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(04-04-2011, 08:42 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: It's a bigger pain in the ass if the useless, careless, worthless piece of shit junkie/lush nurse kills someone on their shift because they're fucked up.
That 3 yr program should be changed to permanent demotion to any fast food drive thru window. So if they smoke a little pot on vacation(which can stay in your system for a month) or get a DUI they are incompetent?
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(04-04-2011, 08:04 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: LC - you got three for the following reasons:
1. - The visual I got of seniors wearing matching outfits that are the same size.
2. - I got to post "Sex" for no reason whatsoever.
3. - I knew this would need explanation.
Shit . . . I'm still laughing!
Oh Tiki, you pathetic excuse for a human being, we have lots of sayings here in oz that I don't use out of respect for the others here. Your a bogan.
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Yep. That's exactly it.
Driving drunk is illegal, and unforgivable in any sense. If your job is to care for sick/injured people it should be highest priority not to create more damn patients...or kill someone because you can't wait til you get home.
Pot is illegal. Don't give a shit if it's safe/harmless/whatever. It isn't legal. Regular drug testing is part of your job? Don't do the damn drugs. If you can't do that, you don't deserve to be responsible for any patient care. Ever.
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(04-04-2011, 08:58 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Yep. That's exactly it.
Driving drunk is illegal, and unforgivable in any sense. If your job is to care for sick/injured people it should be highest priority not to create more damn patients...or kill someone because you can't wait til you get home.
Pot is illegal. Don't give a shit if it's safe/harmless/whatever. It isn't legal. Regular drug testing is part of your job? Don't do the damn drugs. If you can't do that, you don't deserve to be responsible for any patient care. Ever. get off my fuckin thread asshole!
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(04-04-2011, 08:58 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Yep. That's exactly it.
Driving drunk is illegal, and unforgivable in any sense. If your job is to care for sick/injured people it should be highest priority not to create more damn patients...or kill someone because you can't wait til you get home.
Pot is illegal. Don't give a shit if it's safe/harmless/whatever. It isn't legal. Regular drug testing is part of your job? Don't do the damn drugs. If you can't do that, you don't deserve to be responsible for any patient care. Ever.
Unfortunately, a lot of nurses are not drug tested reg... they get drug tested at the beginning of employment and if they are injured at work... that is it...
Drug addicts are people too... not saying I support what they do (they did chose to take that first hit) but not all are their fault. I have seen many patients (from all walks of life...) get addicted to pain medication not because they abused the medication but they needed it for a period of time and became addicted... some people can take the medication for weeks without becoming addicted... others are not so lucky.
~*~Life is like a Dick... when it gets hard... FUCK IT!!~*~
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Unfortunately, a lot of nurses are not drug tested reg... they get drug tested at the beginning of employment and if they are injured at work... that is it...
Drug addicts are people too... not saying I support what they do (they did chose to take that first hit) but not all are their fault. I have seen many patients (from all walks of life...) get addicted to pain medication not because they abused the medication but they needed it for a period of time and became addicted... some people can take the medication for weeks without becoming addicted... others are not so luck.
[/quote]Exactly. Nurses can be rehabilitated just like anyone else. One positive drug test shouldn't mean they should lose their license. There are truck drivers and train conducters that get busted... they go to rehab and get back on the job. and if you're in the program you must call everyday to see if you are scheduled for a drug test that day. You can't use any contolled substances because you could tested any day!
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I completely agree... you want to talk about people who should lose out from drug use... I think that our government should make those who use public assistance take a drug screen prior to receiving their assistance every month... and randomly as well.... you pass you get the help you need... you fail... well my money will go to someone who really deserves it!!
~*~Life is like a Dick... when it gets hard... FUCK IT!!~*~
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(04-04-2011, 09:40 PM)Whats the word?? Wrote: I completely agree... you want to talk about people who should lose out from drug use... I think that our government should make those who use public assistance take a drug screen prior to receiving their assistance every month... and randomly as well.... you pass you get the help you need... you fail... well my money will go to someone who really deserves it!!
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Go cry to your dealer. The parents of a kid who died because the junkie nurse fucked up and gave 3 times the rx got a life sentence. The junkie nurse should get her license yanked for life
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(04-04-2011, 09:47 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Go cry to your dealer. The parents of a kid who died because the junkie nurse fucked up and gave 3 times the rx got a life sentence. The junkie nurse should get her license yanked for life I'm not only referring to junkies!!!
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anyone ever see SHO program "Nurse Jackie"? it glorified a junkie nurse.
sorry, i have zero tolerance. i was a young OR nurse before i became a cop. you are responsible for meds among other things. it's not only illegal to be a nurse druggie, it's fucking immoral. just like if i were a junkie cop. license/certification should be gone. period. if you are a proven liar, thief and danger to society because of your addiction, fuck off and go work where lives don't depend on you. i have no sympathy for that crap. they belong in a jail cell like any other junkie. they write bogus Rx too. it's a calculated crime.
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So drunk nurse gets in car putting other people at significant risk. May as well reuse needles and sterilize with pine sol. Not exactly a reliable caregiver, one who engages in behavior that mains and kills...
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(04-04-2011, 08:56 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Your a bogan.
That'll teach me to leave the webcam on while wearing my uggs!
Thanks for not pointing the "Bone" at me.
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(04-04-2011, 09:54 PM)kitty1 Wrote: (04-04-2011, 09:47 PM)Fibonacci Prima Wrote: Go cry to your dealer. The parents of a kid who died because the junkie nurse fucked up and gave 3 times the rx got a life sentence. The junkie nurse should get her license yanked for life I'm not only referring to junkies!!!
By your definition, participants in the Alternative program are "...nurses that get a DUI or tested positive for drugs or alcohol at work."
In other words, medical professionals who either a) had impaired judgement by getting behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated or b) were impaired while caring for the most vulnerable.
Further, the Alternative Program for Chemically Dependent Nurses defines chemical dependence as
(1) The chronic and habitual use of alcoholic beverages to the extent that the user no longer can control the use of alcohol; or the user’s health, safety, or welfare or that of others is endangered; or
(2) The use of a drug of abuse, to the extent that the user becomes physically or psychologically dependent on the drug; or the user’s health, safety, or welfare or that of others is endangered.
If that's not a junkie, what is?
There is other meaningful work that can be done with a nursing degree that doesn't subject the patient population to the dangers of an impaired nurse.
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Exactly. Nurses can be rehabilitated just like anyone else.
This is bullshit. I worked with this guy who was stealing diazepam (benzo's, valium). He shits me to tears. He should not be there, he should be sacked. Every year we have to do a national police check and society expects of us a level of conduct that is not expected in truck drivers.
This guy has already been sacked from one job and he has been busted stealing alot of drugs where I work. When I have the drug keys and he is around I have to stand there like a guard dog or he will swipe something. The only reason he hasnt been sacked is because his parents are friends with one of the honchos. It makes me furious that he is working there, he is on a restricted licence but it dosent matter he shouldn't be there. Its like leaving an alcoholic in charge of the bar, what do you think is going to happen?
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(04-05-2011, 01:45 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: This guy has already been sacked from one job and he has been busted stealing alot of drugs where I work. The only reason he hasnt been sacked is because his parents are friends with one of the honchos. It makes me furious that he is working there, he is on a restricted licence but it dosent matter he shouldn't be there.
Is he a union member, too?
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I don't know because I rarely speak to him. It makes me sick to my stomach that he is even working there. He pulls the whole profession down and you have to be on your guard when he is around. He is on restricted registration where he is not allowed the drug keys but that dosent mean he can't swipe something when the drug trolley is open.
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Protect your identity & go to the media.
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I live in Ohio & worked in the medical field for 13 years. I was a STNA (the shit at the bottom of the barrel if you will  ) I've seen too many instances of nurses abusing drugs & alcohol ON the job.
I worked with one nurse who had a case of beer in his locker, well half of it was gone when they cut the lock off of his locker. I worked with another nurse who left their shift without counting meds. They called him immediatly to come back & count, he never showed up. That night they contacted his father & asked him to go to his house to look for him. His father found him dead inside of his front door of a drug overdose. I had another nurse who was stealing morphine. Replacing the morphine with water. Countless other nurses who always seemed high to us but nothing was ever done about it. I worked under a nursing supervisor who was not allowed to have keys to the narc drawer because he was a alcoholic. When a nurse would call off & he had to cover their shift, he would have to have another nurse come pass his narcs for him. My ex graduated about a year ago, he's a RN now. At the end of our relationship I discovered that he was a closet pill popper, so add another one to the list.
I don't understand why someone would go through all of those years of school only to lose it all to addiction. Anyone who has studied the meds & all nurses have, know how highly addictive a lot of these drugs are. What's especially sad is that they are stealing these meds that the patients really do need for pain & replacing them with pills like tylenol. This is especially prevelant in nursing homes where the majority of patients have impairments. They can't see or hear well, or they have dementia or alzheimers so they don't realize they aren't getting the meds they are suppose to be getting & when they complain of pain after they're given their meds, the nurses tell them they have to wait hours because they've already gotten their meds when in reality, they were given a tylenol for their broken hip.
The nurses license should be pulled. I think not only because it's against the law to steal narcotics & work under the influence but because it's abusive to take pain meds away from people who are actually in pain & make them suffer so they (the nurses) can get high or sell them on the street.
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I must defend myself here. Miss Kitty is not a pill popper or a dope junkie. Some nurse was stealing or replacing drugs with Tylenol or something ..not sure. They decided to do random drug screens at work. I had smoke a little pot like 2 weeks prior on vacation. I tested positive. I was worried that I may have to go on that program. I started this thread to see if any of the members here were familiar with it. I agree that if a nurse becomes desperate enough to steal or substitute drugs at work than they have a problem...a big problem. They should choose another profession. I am shocked at the number of impaired nurses and docters out there practicing. It is quite scary. I may engage in a little recreational fun in the privacy of my own home or on vacation but I am no junky addict.