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(06-30-2011, 12:30 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
Quote:You should keep ANY prejudices you have to yourself at work or face the consequences.

Ya, that's because we all know that when were at work we don't have any freedom of speech,religion, or morals that we live by the rest of the time.

we lower our standards and accept the unacceptable,we stop being individuals and become the leaders of the PC crowd, a liberal , and whore just because we get paid to be that way.

It's this type of fucking attitude that erodes our freedoms, makes the world a more fucked up place and allows this shit into our homes and were not allowed to stop it defend ourselves against it or live above and beyond the gutter fucks who think it's normal for men to suck each others dicks and shove their tools up each others ass.

You people go ahead and play stupid, I will continue to treat gays like each and everyone of them has aids, and that it is an airborne disease that can be contracted from a 75 foot distance. Employers cannot put me into a circumstance that violates or offends me in anyway either and they damn sure cannot force me to share a fucking bathroom with someone who can leave a disease behind that can kill me.

Congratulations "dick" you have just won the award for the most ludicrously stupid and shit headed post of the decade.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
what do you make of the one with her hand on the others rolls of fat? do you think she likes it?
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(06-30-2011, 01:51 PM)IMaDick Wrote: hah

Can we call a fat woman fat and not be fired?

Nice to see dick making plans for wife number four.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(06-30-2011, 01:59 PM)IMaDick Wrote: what do you make of the one with her hand on the others rolls of fat? do you think she likes it?

I had to go back & look. Yes, she likes it, look at her smiling. Ugh! That's just gross, obscene. What the hell do you do with something like that? I don't really want to know.

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(06-30-2011, 02:05 PM)Duchess Wrote: What the hell do you do with something like that? I don't really want to know.

Counter-weights for building pyramids.
Those women are morbidly obese and stuff

And stuff is right! Holy Moly.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The redhead on the right might still be "saved" the stretch markes might not have become permanent yet. Think "ants marching"
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
It's really replusive hey? It's grotesque lets call a spade a spade. They need surgery and psychological help. How do you let yourself get that big?, and how on earth did they find bikinis to fit?
Aussie: how on earth did they find bikinis to fit?

Omar the tent-maker?

If you're packing straight wood, you ain't playing on our team.

Three Straights and You’re Out in Gay Softball League

Is that "Out" like you can't play or "Out" like 'out-of-the-closet'?
(06-30-2011, 06:06 PM)Maggot Wrote: The redhead on the right might still be "saved"

Maggot, I don't think so.
She is dating the Hippo.

And the brunette on the left is KINKY

Aussie: how on earth did they find bikinis to fit?
They just shop at the same store as their Hippo.
(06-30-2011, 06:52 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: Omar the tent-maker? Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

yes well they are into all that warped shit hey?
(06-30-2011, 12:30 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Employers cannot put me into a circumstance that violates or offends me in anyway either and they damn sure cannot force me to share a fucking bathroom with someone who can leave a disease behind that can kill me.

Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch You really think you can catch AIDs from a toilet seat.


And yes, employers CAN expect you to work in circumstances that violate and offend your stupid ass (I used to be an HR director--I know this shit). There are laws that can't be crossed but no laws against having an asshole for a boss. They have to violate specific harassment/discrimination/hostile working environment labor laws.

Depending on the employment contract, "freedom of speech" doesn't apply. If it did, Apple employees would be able to freely give up technical secrets to competitors without consequence.

Employment contracts were always difficult to enforce (because the courts tend to frown on employer's limiting the ability of their former employees to get gainful employment) but they have some validity/weight.

Bottom line, check the employee handbook and any contracts that you've signed.

Commando Cunt Queen
BTW, the answer is yes. If you walked around your office espousing racist or anti (insert religion) sentiments that were disruptive to the office, yeah, they ought to be able to fire your ass. It's disruptive and doesn't have anything to do with work. You're there to do a job; not preach your personal beliefs.
Commando Cunt Queen
Shouldn't you be WORKING at work?
User is full of liberal shit as usual, do all gays sit when the piss? guess what,I don't have to like anyone I choose not to like, I don't have to give a reason.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-01-2011, 01:46 AM)IMaDick Wrote: I don't have to give a reason

Here's the thing Dick, people who are gay/straight/bi/immigrants or part of any sub-culture, they should not have to endure hatred in any form. People in this country say horrible things against red headed all the time. I have been called bloodnut, I have had people yell out at me, ew yuk then score me "minus 2". That's a thing here in Oz. It's the most horrible thing in the world.

I don't support any kind of hatred or cruelty. I have met straight people who are perverted, and you wouldn't trust them with your pet hamster.

Don't limited yourself because someone is different to you, people are nice, you are limiting yourself to happiness.

I don't mind if you give someone a wide berth if they are like, liars or crims and that. No one likes that. But gay - no way, embrace them, they are the most creative loving kindest people (not all) but like any new experience you have to take each individual as you find them and then if they are weird stay away from them. Don't hate, it dosent suit you.
You call yourself a nurse aussie<

it falls under the health and safety standards that employers are required to follow, They don't have to put up with anti gay sentiment, But if they know they have hired a person who could pose a health risk to the other employee's ( in my profession this is a real concern since cuts and at times heavy bleeding can occur on the job) which could result in another employee needing to apply pressure, or even retrive a body part, it becomes a health risk.

Like I said the liberal shit is flying to the walls but it's not sticking, the employer has a responsibility to provide a safe work environment to everyone, not just a gays.

any other thinking is just flat fucked up, and of course dumb.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-01-2011, 02:18 AM)IMaDick Wrote: You call yourself a nurse aussie<

Hey, back off! You know very well I am a nurse and a good one.

You cannot catch HIV from a toilet seat. That's why we go to university and do 2 years of human bioscience to understand at a microscopic level how the body functions. Once the blood is exposed to the air you cannot contract it. However, it is still an infectious disease and if there are open wounds you need to gown up if treating the area. If you are passing them in the corridor and say hello you will not catch HIV or HepC if you do.

I had a gay man present at my birth, he was fantastic and he is HIV+ you kind of sound abit backward when you talk about this subject.

My friend took this picture