote: yes it is, we whites are the only race that continually (true or not) that inherits racism from our ancestors.

you know 150 years ago some whites owned slaves, that has been placed on us and we carry the racism of those people by inheritance, 46 years ago some people stood against integration that racism is placed on us even if we weren't born yet we carry that racism by inheritance.

we pay for affirmative action because of what other people did in the past.

we are the only race (whites) who have to deal with the racism of people who are dead and gone.

its inherited plain and simple.

Meh... lots of people and cultures, including (so-called) 'black' people owned slaves. There were even black slave owners, in America, during that whole period before and during the civil war. Humans have been abusing other humans for as long as we've been around.

That doesn't make it RIGHT and we've certainly come a long way (most of us) in the right direction, but to say that the onus of slavery is on our heads?

When different cultures keep browbeating everyone else into 'recognizing' their cultural backgrounds, they are doing more to keep themselves separate than to help their cause. Race is an illusion. We are all related if you go back far enough... and I'm not just talking about West Virginia here. ::lol::
(01-27-2010, 09:00 AM)IMaDick Wrote: sad really that all affirmative action has done is keep racism alive, keep us divided as a nation and held the blacks down by placing a stigma on their generations which they also cannot escape because the law says they can't.

Yep, that's what I'm saying. 44
If it's a White-looking guy that robbed/attacked you, that is how you are going to describe him to the police. You aren't going to say, well, he might have had 10% of (whatever) mixed in so he is not White or Caucasian. You are NOT going to tell the police he was a White or Caucasian if the fucking criminal looked like a Chinese guy to you. Thanks, dope.
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(01-27-2010, 09:43 AM)Zenith Wrote: In many, many ways, I feel the same. I believe there is a small room full of fat people (of various colors and cultures) sitting back laughing at all the people in the world who continue to keep the topic of racism alive. Hell, you think you got it bad, my idiot ass AFRICAN ancestors gave my black ass away through a very stupid deal. They didn't want any of us so they told the white man..."Here take 'em!" Then when my "given away" ancestors arrived, they were forced to be less than an animal and on, and on, and on.....

Why doesn't humanity heal itself from this terrible affliction? We do we continue to keep this nonsense going when it is clear to see, no one discussing racism really benefits from it in any way.

To be truly HUMAN is to love and honor ALL life forms on this planet with complete and total anonymity. To learn something new each day and to teach something to another. Anything less, is not part of OUR RACE! The Human Race 27

Very, very good post, Z!!! Very well said.
(01-27-2010, 09:54 AM)Julie Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 09:43 AM)Zenith Wrote: To be truly HUMAN is to love and honor ALL life forms on this planet with complete and total anonymity. To learn something new each day and to teach something to another. Anything less, is not part of OUR RACE! The Human Race 27
i can see why you are so well liked here. Smiley_emoticons_smile

THAT is your reaction to Zenith's post???? Smiley_emoticons_skeptischSmiley_emoticons_skeptisch

Come on, brave bold girl, tell us whether or not you agree with her!
Look, compared to 24hourforums Mock is a haven of political correctness when it comes to racism.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(01-27-2010, 09:54 AM)Julie Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 09:43 AM)Zenith Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 09:00 AM)IMaDick Wrote:
(01-27-2010, 08:50 AM)Duchess Wrote:

I refuse to accept responsibility for the actions of others...I'll glady "own" my own bullshit but, fuck all if Ima taking the blame for something I had no part of.

If it was only that simple, the blame is spread across the board for the whites, we have no say in any of it.

My ancestors fought in the civil war for the north, illinois volunteers, but yet when it comes to carring the water for slavery I'am still forced to carry a share of the burden, I stand as tough as anyone white person can against racism , in fact Im some what of a radical about it but when it all is said and done Im looked at just like I owned slaves today , have them working and living in deplorable conditions and knocking up every young black girl on my estate.

sad really that all affirmative action has done is keep racism alive, keep us divided as a nation and held the blacks down by placing a stigma on their generations which they also cannot escape because the law says they can't.

I THINK I LOVE YOU,...and shit

In many, many ways, I feel the same. I believe there is a small room full of fat people (of various colors and cultures) sitting back laughing at all the people in the world who continue to keep the topic of racism alive. Hell, you think you got it bad, my idiot ass AFRICAN ancestors gave my black ass away through a very stupid deal. They didn't want any of us so they told the white man..."Here take 'em!" Then when my "given away" ancestors arrived, they were forced to be less than an animal and on, and on, and on.....

Why doesn't humanity heal itself from this terrible affliction? We do we continue to keep this nonsense going when it is clear to see, no one discussing racism really benefits from it in any way.

To be truly HUMAN is to love and honor ALL life forms on this planet with complete and total anonymity. To learn something new each day and to teach something to another. Anything less, is not part of OUR RACE! The Human Race 27

So Let's stand together and say...

FUCK YOU FAT ASS LAUGHING PEOPLE (of various colors and cultures) IN THE SMALL ROOM sitting back laughing at all the people in the world! WE ARE NOT GONNA CARRY YOUR BULLSHIT ANY FURTHER!

Now can we pleeeeezzz get naked! 27

i can see why you are so well liked here. Smiley_emoticons_smile

Hmmmm Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch

Nope, I'm pretty sure you can't see that at all, but I still love ya anyway's...

Oh, who am I kidding....hahaha I don't really love you That's not even allowed at MOCK!!! 282811528

SIDE BAR: Unless, of course, you'd like to get naked with me and let me fondle your private parts whilst the whole forum watches with lust filled eyes in envy and desire
(01-27-2010, 02:13 PM)Zenith Wrote: SIDE BAR: Unless, of course, you'd like to get naked with me and let me fondle your private parts whilst the whole forum watches with lust filled eyes in envy and desire

Julie hasn't given any evidence, thus far, to show that her 'bits and pieces' would engender lust over revulsion. Be careful what you wish for!!

Julie. So Much More Than A Skin Color. Well, Not Really.™
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