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5.6 unemployment rate, triple A credit rating

9.1 unemployment rate double A credit rating

Pick one OP, show us how smart you are.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams


That critter makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. The look on its face is priceless. Hahaha!
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(09-05-2011, 03:05 PM)Duchess Wrote:

That critter makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. The look on its face is priceless. Hahaha!

That is my "say what?" gif used when somebody says something incredibly stupid or retarded.

I don't want to overuse it which is difficult when you consider dick is here.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(09-05-2011, 03:04 PM)IMaDick Wrote: 5.6 unemployment rate, triple A credit rating

9.1 unemployment rate double A credit rating

Pick one OP, show us how smart you are.

Obama said it would get worse before it got better.

I know you are not used to a president telling the truth after eight years of the horseless cowboy.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
He said that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if we apporved his 800+ billion dollar jobs stimulus.

He is about to propose another jobs stimulus when the reality is the first one was a complete failure.

The net job increase for aug was 0 zero new jobs.

way to go sheeple you got out the liberal message but you failed to think for yourself again.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(09-05-2011, 03:24 PM)IMaDick Wrote: He said that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if we apporved his 800+ billion dollar jobs stimulus.

He is about to propose another jobs stimulus when the reality is the first one was a complete failure.

The net job increase for aug was 0 zero new jobs.

way to go sheeple you got out the liberal message but you failed to think for yourself again.

Yeah the horseless cowboy sure did leave one big mess.

Luckily Obama will have another term to try and sort things out though.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Is our president retarded? Because I think he might be. His BIG JOB PLAN: More government jobs. WTF? He knows taxpayers have to pay for that, too, right? It's cheaper to keep them on welfare than to pay them gov't wages. He gives this big reveal in Detroit, the land of poor people and just slightly more, ahem, diverse than the rest of the country. Then he tries to lay unemployment in the laps of the Republicans.

The man is retarded. If you vote for him, you are retarded, too. If he isn't playing the race card or liberal card, the man's got nothing. Seriously, nothing.

DETROIT — President Barack Obama used a boisterous Labor Day rally to put congressional Republicans on the spot, challenging them to place the country's interests above all else and vote to create jobs and put the economy back on a path toward growth. "Show us what you've got," he said.

In a partial preview of the jobs speech he's delivering to Congress Thursday night, Obama said roads and bridges nationwide need rebuilding and more than 1 million unemployed construction workers are itching to "get dirty" making the repairs. He portrayed Congress as an obstacle to getting that work done.

I'm going to propose ways to put America back to work that both parties can agree to, because I still believe both parties can work together to solve our problems," Obama said at an annual Labor Day rally sponsored by the Detroit-area AFL-CIO. "Given the urgency of this moment, given the hardship that many people are facing, folks have got to get together. But we're not going to wait for them."

"We're going to see if we've got some straight shooters in Congress. We're going to see if congressional Republicans will put country before party," he said.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
The AFL-CIO's plan, which I bet will be remarkably similar to Obama's plan, explains why it is no big secret Obama kicked it off in Detroit, union puppet that he is:

Trumka laid out an AFL-CIO six-point plan for job creation. Five of the six points involve more government spending in areas like education, transportation, energy, aid to states, and unemployment benefits – the kind of spending included in President Obama’s 2009 stimulus package.

That package, which Obama promised would keep unemployment below eight percent, failed to make much of an impact on jobs. In the more than two years since the bill was signed, unemployment has not dipped below the eight percent threshold pledged by the president.

On the contrary, the economy has lost millions of jobs since the first stimulus was signed into law. Further, according to the most recent projections from the Congressional Budget Office, unemployment will not drop below eight percent until at least 2014.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Yeah, I wasn't happy with his speech/actions yesterday. His "job proposal" is just more of the same. I can't believe he referred to it prior as being a bi-partisan plan. Yeah right.

I heard this morning that Hoffa called the teaparty SOBs?
Commando Cunt Queen
(09-05-2011, 11:13 AM)White Pud Wrote: Its good to see that the voters are starting to realise that having a career in the military doesn't mean you will be any good at running the country, having done military service means you were a good soldier nothing more.

The fact so many ex-squaddies end up on the employment scrapheap is further proof of this.

Nearly 13 of elected Presidents throughout US history have never served in the military.

The ideal presidential candidate for me, would have served in the military. However, whether or not the candidate served wouldn't be the only factor in voting for or against a candidate. I would like to see a candidate that has also served in senior management for a private business with a large budget and many employees, been a member of congress, favor the states being more self governing - leaving only the truly national matters to be regulated at the federal level, be truly committed to reforming/diminishing entitlement programs with a plan that could be carried on after leaving office... My ideal candidate would also consider appointing the best qualified Cabinet members (not appointments rooted mainly in nepotism) as one of the most important duties of his/her presidency.

Few presidential candidates, if any, possessed all of what I consider ideal qualifications (my opinion only). Many times I feel like I am choosing between the lesser of two evils. So, I'm willing to trade military service for a preponderance of other ideal qualifications.

Presidents who had no active military experience at all (did not serve in uniform):

Adams - Federalist
Jefferson - Democratic-Republican (non-Federalist)
J. Q. Adams - National Republican
van Buren - Democrat
Cleveland - Democrat
Taft - Republican
Wilson - Democrat
Harding - Republican
Coolidge - Republican
Hoover - Republican
FDR - Republican
Clinton - Democrat
Obama - Democrat

(09-06-2011, 11:58 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Presidents who had no active military experience at all (did not serve in uniform):

Adams - Federalist
Jefferson - Democratic-Republican (non-Federalist)
J. Q. Adams - National Republican
van Buren - Democrat
Cleveland - Democrat
Taft - Republican
Wilson - Democrat
Harding - Republican
Coolidge - Republican
Hoover - Republican
FDR - Republican
Clinton - Democrat
Obama - Democrat

For reals, player?
(09-06-2011, 03:04 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(09-06-2011, 11:58 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Presidents who had no active military experience at all (did not serve in uniform):

Adams - Federalist
Jefferson - Democratic-Republican (non-Federalist)
J. Q. Adams - National Republican
van Buren - Democrat
Cleveland - Democrat
Taft - Republican
Wilson - Democrat
Harding - Republican
Coolidge - Republican
Hoover - Republican
FDR - Republican
Clinton - Democrat
Obama - Democrat

For reals, player?

Thanks for catching that - major typo! I wish I could say I did it on purpose, but not so...

Not sure how making an error typing a list makes me a player, but okay.
(09-06-2011, 03:30 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Not sure how making an error typing a list makes me a player, but okay.

I was worried . . . revisionist history and all. I thought I didn't get the memo.

My 5 year old godchild is on the "Fo' reals, player?" phrase loop.

Damned TV commercials.

Like a keep on telling dick, don't hate the player hate the game.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(09-06-2011, 03:59 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(09-06-2011, 03:30 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Not sure how making an error typing a list makes me a player, but okay.

I was worried . . . revisionist history and all. I thought I didn't get the memo.

My 5 year old godchild is on the "Fo' reals, player?" phrase loop.

Damned TV commercials.

Notworthy Shades of Michelle Bachmann in my typo. Though she might actually believe that FDR was a Republican...

Analysis of 9/7/11 debate strategies

Having performed well in the previous debates simply by not losing, Romney needs to go on the offensive now to prove he, not Perry, is the “real” jobs candidate.

Bachmann needs to regain lost ground to prove she is not the third-place candidate as her own campaign adviser, Ed Rollins, judged before jumping ship. To woo back Tea Party support from Perry, she has to outflank him to the right, and she risks going too far.

The game plan for Perry? Just come across as calm, thoughtful, and most of all, reasonable.

Paul will continue to bite at Perry’s ankles to the delight of his fervent followers but to the dismissal of most of the electorate.

Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, along with Cain and Huntsman, will be battling to prove they are still relevant.

Perry has the least and the most to prove. And the stakes are huge. If he does okay, his status as frontrunner will be cemented. If he blows it, he could claw his way to the bottom fast.

Snipped from:

This debate should be interesting.

None of those people actually care about us. They don't care about us, our future or our money. If you think they do, I'm here to tell you just how wrong you are. I have no faith in any of those that are attempting to throw their hat into the ring. I expect more of the same right up until the day I die.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(09-07-2011, 06:09 AM)Duchess Wrote:

None of those people actually care about us. They don't care about us, our future or our money. If you think they do, I'm here to tell you just how wrong you are. I have no faith in any of those that are attempting to throw their hat into the ring. I expect more of the same right up until the day I die.

You may be right. Most politicians seem to care more about what we can do for them than what they can do for us. I care who is behind the wheel because their policies and alliances have an impact on all of us. The debates give us a chance to see how they respond to questions about the important issues when they don't have an exact script like they do for most press conferences and campaign speeches, and they can't predict exactly how their competitors will respond to the same questions. Performance in this debate will likely cause a couple of candidates to throw in the towel and might bring a back runner into the foreground. I think it will be interesting.
(09-07-2011, 06:09 AM)Duchess Wrote:

None of those people actually care about us. They don't care about us, our future or our money. If you think they do, I'm here to tell you just how wrong you are. I have no faith in any of those that are attempting to throw their hat into the ring. I expect more of the same right up until the day I die.

Politicians only genuinely care about you on polling day the rest of the time they really couldn't give a fuck.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(09-06-2011, 11:10 AM)username Wrote: I can't believe he referred to it prior as being a bi-partisan plan.

I can't believe he is calling it "bi-partisan" and thinking that is going to work. Obama really does think everybody else is stupid. He is a shifty fucker. He thinks he can assign blame to someone else by faking the name and force it be passed for the same reason. It is just unbelievable to me.

His arrogance is astounding, but the saddest part is some of the more stupid among us will fall for the rhetoric. Americans are functionally retarded. We buy shit because of the name. Maybe we deserve to be treated this way...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.