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I'm a little sorry for her because I don't think she realizes what happens at trial. They are going to drag the victims, and one of the families, through the mud. She isn't going to like what she hears.
The one good thing about her is that she posts all the mud herself. The Straubs will have seen it and won't be shocked when they are sitting in the gallery. I wonder if they will choose to sit behind the defendent to get away from the freak show? That would be a hard choice. I think Maytee won't be able to sit there and STFU, so it probably won't be a problem after the first day.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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there is a possibility Cracker, that the clarkes will be barred from courtroom because they are material witnesses from that night. and often that means they cannot be in court until after they have testified.
it's a long way from now to trial.
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the sister posted that on Lisa's facebook. i know whomever has the account password for Lisa's page has deleted Maytee. she must be stalking on another account.
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i happened to look at Lisa's page today; It is still so strange to know she is gone.
i then decided to delete the justice page from my friends list because im sick of hearing her blab on and on every 5 minutes and i saw that pathetic copied post. i usually just lurk around but i felt compelled to post that. it literally enraged me. fucking cunt trying to put her name on yet SOMETHING ELSE of the Straubs as if it was hers, just as she tried to claim her "love" for lisa.
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You no balls bitch, Maytee. I got that comment directed at Cracker before you deleted it & I posted it here so everyone could see you wishing death on a young man who is serving his country in a war zone. Fuck you, Maytee. You deserve the life you are living right now.
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i wonder if any of her facebook buddies have family in the military serving in foreign lands? i wonder how they will like that comment of hers. maybe a few more of them will 'get' how sick she is. or maybe they are all hoodrats too and won't get it.
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VM, Samuel Williams' ex: " At work ready to go home so sick if hearing peoples mouth about this whole deal....Please dont whisper about it only makes me wanna ease drop more to hear ur two cents u wanna put in...really about to say f*** it and start dogging individuals and whatever the outcome is im down for it! So if u really dont know shit dont speak on it! "
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I am sure this has already been discussed but I can't remember........ Do we know for sure that the Straubs asked Johnny and Lisa to "watch the house" while they were out of town. I wonder if they even knew they were staying there. I know with my own teens/young adults, I tell them they can NOT stay at the house if I am out of town. They have to stay at their dad's or with a friend because I am worried about them having partying, underage drinking and my house getting trashed. Kitty, do you know if the Straubs actually asked them to take care of the house while they were gone?
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Kitty, do you know if the Straubs actually asked them to take care of the house while they were gone?
Wasn't it said before that they lived with her parents? I know Maytee had started off ranting that they lived back and forth. If they lived there it might not have been a matter of watch the house. It may just have been we are going away?
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I read this on another site, does Maytee know the killer?
"Jonny's mom comments. This part is interesting:
"Mrs. Clarke said she looked at the jail booking photo of Mr. Williams and compared it with photographs of the suspect that were taken by a friend of the slain couple.
“He was in the picture on Facebook. I’m on the Internet looking at his picture right now,” she said."
Obviously a "friend" of the couple then."
I didn't realize that. Wow.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(10-02-2011, 08:41 PM)Cracker Wrote: I read this on another site, does Maytee know the killer?
"Jonny's mom comments. This part is interesting:
"Mrs. Clarke said she looked at the jail booking photo of Mr. Williams and compared it with photographs of the suspect that were taken by a friend of the slain couple.
“He was in the picture on Facebook. I’m on the Internet looking at his picture right now,” she said."
Obviously a "friend" of the couple then."
I didn't realize that. Wow.
I remember seeing an article where she recanted that. She said she was looking at a photo of the wrong guy. Who knows if that is true.
They had a lot of mutual acquaintances. So it is very likely they knew him or knew of him.
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(10-02-2011, 08:12 PM)Nina Wrote: I am sure this has already been discussed but I can't remember........ Do we know for sure that the Straubs asked Johnny and Lisa to "watch the house" while they were out of town. I wonder if they even knew they were staying there.
I believe they lived there. Period. I remember reading a fb page where Maytee commented to a relative that her and Johnny had a fight and he moved out. Somewhere back like the second week of December 2010 was when Maytee made the comment. Maytee was sad ;,,,, and said Johnny said mean horrible things to her.
Family members say 20-year old Lisa Straub and her boyfriend 21-year old Johnny Clarke lived together at Straub's parents home where they were found dead. Jeffery and Mary Beth Straub were out of town. They left Friday for a seven day cruise to the Caribbean to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary but they are making their way home.
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(10-02-2011, 08:12 PM)Nina Wrote: I am sure this has already been discussed but I can't remember........ Do we know for sure that the Straubs asked Johnny and Lisa to "watch the house" while they were out of town. I wonder if they even knew they were staying there. I know with my own teens/young adults, I tell them they can NOT stay at the house if I am out of town. They have to stay at their dad's or with a friend because I am worried about them having partying, underage drinking and my house getting trashed. Kitty, do you know if the Straubs actually asked them to take care of the house while they were gone? This is a good question Nina - I recall Maytee mentioning Gotti the puppy & how he had bitten Johnny's little brother and Gotti had to be quarantined for 10 days they all went to the Straub's then. It can get real tricky with kids when parents are gone and very dangerous! It looks to me like Johnny & Lisa had a lot of friends and a lot of fun. This terrible night Johnny & Lisa were all alone and caught of guard by a Devil who knew they would be all alone.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
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(10-02-2011, 08:12 PM)Nina Wrote: Kitty, do you know if the Straubs actually asked them to take care of the house while they were gone?
Johnny and Lisa lived at the Straubs!!! Maytee kicked her babyboi out so the Straubs were kind enough to let him stay at their home. Maytee is a big fucking liar! I guess she can't handle the guilt...maybe if she hadn't kicked him out, he would have never been there that night. I'm sure it will all come out in court and she will look like a fool, but then again, she already looks like a fool!
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(10-02-2011, 11:56 PM)kitty1 Wrote: (10-02-2011, 08:12 PM)Nina Wrote: Kitty, do you know if the Straubs actually asked them to take care of the house while they were gone?
Johnny and Lisa lived at the Straubs!!! Maytee kicked her babyboi out so the Straubs were kind enough to let him stay at their home. Maytee is a big fucking liar! I guess she can't handle the guilt...maybe if she hadn't kicked him out, he would have never been there that night. I'm sure it will all come out in court and she will look like a fool, but then again, she already looks like a fool!
ah now that I see this.. I believe this is her response
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
DONT YOU EFFIN MOCKTARDS HAVE ANYTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO BUT TO TALK SHITTY LIES first of all i would never kick my son or lisa out of my house you got it all wrong lisa moved in pur house 3days after she met my johnny and stayed here till they went to her parents for two weeks to watch damn house obviously all her clothe are here and noone has even bothered to ask for them all means they were coming back here after her parents got back. You people are so sick and evil and I KNOW FOR A FACT IF THEY NEVER WENT TO THAT DAMN HOUSE THEY SURE WOULD STILL BE HERE TODAY...ITS NOT MY GUILT ITS HER PEOPLES GUILT IM SURE THEY WISH THEY NEVER LEFT OR WENT ON VACATION NOW HUH??????
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(10-03-2011, 12:21 AM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: (10-02-2011, 11:56 PM)kitty1 Wrote: (10-02-2011, 08:12 PM)Nina Wrote: Kitty, do you know if the Straubs actually asked them to take care of the house while they were gone?
Johnny and Lisa lived at the Straubs!!! Maytee kicked her babyboi out so the Straubs were kind enough to let him stay at their home. Maytee is a big fucking liar! I guess she can't handle the guilt...maybe if she hadn't kicked him out, he would have never been there that night. I'm sure it will all come out in court and she will look like a fool, but then again, she already looks like a fool!
ah now that I see this.. I believe this is her response
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
DONT YOU EFFIN MOCKTARDS HAVE ANYTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO BUT TO TALK SHITTY LIES first of all i would never kick my son or lisa out of my house you got it all wrong lisa moved in pur house 3days after she met my johnny and stayed here till they went to her parents for two weeks to watch damn house obviously all her clothe are here and noone has even bothered to ask for them all means they were coming back here after her parents got back. You people are so sick and evil and I KNOW FOR A FACT IF THEY NEVER WENT TO THAT DAMN HOUSE THEY SURE WOULD STILL BE HERE TODAY...ITS NOT MY GUILT ITS HER PEOPLES GUILT IM SURE THEY WISH THEY NEVER LEFT OR WENT ON VACATION NOW HUH?????? No one believes her lies. I'm sure they will ask about their living arrangements in court. Ha ha! I'm sure they wouldn't want any of her belongings back after they have been in her nasty house. I suppose all the other things that will come in court will be denied as well. Would she like me to share those???
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(10-03-2011, 12:40 AM)kitty1 Wrote: No one believes her lies. I'm sure they will ask about their living arrangements in court. Ha ha! I'm sure they wouldn't want any of her belongings back after they have been in her nasty house. I suppose all the other things that will come in court will be denied as well. Would she like me to share those???
She just PM'd me and said YES, she wood! hahahaha
Hurry, have to go to bed...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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more kitty...
Justice for Johnny & Lisa STFU ALREADY AND QUIT PUTTING THE BLAME ON OUR FAMILY AND MY SON ITS THAT EVIL DEMON SAMUEL WILLIAMS AND WHOEVER HE HAD WITH HIM THATS TO BLAME...I WOULDVE DIED A MILLION TIMES OVER FOR BOTH JOHNNY AND LISA IF THAT COULD BRING THEM BACK damn you people dont know when to quit do ya??? We did nothing wrong but try to help our kids and keep them safe. Why the F are you blaming us for them going there and getting hurt? Dont you have common sense to know that if we even had a thought that these kids were in danger we wouldve done everything to save their life!!!HOLY SHIT I WOULD TRADE PLACES WITH THEM NOW IF I COULD....are you people that sick and cruel to think we would just put these kids in harms way STFU AND LEAVE US ALONE ALREADY I THINK YOU SICK FKRS GET OFF ON TORTURING PEOPLE AND FEEDING OFF THEIR GRIEF YOU SICK BOTYOMFEEDERS SKUM YOU ARE ALL CLUELESS
25 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa My son never went through so much shit and hell till he met lisa if you really must know the truth but we loved her and so did he so leave my sons name out your mouth and lisas name too let them rest in peace already please we have done nothing but try to keep this awefull story in the media so it would not go cold and it would get solved.and in reference to lawsuits are you people fuckin crazy??? Why tje hell would we ever want to sue the family that is a lie that is not true its none of our faults what happened there its those evil demons that plotted and hurt our kids fault !!!! You people need facts and quit listening to lies and gossip
20 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa One of those weird sick websites they are out of control a few of my fb people forward me their sick messages its insane im not a member there or read there but im so mad right now all they do is target us and attack our family constantly holy shit enough already REALLY
17 minutes ago · Like
CM My heart is with you guys...u seem like a great mother of what i read on here..and yes people need to stop making up lies and story..hopefilly samual will get death i wrote letter and sent it out!!
16 minutes ago · Like
CM Where is lisa mom in all this??
14 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa Its like they are sickly obsessed with constantly attacking me and our family. But ive contanted an attorney on this matter and im sure in due time it will be taking care of. this is about justice for johnny and lisa not me or my family or how many lights or flowers i have at johnnys resting place or how many candles i light for him?? This people are sick stalkers they stalk my pages day and night and talk shitty lies its not about me its about justice for johnny and lisa and they cnt seem to keep my name pics or family out their wicked tongues
12 minutes ago · Like
CM Where is his resting place? if you dont mind me asking...would like to go and see it and give him my condolances
10 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa I have no idea where she is in all this ;,,((( the year and a half lisa lived with us i never seen her mom except when lisa needed money or school papers signed ;,,((( like i said sll her stuff is here and noones asked for any of it even her school books but i will treasure them as i do all my johnnys not trying to put anyone down im sure they hurt and are grieving too but holy shit im tired of me my johnny my kids and family being attacked and blamed for any of this evil bullshit
8 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa Enough is enough
8 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa Did you know him CM
7 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa I also honored lisas memory and put a pucture of her and johnny on his plaque so their friends could see her face there too since she got cremated
6 minutes ago · Like
CM I met him once he was a friend of one of my exs..and lisa she gradurated 3 years after me at springfield
4 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa I have kept this story alive in the media since the begining so it wouldnt go cold and it would get solved. But all these sick people do is attack me every chance they get they are sick individuals.wowwww i would never sit night and day and target victims parents and make fun of them or down grade them the way this out of control sick people do
3 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa Whos your x
2 minutes ago · Like
CM Its no one fault but the low life piece of shit bastartds who did this....they caught one guy but im sure it was not a one guy deal someone else is out there who needs to be put to death i said before i wish they would put samual in a room and let all of us tortore him bad
2 minutes ago · Like
Justice for Johnny & Lisa Well then obviously you know he is polite kind giving loving funny ;,,((( sweet and these people make my son to be a bad person he is not at all iam very proud to be johnnys momma
about a minute ago · Like
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The way I see it is SW was at the Straub house as a friend of a friend on a previous night, specifically the loud party referred to in the record. He witnessed the way the garage was used to gain access to the house and may have cased the house and evaluated it as a possible target for a future night. He may have gained important info about that famous key and the location of and functionability of the alarm system. LE may have lifted his prints from the crime scene but were unable to establish when they were left there, but had to wait for a DNA match after arresting him on another charge. And that the location and the nature of crime scene DNA put him there on that night. IMO
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From Maytee on Justice FB page
wowwww i would never sit night and day and target victims parents and make fun of them or down grade them the way this out of control sick people do
LISTEN TO YOURSELF, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!! That is exactly what you have been spending your days and nights doing to the Straubs!!!!