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We need to talk about this election because I don't know what I'm going to do. I need a viable choice & I don't have one. I want someone I can believe in & feel hopeful about. I don't feel hopeful when I consider what my choices will be.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
it's too late to support anyone but those who are left.

I would have like to have seen a Newt/Paul ticket.

at this point the VP decision is important for both candidates.

I use this as a list of import.

national security

Listen for each discussion about these topics and then compare them to what they have done in the past, and see if you're being sold a bill of shit by one or the other.

I won't vote for a liar.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(05-17-2012, 08:05 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: told you all! this has been going on for years 115 ...many were registered AFTER they died. 96
all those chads will continue to hang. Old22

Miami Herald

TAMPA, Fla. -- Florida is calling on county election supervisors to remove more than 53,000 dead people from the state's voting rolls.

State officials this year checked Social Security files and concluded that people who died were still registered to vote. This was the first time the state checked the files. It was allowed under a controversial election law that passed the GOP-controlled Legislature last year.

An attorney with the Department of State told election supervisors on Wednesday they have seven days to remove a deceased voter from the rolls.

But some supervisors want to know if they will be given more proof that the voter is dead.

The move to remove dead voters comes at the same time when state officials are pushing to remove thousands non U.S.-citizens from the rolls.

Why is the US voting system so fucked up?, voting is all done on computer isn't it?, do you actually know who you voting for?, I'll stick with the written X on a ballot paper thank you.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(05-28-2012, 09:14 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote:
(05-17-2012, 08:05 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: told you all! this has been going on for years 115 ...many were registered AFTER they died. 96
all those chads will continue to hang. Old22

Miami Herald

TAMPA, Fla. -- Florida is calling on county election supervisors to remove more than 53,000 dead people from the state's voting rolls.

State officials this year checked Social Security files and concluded that people who died were still registered to vote. This was the first time the state checked the files. It was allowed under a controversial election law that passed the GOP-controlled Legislature last year.

An attorney with the Department of State told election supervisors on Wednesday they have seven days to remove a deceased voter from the rolls.

But some supervisors want to know if they will be given more proof that the voter is dead.

The move to remove dead voters comes at the same time when state officials are pushing to remove thousands non U.S.-citizens from the rolls.

Why is the US voting system so fucked up?, voting is all done on computer isn't it?, do you actually know who you voting for?, I'll stick with the written X on a ballot paper thank you.

I prefer the written ballot myself also.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(05-27-2012, 03:32 PM)IMaDick Wrote: at this point the VP decision is important for both candidates.

Romney's VP choice is of great interest to me. He needs someone to balance his aloofness and upper-crustiness (as perceived by some, at least) and someone who can fiercely drive his points home in VP debates and public appearances/statements leading up to the election and afterwards. Obama's got a great balance of strengths/weaknesses with Biden, imo.

Of those rumored to be on Romney's short list for VP, Governor Christi from NJ would make for the most interesting (though not necessarily the most winning) ticket, imo.

Good article with a rundown of those who have officially or unofficially thrown their hats in the ring:
As the election approaches, Obama's been hitting Romney for being an "outsourcer". Romney just launched a television ad in response. In it, he uses some of Hillary Cinton's 2008 comments (opinion) about Obama being untruthful; essentially using our Democratic Secretary of State to impeach the character of our Democratic President to promote the GOP candidate. Interesting, imo.

Wonder if the history between Hillary and Obama sometimes makes for some awkward Cabinet meetings.

Here's the ad transcript:

Barack Obama’s attacks against Mitt Romney: they’re just not true. The Washington Post says, ‘On just about every level, this ad is misleading, unfair and untrue.’ But that’s Barack Obama. He also attacked Hillary Clinton with vicious lies.

HILLARY CLINTON (file footage):
He continues to spend millions of dollars perpetuating falsehoods.

Mitt Romney has a plan to get America working. Barack Obama? Worst job record since the Depression.

HILLARY CLINTON (file footage):
So shame on you, Barack Obama.

ROMNEY (voice-over):
I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message.

Where the ad is currently running:
Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio
Colorado Springs, Colo. Columbus, Ohio
Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio
Denver, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa
Grand Junction, Colo. Greenville, N.C.
Iowa City, Iowa Las Vegas, Nev.
Manchester, N.H. Raleigh, N.C.
Reno, Nev. Richmond, Va. Roanoke, Va. Sioux City, Iowa

Not good for Obama:

The June 2012 Job and Employment report was just released by the Department of Labor. Another weak month.

-No change in the unemployment rate of 8.2%.

-88,000 jobs were added, but 95,000 were projected. At least 125,000 new jobs need to be added each month to keep up with population growth.

Romney's all over Obama's challenges with the unemployment problem and claiming job creation will be much stronger if he's elected (as in the ad in the post above). Obama's labeling Romney an "outsourcer" who would send jobs elsewhere.

This economy has gotta pick up. I wanna hear and see detailed plans from both candidates; what are they really able/willing to do? This will greatly impact my voting decision.

Obama's record is already established on what he is able to do.

Don't let the bullshit "outsource jobs" crap distract you from his record.

He gave GM our money and they left for china.

talk about outsourced.

Romney's record can be seen from his time as Governor.

If Romney does what he is saying and takes government out of the way and basically does nothing He is on the right track.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-06-2012, 11:10 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Obama's record is already established on what he is able to do.

Don't let the bullshit "outsource jobs" crap distract you from his record.

He gave GM our money and they left for china.

talk about outsourced.

Romney's record can be seen from his time as Governor.

If Romney does what he is saying and takes government out of the way and basically does nothing He is on the right track.

I have a different view than many regarding outsourcing anyway; I'm not really concerned or distracted by that label at this time.

I want to hear exactly how these candidates expect to create jobs - the details. Obama got government funding for job creation. Okay. Romney claims that he can stimulate private sector business to create jobs. Sounds better. Can Romney replicate his previous succes in private business, as governor, and running a financially successful Olympics on a national level?

Exactly what does each candidate plan? Ready to hear details and get beyond their touting rhetoric and past smaller-scale records.
Roosevelt created jobs and the depression lasted 10 years.

Government needs to do nothing, let the private sector loose and let the jobs be created how they are supposed to be created.

Government has to take other peoples money to do anything.

I'm not sure what part of that is so hard to understand?
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-06-2012, 11:31 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Roosevelt created jobs and the depression lasted 10 years.

Government needs to do nothing, let the private sector loose and let the jobs be created how they are supposed to be created.

Government has to take other peoples money to do anything.

I'm not sure what part of that is so hard to understand?

Good morning, Dick.

It's not hard for me to understand.

But, there are many critical details that will make or break any economic stimulus plan, whether that plan includes increasing or decreasing governmental involvement.

"Let the private sector loose" is a general statement. Are you talking deregulation, lesser or no business tax, etc? It's the details not the general concepts that I'm anxious to hear from Romney and Obama in regards to plans for future economic improvement and job creation; including timeline and projections.
(07-06-2012, 11:41 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote:
(07-06-2012, 11:31 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Roosevelt created jobs and the depression lasted 10 years.

Government needs to do nothing, let the private sector loose and let the jobs be created how they are supposed to be created.

Government has to take other peoples money to do anything.

I'm not sure what part of that is so hard to understand?

Good morning, Dick.

It's not hard for me to understand.

But, there are many critical details that will make or break any economic stimulus plan, whether that plan includes increasing or decreasing governmental involvement.

"Let the private sector loose" is a general statement. Are you talking deregulation, lesser or no business tax, etc? It's the details not the general concepts that I'm anxious to hear from Romney and Obama in regards to plans for future economic improvement and job creation; including timeline and projections.

You failed with the use of "stimulus".

Government intervention prolongs everything.

Take a look at history and you will see that I'm right.

Hoover and Roosevelt fucked this country by "stimulus" intervention.

and the repeat of that is bush and obama.

This is not the first time we have economic disruption in this country and Hoover and Roosevelt were not the first Presidents to deal with it, a few had dealt with it before them and the time line was much shorter by them doing nothing than by government taking money from the private sector and making it public money with government controlled infusion.

Government needs to step back and leave things alone and let the people be to do what they do best, create an economy with robust private expansion and the jobs follow as does prosperity.

Government intrusion is what put us where we are and what will keep us where we are for years to come.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Sorry, you misunderstood my use of the term, "stimulus". I was using the literal definition, not in the context of a "stimulus package or stimulus intervention" as we've seen in the past. Any agent or action, including stepping back, for the purpose of stimulating or improving a negative condition is "stimulus".

The only plan that either candidate could put forth which would not be considered economic stimulus (literally speaking) is to take no action and leave everything as it is today. Do you really think that's appropriate and the economy will auto-correct? I don't think that's prudent nor is it likely either candidate's agenda, imo.

I thought you were suggesting that lessening government's involvement in private business was in order, not leaving its current level of involvement unchanged?
Purposefully obtuse.

Have a great day.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-06-2012, 12:22 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Purposefully obtuse.

Have a great day.

You don't have to explain whether you think government should do nothing or instead lessen its involvement. But, to genuinely seek clarification isn't being obtuse; it's being interested. Forgive me, grumpy. Smiley_emoticons_bussi

I hope my day is great and yours too. I'm actually going out to try and get more business to keep my employees working. Feeling positive.

Hot D has the patience of Job. I woulda just said fuck it and moved on.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(07-06-2012, 12:38 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Hot D has the patience of Job. I woulda just said fuck it and moved on.

Dick's worth it. Sometimes I learn from him or gain insight into an alternate perpsective. And, sometimes considering his opinion on matters upon which we disagree only helps re-inforce my original assertion.

He's told me that I'm "playing stupid" or being "purposely obtuse" a couple of times. I don't do either, but I still like the smart shitbird.
I have an idea -

How about starting a business that sells something people can use their EBT card to pay for? That way when you pay taxes you'll be getting it back in profit. Profit from which you'll pay a percentage in tax that will then come back in profit.

Now granted, my math isn't what you could call complex by any stretch of the imagination, but I think this puts me out ahead!

Ima, want to start a business? Ima and Gear's Widgets (now accepting EBT).
(07-06-2012, 12:55 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Dick's worth it.

Yes, he is & I love him but that doesn't keep me from wanting to tell him to shut the fuck up because my opinion is the only right one.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The day government saw themselves as "the economy" is the day the lights went out.

gear we could maybe find a business that could be paid for by EBT, with more than 42 million people on EBT assistance I think a good "Carousel" would be in order, they only need to spend it once and we would generate enough profit to pay Hotd to promote more government involvement/intrusion into our business.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
