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(10-21-2010, 01:31 PM)IMaDick Wrote: (10-21-2010, 12:14 PM)Greeneyesofblue Wrote: What the fuck happened to this now being a kinder and more gentle Mock? Most of you are still just the same old pricks with your hands down your pants. STFU already.
newbies aren't held in newbie hell , they are allowed straight access into the membership and forums.
If that's not kinder and gentler I don't know what is.
If you want to do the soup kitchen thing don't you have some other forum that has already devolved into boredom and knitting instructions?
This one is on its way but it's not quite there yet. There is a long way between soup kitchen and just being evil for no reason.
At least give a guy enough time to piss you off heh? For fucks sake.
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(10-21-2010, 01:58 PM)Greeneyesofblue Wrote: (10-21-2010, 01:31 PM)IMaDick Wrote: (10-21-2010, 12:14 PM)Greeneyesofblue Wrote: What the fuck happened to this now being a kinder and more gentle Mock? Most of you are still just the same old pricks with your hands down your pants. STFU already.
newbies aren't held in newbie hell , they are allowed straight access into the membership and forums.
If that's not kinder and gentler I don't know what is.
If you want to do the soup kitchen thing don't you have some other forum that has already devolved into boredom and knitting instructions?
This one is on its way but it's not quite there yet. There is a long way between soup kitchen and just being evil for no reason.
At least give a guy enough time to piss you off heh? For fucks sake.
Ya you're right sweetie.
Im sorry lawnranger. I should have been more welcoming.
Please accept my apologies and my warmest welcome to Mock.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
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Could someone please check on Dick immediately? Anyone? I think someone broke into his house & is accessing his PC. Thanks.
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Dick: Ya you're right sweetie.
Im sorry lawnranger. I should have been more welcoming.
Please accept my apologies and my warmest welcome to Mock.
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I wonder how they got by all the guns.
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I'm fuckin' dying here.
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That might be the most surreal moment I have ever had in Mock.
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(10-21-2010, 11:06 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Ummm Duchess is easily impressed, my advice is practice with the weaklings like luke and username before you tackle the big dogs like maggot and myself.
This from the man who got his wittle feelings hurt over deer photos.
Besdies, I'm not weak...I'm just biding my time.
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(10-21-2010, 10:23 AM)lawnranger Wrote: (10-19-2010, 07:18 PM)Cracker Wrote: [size=medium][i]
I can't tell if he's 18 or just a little simple. I have points to support both sides. He said "handle", which suggests a middle-aged over the road trucker. He actually typed and posted the lame turkey hand thing, which supports both. He is bragging about his dad and mentioned his "mama" both within his first few posts, which suggests either clannish proclivities or late onset puberty. I can't tell.
I'm older than 18 and have never been an "over the road trucker" you piece of shit wipe! You claim to be from the South in other threads but you don't call your mother "mama"! Fuck, you are a goddamn carpetbagger and nothing more aren't you?!?! The hand turkey, not "lame" turkey hand thing as you called it touched too close to home and you blasted off like the saree-wearing Taliban-held bitch that you are. Sorry that you failed 4th grade art class and are still hostile about it.
While talking that clanistic shit about me, you posted your User Name (excuse me for using my vocabulary to reach back and use "handle" instead of user-name), Cracker which is is a pejorative term for poor whites. It is especially used for the white inhabitants of the U.S. states of Georgia and Florida (Georgia crackers and Florida crackers), but it is also used throughout the Southern United States by African Americans against stupid-ass white folk! Step the fuck off "Cracker" you are fucking with the wrong guy if you want to be a whiny ass bitch. You will get bitch-slapped and put back into your fucking place.
My "MAMA" told me long ago and my "DADDY" confirmed it for me, never engage in a battle of wits against an unarmed person like you! Fuck off, never reply to me again or risk the wrath of someone that will royally fuck your ass without ever whipping my dick out!
My son is a Marine. The use of "Taliban" shows very poor form on your part. We are a nation at war. Some of us sacrifice, some of us cut grass. When he deploys again in two months, for the third time, you will be drinking with your loser friends because it will be winter and nobody will need their lawn manicured. He will be chasing the Taliban again in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan. You have no class.
The term "cracker", for ignorants, is a Shakespearian reference:
"What cracker is this . . . that deafes our ears / With this abundance of superfluous breath?"
Because I also reside in Georgia, it has a double meaning (which will be harder for you to comprehend because you can't seem to write anything with even one good meaning): The term "cracker" is thought to originate in the piney woods of Georgia. It is the sound the bullwhips made when the farmers were gathering their cattle. Because of the historical association, it was also the name of the first major baseball team in Georgia. Does North Carolina even have a baseball team?
Only uniformed (aka ignorant) people don't understand the true meaning of the term. They use it incorrectly because they weren't raised to know any better.
You, also, use cliches and colloquial expressions instead of thoughfully written responses. You are a walking billboard for stupid people. You have not "pwned" me once. You just showed your pimply ass a few times and puffed out your chest at your mindless efforts.
I am not impressed. At all.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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I am rebuilding my chipper/shredder carburator, should I replace the gaskets with ones I make or just clean it up and reset the float. It idles like a screaming Barbara Striesand in a stuck elevator with a rabid thirsty drunk raccoon.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Replace the gaskets if you already have it apart.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(10-21-2010, 08:46 PM)Maggot Wrote: I am rebuilding my chipper/shredder carburator, should I replace the gaskets with ones I make or just clean it up and reset the float. It idles like a screaming Barbara Striesand in a stuck elevator with a rabid thirsty drunk raccoon.
Since spelling seems to be big at Mock, the word is carburetor and fuck it, just buy a new one.
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Not impressed by you either Cracker, keep looking at Wikipedia for definitions of your name. I served during the first gulf war so kiss my ass fucktard! I salute your son's service but not you taking credit for it. I haven't "cut grass" in over 20 years other than at my own home. LawnRangers is the name of my company which operates in 5 cities in the area.
Maggot, jump on Cracker if you want to point out spelling errors.
1. The correct spelling is Shakespearean not Shakespearian.
2. Only "uniformed" (aka ignorant) people... I think you meant uninformed.
3. thoughfully instead of thoughtfully.
4. "pwned" no, I can say for sure you've been owned bitch!
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Fuck off Cracker! You are weak, you have no game and you only pretend to be smart. Actually NC had 22 more baseball teams than did Georgia in the same era. The Braves didn't replace "The Crackers" either. Get your shit straight before you bow before me bitch! You started this by being a punk ass bitch and running your mouth. Someone stood up to you and you flipped out and started attacking me. I thought this was Mock! You got Mocked and had a cod sack rubbed across your nose and you didn't like it.
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(10-21-2010, 10:29 PM)lawnranger Wrote: Not impressed by you either Cracker, keep looking at Wikipedia for definitions of your name. I served during the first gulf war so kiss my ass fucktard! I salute your son's service but not you taking credit for it. I haven't "cut grass" in over 20 years other than at my own home. LawnRangers is the name of my company which operates in 5 cities in the area.
Maggot, jump on Cracker if you want to point out spelling errors.
1. The correct spelling is Shakespearean not Shakespearian.
2. Only "uniformed" (aka ignorant) people... I think you meant uninformed.
3. thoughfully instead of thoughtfully.
4. "pwned" no, I can say for sure you've been owned bitch!
Some people actually posses knowledge they can call upon at any time and don't have to use Wikipedia to pose online. Just in case you didn't know.
"First Gulf War" is a misnomer. Did you participate in the Granada war, too? hahahaha I have too many family members in the military to even bother with your "war" history. You should have taken back the Taliban comment if you had any sense of propriety. That's what a decent person would have done. Instead you decided to crow a little.
Like every out of work redneck in Georgia doesn't have a lawn service.
As you can tell by my hasty errors, and poor attempt at a flame btw, I don't copy and paste. I think. Quickly. If you knew what I did for a living you would STFU. But I, not having to justify any physical shortcomings, don't use it for my screen name.
It is hilarious when a poster claims their own victory.
You brag about things we tease people about over here. Douche.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(10-21-2010, 10:35 PM)lawnranger Wrote: Fuck off Cracker! You are weak, you have no game and you only pretend to be smart. Actually NC had 22 more baseball teams than did Georgia in the same era. The Braves didn't replace "The Crackers" either. Get your shit straight before you bow before me bitch! You started this by being a punk ass bitch and running your mouth. Someone stood up to you and you flipped out and started attacking me. I thought this was Mock! You got Mocked and had a cod sack rubbed across your nose and you didn't like it.
I think you are mildly retarded. The thing about looking things up on the Internet for a pissing match is that you shouldn't read the first site you come across and claim its content as fact. That isn't exactly research, bumpkin. Colleges teach things about state history. You should try that instead of horticulture 101 at the local community college. Next you will claim you have taken Georgia history and you aren't just looking things up online.
I mess with you because you are like a banty rooster. You think you are killing me with mocks. hahahaha
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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Cracker, I actually possess (not posses) knowledge too without looking things up and, yes I did serve in the gulf 19 years ago. No misnomer about it. 1st Gulf War bitch. No I didn't serve in Grenada (not Granada). Maybe you should copy and paste shit from the third item on your internet search next time.
You know nothing about me. You posture and you sling insults about community college and liken me to a banty rooster and such. You have no clue what I do, you only think that you do.
While you take "lawnranger" to mean that I am a lawn boy or mow grass for a living you show your ignorance because you know nothing about me. Perhaps, I show my ignorance of you and your condition by thinking that "Cracker" means an ignorant white person. I doubt very seriously though that you chose your User Name because "Cracker" was the sound made by bullwhips. You may fool everyone else here, but you don't fool me! My theory is that you chose that user name because you are from Georgia and you are a Georgia Cracker.
I will admit that you are smarter than the average bear, but you aren't that smart to give yourself a user name because "Cracker" is the sound of a fucking bull whip!
I could care less what you do for a living or what your level of education is. Why are you so concerned with my education or what I mow or don't mow or whether I use a pencil or CAD to draw a design?
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Keep it short or I won't read it. I don't want to work for it.
I already think you are retarded. Let it go. Who cares?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.