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(02-16-2011, 03:49 PM)Methusala Wrote: (02-16-2011, 03:35 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: To the folks in the Toledo area-
Is anyone or group raising a "hue and a cry" against LE to solve this case?
Any editorials in print, on air or TV commenting on LE's apparent stalled investigation?
Or are you folks satisfied that things are progressing appropriately and this is "business as usual"?
The problem/worry is that this is not being handled by the city's large and experienced Detective Bureau but by a tiny Detective Bureau run by the Sheriff's Dept, which normally deals only with traffic and running the local jail, and where appointments made are usually political at the Sheriff's discretion. I am only hoping that the two (?) detectives in their Bureau are up to the task.
As for how the populace feels, bear in mind that each day's newspaper contains reports of shootings, woundings, murders, bodies found here and there, etc. It is hard to keep up and follow it, for the average person.
Once the FBI has entered the picture, very little information is
released until the actual trial which in some cases can be nine
years later. The FBI will NOT even release all information to the
mother of a minor. I was told, "Please do not ask for it. You
would never be the same if you knew it. It made our grown
experienced officers vomit and cry." They intimated it would
give me such rage - the kind of rage that makes one do something
stupid to protect their young one. And they explained that any
thing 'I' would do would accomplish nothing positive but to
make me look out of control.
They asked me to be a witness at the trial which meant I
could not be in the jury room, thus I did not hear the testimony.
(Ruse as they never called me, but I never had to hear all
the stuff.) The files are sealed.
So, from my own experience, I do not expect LE to be
giving us ANY specifics. The most we will get is that someone
was arrested for something in and around the crime. I
really believe this.
Be ready to wait awhile. Have patience. LOG HERE, Share, Log
any tiny thing you remember or saw or wondered about or the
past six weeks. it might be the piece someone somewhere needs
to link two weird things together.
For instance....
Everyone who can............tell.............
- the last place you saw Lisa or/and Johnny.
-for what.Purpose...
-What were they doing
-What was their disposition, body language
-Were they walking or driving?
- Driving what?
-Was anyone with them? If so, Who and answ the quest about them.
- What did they have on?
- What did they talk about?
- What were any plans they mentioned?
- What were they buying?
- What were their plans that day. Who were they going to see?
- How close friends were you?
- If you can tell, share who was with you and where you were.
- What did they like more than anything?
- Were they excited about house sitting?
- Do you think Johnny enjoyed living with Lisa?
- Did they go out on real dates or mostly house parties?
And of course any cute stories or memories to share with those who love them.
And anything you just want to share.
If you ever saw the two arguing, share that, when and what it was about too
if you feel you can. Or tell a friend and have them say their friend told them
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(02-16-2011, 02:26 PM)BoogyWoogy Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:21 PM)Kip Wrote: Here's a news story about a 2007 Quintwez Sanders robbery. Five persons were involved, but only three were named (not Clarke so I don't know if this is one that JC was involved in).
...Mr. Sanders is accused of hitting Donald Holder in the head with a handgun while at least two other people kicked and punched him...
Mr. Holder and Kelly Doty were walking to their home on Spencer when five men confronted them at South Avenue. One pointed a gun at Ms. Doty, but Mr. Holder stepped in between them and was attacked. They assaulted Ms. Doty.
Police stopped a car with five men, including Mr. Williams, Mr. Sanders, and Mr. Parker, at the same location a short time later. Two of the men had blood on them. Police found a handgun under the rear passenger seat.
I wonder if his dad has a record, what if jc snitched something and that is a hit from the dad that is if the streets are talking it, only hear say but what if,,, this was a horrible murder,
The horrible thing is if it was a "hit" it sure wasn't surgical. Why would LS be included in this?
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good post TotallyCurious. 
as for justice site...i think today they lost all their credibility and any effectiveness they may have thought they had.
you can't treat your members like recalcitrant children and muzzle them if you want honesty and a 360 degree view of everything.
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(02-15-2011, 02:05 PM)Duchess Wrote: (02-15-2011, 01:55 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: not that it's a nice thing to do, but as tool to get other stuff about other crimes out of these punks??
This isn't a slam at your comment.
I personally don't care what methods LE uses in getting the info they need. I've never been in bad trouble {only tickets for my after market tint} and I have no sympathy for a habitual fuck up. I sincerely hope the people involved in this are scared out of their minds right now & I'd love to see people spilling their guts in an effort to save their own ass.
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(02-16-2011, 04:02 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: I have been searching around and the only way that I can figure out how LS knew TW is through school .... The were both attending Owens and this was on TW's FB page it was a response to someone asking her what she was up to:
TW: wyt my kaylee n emily shat........chillin at my baybi,s school in da a.m n lookin 4 another nursing job...
November 22, 2010 at 12:02am
That's one of the only ways that I can see these 2 having contact. Maytee didnt' know crap about TW, and no you can't know all your kid's friends but JC doesn't have a FB page so we don't know if they were friends first, but it seems coincidental that LS and TW both attend Owens and for nursing!
Another nursing job??? Who the would let her be a nurse/nurse's aid with drug and theft arrests? 
ZB who hangs out with TW who was also there the night the phone calls took place. He was a very good friend of JC. JC and ZB hung out alot. JC would go over ZB house and bring LS with him. LS met TW by going over to ZB house where TW would hang.
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(02-16-2011, 04:27 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: good post TotallyCurious. 
as for justice site...i think today they lost all their credibility and any effectiveness they may have thought they had.
you can't treat your members like recalcitrant children and muzzle them if you want honesty and a 360 degree view of everything.
Good point, a reason why this site is nice. no muzzle here.
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(02-16-2011, 04:35 PM)Unknown Wrote: (02-16-2011, 04:27 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: good post TotallyCurious. 
as for justice site...i think today they lost all their credibility and any effectiveness they may have thought they had.
you can't treat your members like recalcitrant children and muzzle them if you want honesty and a 360 degree view of everything.
Good point, a reason why this site is nice. no muzzle here.
Hi Unknown...and as you know that does not apply to innocent peoples' names.
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From Justice
Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub
They are discussing every person connected to this case in as much detail they can by researching them to find newspaper articles, criminal backgrounds, etc. and are even posting all the gossip on the street about Johnny and Lisa. It's not ...very pretty and I don't want to be responsible for sending people to a place where they can read these things.
You'll have to conduct a Google Search to find it yourself. Sorry.See More
about an hour ago
Justice for Johnny Clarke and Lisa Straub
They are even discussing the possibility if whether or not a minor/child they have become aware of is a suspect. Someone who is a local who knows people involved in this matter has been providing them with names and links to Facebook and has said Johnny and Lisa were going to go pick up a minor child the night of the murder.
They have been trying to figure out if he is featured in a photo on Facebook. I mean it's really bad.
about an hour ago
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(02-15-2011, 04:23 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-15-2011, 12:13 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:46 AM)curious Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:28 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: "central security documents were found"
Are these documents to the home security system? Or some other type of securities? Sorry if it was asked...
I've been wondering the same thing and the central security documents are somehow linked to the DVD. Also curious about the cardboard boxes and foreign currency seized...might these items all be related somehow? Has there been any mention of LS parents' occupation? And lastly, is anyone else suspicious of the pink/black interband pants found under LS neck... I found this on the Toledo Central Security website, under the residential:
"We also offer video surveillance systems for the home. Once the system is installed, if you have a DSL or Cable internet connection, we can setup your Digital Video Recorder on your existing home computer network so you can monitor your cameras from an off-site location(i.e. from work or on vacation) for no additional monthly cost to you."
So maybe there was some type of video surveillance, and the perps got the manual out and checked how the system was set up and where the DVD recorder was?? I know that doesn't mean it was on, but maybe the perps didn't know that? And it was black duct tape, I don't know about anyone else but at my house we have a lot of duct tape laying around the basement and the garage but not black (old silver type), is black relatively new?
Black is electrical tape (for wiring)
& it's extremely sticky & strong
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Quote:The problem/worry is that this is not being handled by the city's large and experienced Detective Bureau but by a tiny Detective Bureau run by the Sheriff's Dept, which normally deals only with traffic and running the local jail, and where appointments made are usually political at the Sheriff's discretion. I am only hoping that the two (?) detectives in their Bureau are up to the task.
BINGO! People that have read my previous posts know how I feel about Stooksbury, the "lead" investigator.
As far as the FBI goes, I know it has been reported that they offered their services for obtaining phone records, etc. but I have not seen anywhere where this is now an OFFICIAL FBI investigation. If its not, the Sheriff's dept is still lead and they SHOULD release some sort of presser for Gods sake. Stooksbury has been completely MUTE, the rewards keep getting higher and higher, and as I said before..the last murder I recall Stooksbury investigating was an inmate in her own jail (county jail) where she said there was "no evidence" of beating or injuries to the inmate, which the coroner backed up...UNTIL the Justice Department became involved and said the inmate died from beating and strangulation! This is one big boys club here folks...always has been. I have NO faith in the Sheriff's Dept. running this investigation.
A previous poster said that Toledo PD is now lead investigators of this crime (he stated he heard it on the news) if true, this would be GOOD NEWS. I myself, being local, have not heard that TPD took over tho.
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(02-16-2011, 04:42 PM)Jane Wrote: (02-15-2011, 04:23 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-15-2011, 12:13 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:46 AM)curious Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:28 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: "central security documents were found"
Are these documents to the home security system? Or some other type of securities? Sorry if it was asked...
I've been wondering the same thing and the central security documents are somehow linked to the DVD. Also curious about the cardboard boxes and foreign currency seized...might these items all be related somehow? Has there been any mention of LS parents' occupation? And lastly, is anyone else suspicious of the pink/black interband pants found under LS neck...
I found this on the Toledo Central Security website, under the residential:
"We also offer video surveillance systems for the home. Once the system is installed, if you have a DSL or Cable internet connection, we can setup your Digital Video Recorder on your existing home computer network so you can monitor your cameras from an off-site location(i.e. from work or on vacation) for no additional monthly cost to you."
So maybe there was some type of video surveillance, and the perps got the manual out and checked how the system was set up and where the DVD recorder was?? I know that doesn't mean it was on, but maybe the perps didn't know that? And it was black duct tape, I don't know about anyone else but at my house we have a lot of duct tape laying around the basement and the garage but not black (old silver type), is black relatively new?
Black is electrical tape (for wiring)
& it's extremely sticky & strong
Black Duct Tape is a bit different than the silver we usually have around.
[b]Heavy-duty waterproof cloth tape offers an extra sticky rubber adhesive. Ideal for coordinating repairs, color-coding materials and crafting applications. Tape tears easily by hand without curling and conforms to uneven surfaces.Black,[/b]
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(02-16-2011, 04:50 PM)jash Wrote: Quote:The problem/worry is that this is not being handled by the city's large and experienced Detective Bureau but by a tiny Detective Bureau run by the Sheriff's Dept, which normally deals only with traffic and running the local jail, and where appointments made are usually political at the Sheriff's discretion. I am only hoping that the two (?) detectives in their Bureau are up to the task.
BINGO! People that have read my previous posts know how I feel about Stooksbury, the "lead" investigator.
As far as the FBI goes, I know it has been reported that they offered their services for obtaining phone records, etc. but I have not seen anywhere where this is now an OFFICIAL FBI investigation. If its not, the Sheriff's dept is still lead and they SHOULD release some sort of presser for Gods sake. Stooksbury has been completely MUTE, the rewards keep getting higher and higher, and as I said before..the last murder I recall Stooksbury investigating was an inmate in her own jail (county jail) where she said there was "no evidence" of beating or injuries to the inmate, which the coroner backed up...UNTIL the Justice Department became involved and said the inmate died from beating and strangulation! This is one big boys club here folks...always has been. I have NO faith in the Sheriff's Dept. running this investigation.
A previous poster said that Toledo PD is now lead investigators of this crime (he stated he heard it on the news) if true, this would be GOOD NEWS. I myself, being local, have not heard that TPD took over tho.
I heard TPD was involved now also & couldn't remember where. I found it here in this video that ran on last nights news
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I wonder who has been reading these pages? Maytee? TW? LE?
with all that FB BS.... I wonder who has been posting here too??... some of these posts in the later pages have made me wonder.
and sadly, I don't think anyone local is even slightly surprised that there is no information being given by LE....
and to whomever questioned the whole "nursing" thing in an earlier post....every goofy ass, welfare, HS drop out, I have to learn a skill and get a job person in this city goes into STNA (state tested nursing assistant) school in this city! there's a ton of TW's in this city...working at a nursing home near you : )
(and I mean no disrespect to nurses or nursing aides, medical assistants, etc etc)
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Quote:Is anyone or group raising a "hue and a cry" against LE to solve this case?
Any editorials in print, on air or TV commenting on LE's apparent stalled investigation?
Or are you folks satisfied that things are progressing appropriately and this is "business as usual"?
I am local, and find this extremely interesting, where is the outcry?? I think, and this is MY opinion only...I think there is no outcry, no candlelight vigils, etc. because it has gone thru town fast enough that this is related to gangbangers, drug users, etc. and NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. It doesn't touch them. They don't have to worry about a band of marauders storming their homes, or killing their children, cuz they do not associate with these types of people. They figure they are far removed from being touched by these murderers cuz they are not gangstas or druggies. If this was NOT the case, there would be an outcry cuz these kids were young, white, and good looking and that has "outcry" written all over it if in fact, it was some random act of violence. But it wasn't, and everyone in town knows it, so nobody is picketing the Sheriffs dept. for answers. News doesn't cover it cuz they were GANGSTAS...and them killing each other happens way to often here. They are not even talking about Lisa because there are to many people that have said and know that she knew about his record, and that she herself, was involved with drugs. Have Maytee on the news every night?? She certainly doesn't further the cause cuz she comes off as a freakin nut job..! Interview JC's friends? I think not...who would have sympathy for them? Solely my opinion, but I think that's why. Doesn't make it right certainly, but that's what's happening.
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(02-16-2011, 04:50 PM)jash Wrote: Quote:The problem/worry is that this is not being handled by the city's large and experienced Detective Bureau but by a tiny Detective Bureau run by the Sheriff's Dept, which normally deals only with traffic and running the local jail, and where appointments made are usually political at the Sheriff's discretion. I am only hoping that the two (?) detectives in their Bureau are up to the task.
BINGO! People that have read my previous posts know how I feel about Stooksbury, the "lead" investigator.
As far as the FBI goes, I know it has been reported that they offered their services for obtaining phone records, etc. but I have not seen anywhere where this is now an OFFICIAL FBI investigation. If its not, the Sheriff's dept is still lead and they SHOULD release some sort of presser for Gods sake. Stooksbury has been completely MUTE, the rewards keep getting higher and higher, and as I said before..the last murder I recall Stooksbury investigating was an inmate in her own jail (county jail) where she said there was "no evidence" of beating or injuries to the inmate, which the coroner backed up...UNTIL the Justice Department became involved and said the inmate died from beating and strangulation! This is one big boys club here folks...always has been. I have NO faith in the Sheriff's Dept. running this investigation.
A previous poster said that Toledo PD is now lead investigators of this crime (he stated he heard it on the news) if true, this would be GOOD NEWS. I myself, being local, have not heard that TPD took over tho.
News didn't state Toledo Police TOOK OVER, just that they are now involved.
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(02-16-2011, 04:33 PM)Unknown Wrote: (02-16-2011, 04:02 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: I have been searching around and the only way that I can figure out how LS knew TW is through school .... The were both attending Owens and this was on TW's FB page it was a response to someone asking her what she was up to:
TW: wyt my kaylee n emily shat........chillin at my baybi,s school in da a.m n lookin 4 another nursing job...
November 22, 2010 at 12:02am
That's one of the only ways that I can see these 2 having contact. Maytee didnt' know crap about TW, and no you can't know all your kid's friends but JC doesn't have a FB page so we don't know if they were friends first, but it seems coincidental that LS and TW both attend Owens and for nursing!
Another nursing job??? Who the would let her be a nurse/nurse's aid with drug and theft arrests? 
ZB who hangs out with TW who was also there the night the phone calls took place. He was a very good friend of JC. JC and ZB hung out alot. JC would go over ZB house and bring LS with him. LS met TW by going over to ZB house where TW would hang.
Oh okay, that makes sense!
I really, really, really want to THANK YOU!!
You come here and share and at your own risk, I for one want you to know how much that is appreciated! If JC and LS would have had more people like you in their corner, maybe this aweful thing wouldn't have happened. So, Thank You, Unknown you are still a good friend to them!
I have seen ZB,  and I can't see why a 25yr. old mother of 3 go after that??
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I hear many people say Toledo is another Detroit. It's sad since I have family that live there and I happen to live 35 mins away. My brother and his family can't wait to get away from the area and they live about 10 mins from where this all went down.
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment."
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(02-16-2011, 04:58 PM)jash Wrote: Quote:Is anyone or group raising a "hue and a cry" against LE to solve this case?
Any editorials in print, on air or TV commenting on LE's apparent stalled investigation?
Or are you folks satisfied that things are progressing appropriately and this is "business as usual"?
I am local, and find this extremely interesting, where is the outcry?? I think, and this is MY opinion only...I think there is no outcry, no candlelight vigils, etc. because it has gone thru town fast enough that this is related to gangbangers, drug users, etc. and NOBODY GIVES A SHIT. It doesn't touch them. They don't have to worry about a band of marauders storming their homes, or killing their children, cuz they do not associate with these types of people. They figure they are far removed from being touched by these murderers cuz they are not gangstas or druggies. If this was NOT the case, there would be an outcry cuz these kids were young, white, and good looking and that has "outcry" written all over it if in fact, it was some random act of violence. But it wasn't, and everyone in town knows it, so nobody is picketing the Sheriffs dept. for answers. News doesn't cover it cuz they were GANGSTAS...and them killing each other happens way to often here. They are not even talking about Lisa because there are to many people that have said and know that she knew about his record, and that she herself, was involved with drugs. Have Maytee on the news every night?? She certainly doesn't further the cause cuz she comes off as a freakin nut job..! Interview JC's friends? I think not...who would have sympathy for them? Solely my opinion, but I think that's why. Doesn't make it right certainly, but that's what's happening.
and I COMPLETELY AGREE with your post. It's pretty much all over the city-rumor and otherwise- that these kids were into drugs.."pill heads"..gangbangers..the criminal records are posted everywhere...everyone from the soccer mom that lives in the Straub neighborhood down to the street thugs are chiming in about how this has been drug related, gangbangers, robbery, revenge, etc etc. There's a million rumors! AND what I've been told is that TPD is "assisting" with the investigation, not taking the lead. Which could mean that some type of crime occured in their jurisdiction...that they are going to be/are trying to link with the JC/LS murder...maybe?
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(02-16-2011, 12:07 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: (02-16-2011, 11:12 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: I also think that JC was trying to change, but that life of fast money for illegal stuff is hard to kick and the friends and enemies that come with it are even harder to kick.
There's an old adage addressing change: "You gotta change your playmates AND your playgrounds."
With the cast of "characters" involved in this "drama", it, unfortunately, seems unlikely.
The sandbox is full of turds and it appears they don't mind the smell.
You got that right!
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and as much as i understand the public indifference to 'gangstas' and gangbangers and druggies...
STILL we are discussing this case day and night. it's riveting because of the youth and beauty of the victims, the cast of characters, but especially the gruesome manner of death. there are cases in my forum that bother me much more. but this is a mystery and we want answers. we want to SEE who would do this. and we want to know they can never do it again, even to their own "kind".
in the ghetto one becomes desensitized. WTF let them kill each other off. this wasn't the ghetto, it was the suburbs. a place we can identify with.