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(02-21-2011, 03:43 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-21-2011, 03:38 PM)TotallyCurious Wrote: (02-21-2011, 02:15 PM)kitty1 Wrote: did Tiff state on here that the police had questioned her 2 times? Anybody recall?
On her baby dad's page he said they questioned her every day at the
Yep he (AG/AP) said that, I read it. He said on the Justice for JC & LS page too.
aaaaah, I never read that!
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(02-21-2011, 05:36 PM)Spalding Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:34 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:26 PM)purplepegasus Wrote: Can someone fill me in on who M.J. is? I've got the rest of that story figured out. Also, I think that reply "Johnny who?" was VD being an asshole because the person spelled the name Johny. I'm not reading into that too much, but I saw the comment about the work in the suburbs! Crazy shit, niggas!
Purple I sent you a PM. What's the point of the forum if the real info is being discussed in a sub-forum of PM's?
I was wondering if LC and Duchess might let us have reference thread, in the members only section, where we can post the FB and MySpace links of the peripheral playahs. That would really help me! I know I keep I saying I need a flow chart and people probably think I'm kidding but I'm not! I can't keep all the people straight and I can't figure out whose FB page to go to look at to locate the friends with various initials. I think the entire social circle is fascinating to explore and relevant to the case.
There used to be a really great show on murders, and I can't recall which cable channel had it or what it was called, so maybe someone here will remember. Seems like it was on Saturday afternoons and it was narrated by a guy with deep, kind of spooky voice. It was always about a murder, often higher society, such as doctors killing their wifes and those types of stories, and they'd start out with a great background on the town, the society, who went to what church, ran the grocery store, etc, and stuff like that. It wasn't a forensics show but more Dominic Dunne style, giving all the connections between the various people in the town and all the gossip. That fleshes out a story and makes it a lot more interesting, which we need because if I hear one more thing about where the car was parked, or what the key went to, I think I'm gonna scream.
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(02-21-2011, 03:48 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-21-2011, 10:24 AM)notsure Wrote: (02-21-2011, 09:54 AM)HeartBreaker Wrote: (02-21-2011, 09:51 AM)cjcisneros Wrote: (02-21-2011, 09:39 AM)kfran Wrote: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I was starting to lose my mind w/all the repeat questions the last couple of days. People please read this thread from the beginning. We've already discussed the 5-4-4 key, the interband pants, the endless FB pages, the white van, blah blah blah. Please stop asking repeat questions & just read this thread from the beginning- yes all 400 pages. 
I was saying the same thing ! It took me along time to read all and I had to go back to some and actually made notes ! I have been curious about this story from the beginning and it seems like it may be a while -if at all - that we know all the facts.
i about had a fit this morning when i read that someone had asked what time lisa got off work when we had just discussed it only hours before. READ people READ!!! repeated questions are only making this thread longer and more tedious to go through!
sorry, i was a few pages behind. btw, take it easy, they aren't giving daytime emmys here. with my question about the time she got off work. After reading further it still hasn't been established by anyone who knew lisa what time she got off work. I want emperical evidence showing what time she got off work. its very important to 1st establish a true timeline of events. not guesses, but someone who she works with say she got in the car with Mr. Clarke at 10:06 pm. we all know what that establishes with tiff's 11:00 call then. (of course unknown's comment about the lights on 1st time cops come, off the 2nd throws a wrench)
Unfortunately, just about nothing (in terms of facts and evidence) has been revealed by LE. We've got 400 pages of people shooting the shit, essentially. We're addicted to the thread. Because I know I get sick of endless speculation about the key, where the car was parked, were they really walking out the door, etc, because WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING and have concocted every conceivable theory, I found the posters who gave us background on Toledo to be really interesting. I like to get a picture of this in a larger context. It's more like a book that way and we get away from the minutia that we just don't know the facts about. Short of Mockers hiring a private investigator to go an dig more up, we can't know what time Lisa punched out, etc. I'm surprised that we haven't seen anyone who worked at Fridays come forward with some info.
good post! You summed everything up!
eta - point point about TGIF
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What is that about????
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(02-22-2011, 03:24 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:36 PM)Spalding Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:34 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:26 PM)purplepegasus Wrote: Can someone fill me in on who M.J. is? I've got the rest of that story figured out. Also, I think that reply "Johnny who?" was VD being an asshole because the person spelled the name Johny. I'm not reading into that too much, but I saw the comment about the work in the suburbs! Crazy shit, niggas!
Purple I sent you a PM. What's the point of the forum if the real info is being discussed in a sub-forum of PM's?
I was wondering if LC and Duchess might let us have reference thread, in the members only section, where we can post the FB and MySpace links of the peripheral playahs. That would really help me! I know I keep I saying I need a flow chart and people probably think I'm kidding but I'm not! I can't keep all the people straight and I can't figure out whose FB page to go to look at to locate the friends with various initials. I think the entire social circle is fascinating to explore and relevant to the case.
There used to be a really great show on murders, and I can't recall which cable channel had it or what it was called, so maybe someone here will remember. Seems like it was on Saturday afternoons and it was narrated by a guy with deep, kind of spooky voice. It was always about a murder, often higher society, such as doctors killing their wifes and those types of stories, and they'd start out with a great background on the town, the society, who went to what church, ran the grocery store, etc, and stuff like that. It wasn't a forensics show but more Dominic Dunne style, giving all the connections between the various people in the town and all the gossip. That fleshes out a story and makes it a lot more interesting, which we need because if I hear one more thing about where the car was parked, or what the key went to, I think I'm gonna scream.
I think you might be talking about "City Confidential" .. I know the guy's name, but I just went blank (I believe he's dead now, the guy w/the spooky voice)
I have a few links saved, if anyone needs them
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(02-21-2011, 05:53 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:51 PM)toledoarea Wrote: different tiffany williams. interesting though. someone could be playin games and open an account under that name just to be an ass
Is it a different Tiffany Williams? There is no default picture, no friends & this person only "likes" two pages: RIP Johnny Clarke & Justice for JC & LS.
Looks like some asshole just trying to screw with Maytee.
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(02-22-2011, 03:00 AM)sealed27 Wrote: I believe the cell phones are a big lead for this case, maybe that is part of not hearing much until evidence comes back, if cellphones were strewn about, maybe one of the victims had record on their phone and maybe they wanted and thought if they broke those phones up no one would know anything, just been thinking why would they have destroyed phones, if the victims were taped up at wrists then why did they break the phones?
In regards to cell phones if i recall correctly, "Grieving Friend" posted many threads back the following excerpt..."Wednesday the 2 nd I get a phone call from Mr.Z's mom asking for help with a phone she found in her room and that her laptop was stolen right out her bedroom with the case. Like someone in the house had the time to package it all up and then take it..."
That statement combined with the evidence seized by LE which included cell phones and computers, coupled with the the statement by the uncle of LS that somethig to the effect that nothing of value was taken from the home including flat screen TV's, computers, etc...kinda makes me wonder whose computer it actually was that was taken into evidence...
Probably a far fetch but one worth being noted, possibly??
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(02-21-2011, 04:37 PM)PURPLECATS Wrote: (02-21-2011, 04:23 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (02-21-2011, 12:48 PM)Duchess Wrote: (02-21-2011, 12:40 PM)trixie Wrote: Yea, but Lisa's car was in the driveway, JC and LS weren't answering calls or texts (which was apparently out of the norm), and she had already gotten the call from Tiffany's friend saying that something was wrong. I would be concerned too!
Alright, I'll give you that, it's a valid statement but, why? Why are they so concerned? I've not responded to text & my ringing BB many times. I've also pretended to not be home while my vehicle has been sitting in the circle. Why is Maytee freakin' out?
Lisa's car was in the garage. According to the Detective in front of the News cameras on the first day of the investigation. I quote Lady Cop in her opening dialogue on page 1.
- Lady Cop - 02-01-2011 01:26 PM
She said Mr. Clarke had picked up Miss Straub from work Sunday. The two "had plans with someone earlier in the evening," the detective said, but had not shown up and had not called to say they wouldn't be there.
Miss Straub's car was in the garage, and it did not appear they had gone out at all that evening, she said.
I would like to know one FACT was the car in the driveway or in the garage
god if we can't get this right how can we get anything right lol!![/color]
I know!!! Even though Maytee & Tiffany say it was in the driveway, Stooksbury said "in the garage" .. I'm going with LE
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(02-21-2011, 06:12 PM)KarmaK Wrote: (02-21-2011, 05:01 PM)toledoarea Wrote: No. These guys in this youtube video are toolbags compared to these guys like M.J. I mean, any guy in a gang is a toolbag but these guys are more hard core. Look at M.J. tats on his forearms. It's 300 on one and Western on the other. Western Ave. is a bad area in south toledo. It's "300 WESTERN BLOCC CRIPZ" is actually how they present and rep their hood. since when did true gangstas start updating their status on fb everyday?LMFAO! seriously? thats not very gangsta to me! just sayin....
Yeah, that really shows how much the internet has changed all of our lives. Can you imagine the Mafia talking shit on FB? It will probably evolve to that one day, and like Lady Cop, I think what a gold mine for LE.
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(02-21-2011, 04:39 PM)Duchess Wrote:
The car was in the garage. The detective in charge stated that herself.
THANK YOU! This will be needed for another 15 pages or so, sorry! lol
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(02-21-2011, 04:44 PM)PURPLECATS Wrote: (02-21-2011, 04:39 PM)Duchess Wrote:
The car was in the garage. The detective in charge stated that herself.
I said that before and some said for sure it was in the driveway
i now the FACT:B
that was me! sorry  lol
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(02-21-2011, 06:45 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I've been reading some transcripts. How does the male caller know this was planned & "they" went to the house with tape & bags?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whoever did do this...
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... they planned it. They planned it because they went to that house with tape and bags. I hope and pray the cops find them before I do!
I remember that. Johnny's dad. Can't recall what it was on (news clip, I guess). I can see why he would say that because finding Johnny & Lisa in that condition, it would seem, would look so DELIBERATE. It's been my feeling all along that this was premeditated murder and I think the perps brought the tape.
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The car being in the drive way or the garage is very important. Tiffany said she drove by after an hour and rang the door bell. Then she states that she then drove back home to see if Johnny/Lisa are at Tiffs house since they were going to pick her up in the first place. Well if she rang the door bell, certainly she would know if Lisa's car was in the drive way. And if Lisa's car is in the drive way, Tiff wouldn't have went back home to see if Johnny/lisa drove to tiff's because Lisa's car is still in the drive way with lights on in the house. Hello?? Tiffany was in on this
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(02-22-2011, 03:49 AM)Jane Wrote: (02-21-2011, 04:44 PM)PURPLECATS Wrote: (02-21-2011, 04:39 PM)Duchess Wrote:
The car was in the garage. The detective in charge stated that herself.
I said that before and some said for sure it was in the driveway
i now the FACT:B
that was me! sorry lol
We need a fact sheet for everything we find that is FACT lol
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(02-22-2011, 03:54 AM)toledoarea Wrote: The car being in the drive way or the garage is very important. Tiffany said she drove by after an hour and rang the door bell. Then she states that she then drove back home to see if Johnny/Lisa are at Tiffs house since they were going to pick her up in the first place. Well if she rang the door bell, certainly she would know if Lisa's car was in the drive way. And if Lisa's car is in the drive way, Tiff wouldn't have went back home to see if Johnny/lisa drove to tiff's because Lisa's car is still in the drive way with lights on in the house. Hello?? Tiffany was in on this
In collaboration with two others to which are all desperately trying to CYA in MPO!!
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(02-21-2011, 06:16 PM)toledoarea Wrote: Gangs have money. They have computers. Gangs love so show success by showing money guns clothes. Facebook is huge. What better way to flaunt your valuables. cars, money, guns, girls.
never thought of that, hmmm
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And how could the detective say from your post that it didn't appear by the car that they had gone anywhere that evening, then how did LS get home?
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(02-21-2011, 06:56 PM)Adub Wrote: I work with juvenile offenders. Most are affiliated with one gang or another. I feel for the kids I work with. And it took some adjusting on my part to gain their respect. Once that got cleared up, I found many, many of them in need of a fucking break. Someone to listen to them without judgment. I have been doing this for about 5 years now. Some have graduated to adult detention and more than a few of them are locked up for murder and sensless.
This is worth it's own thread.
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(02-21-2011, 04:53 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: (02-21-2011, 04:50 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: (02-21-2011, 04:45 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: ok i got it. again, how is this person connected to this case? we are not going to speculate about everybody on everybody's facebook friends. i need a nexus.
Are you talking about VD or his GF?
mj facebook. i have no idea who vd is.
maybe i have finally lost the plot. 
hahahahahaa! I was thinking the same thing, while jotting down a couple of initials! I've looked over so many FB pages, where I kept trailing off, from one to another, to where I couldn't remember who I started out with ...
eta - although I know a lot of the initials!