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Right at the beginning when someone asked Jeremy something like "Who would take a baby?" he said something about "someone cheating on their husband" (maybe he said "spouse", not sure). Maybe Debbie had a guy friend over that night and HE did something to or disposed of Lisa's body, but Deb won't say anyone else was there because she doesn't want to admit cheating on Jeremy?
Sorry if this has already been brought up.
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If my baby went missing I would have a hard time holding myself together. I would talk to everyone that would listen and search, search, search...I would be forthcoming with any and all information. These people are not making sense with their actions...It's just sooo sad to me. That poor little girl.
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welcome to Mock Clown 
i'm very surprised the day has gone by with not one word in media about the family or their whereabouts. or whether anyone is searching for Lisa.
LISA~~do they remember her?
or is this all about lawyers and pi bill and $$$$$ and TV.
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(10-29-2011, 05:21 AM)Duchess Wrote: (10-29-2011, 01:06 AM)Cheyne Wrote: They're leaving so LE can't interview the boys.
Is that a fact or is it a guess?
You think they are capable of murder & hiding a body but you don't think they have what it takes to just say no to LE when it comes to interviewing their children? It's a guess.
If the children aren't there to be interviewed, LE can't talk to them. I am not sure about jurisdiction, but if they leave the state it would be harder to serve a subpoena.
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Well, here's another twist to the story.
It seems that last night, the family left the house due to a "stalker".
Of course, it's out of proportion again, the "stalker" was a local mom who went through a 3 year long search for her missing children, only to have it be revealed that her ex-husband killed them and left them in a wooded area. Tina Porter has mentioned before on the local media that she'd meet with the parents of Baby Lisa if they wanted for support and advice before and I guess she's been trying to contact them a couple of times before she went directly to the address last night.
And what did the family do? Call her a stalker and call the police on her. never ceases to amaze me how very stupid this family seems and how all the stuff that the "PI" has done is just make them look more guilty. As Tina mentions herself in the article, if and when this is brought to a conclusion....
"When this is all over and said and done, and whatever happens with Lisa, if they expect the community to wrap their arms around them, I think they got another thing coming."
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Joe Tacopina (and his very well connected and efficient team) is exceptionally capable to get things done the way he wants to. He may well be arrogant and pretentious, but he gets things done when there are low chances that one can win. I don't think the police can match the level of shrewdness and strategy of Tacopina's law team. This legal team has resources that far outstretch most others (money that buys exceptional legal, forensic, psychological, medical, media-minded, and all sorts of other kind of expertise, and further money that buys the highest level of 'how-to' regarding using such expertise), and it does make a difference. This is not by any stretch of the imagination a situation where the family or the lawyers are looking for the baby. It seems a large and well strategized operation by which the parents get minimal exposure to actual investigation for either the truth or the baby. Extremely sad.
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re: Porter post
by the same token, i feel it was extremely rude of Ms. Porter to show up at the house late at night uninvited with no appt. and just knock. then run outside yelling for the TV cameras. she had no business doing that.
and she knocked a second time to "ask who their attny. was to contact". is there anyone on the planet who doesn't know who their attny. is?
i feel for the lady, but she went about it incorrectly.
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re: the Taco post. we cross-posted. 
he's a showboat in it for face time on TV.
just ask melanie mcguire about his skill. she's doing life.
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I may have read the following on this site; cannot remember, but is interesting tidbit re cell phone call made at 2:30 a.m. 4 Oct from Bradley's phone to Megan Wright's phone. Wright doesn't know Bradley but she and her ex-boyfriend have been
in the area before. Police have interviewed Wright 4 times and call was made about the same time of the reported dumpster fire.....
Also found facebook acct for Lisa Irwin Kidnapped from Kansas City MO~~~~~this sounds a lot like the Nazi lady!
She is a mother and says she just wants to help.
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Not surprising that there is no new "news" today. Seems to be a pattern with this case. Nobody works on weekends to look for a perfectly beautiful 11 month old baby girl.
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the pi bill stanton was on Judge Pirro tonight. he wouldn't say where Lisa's parents are of course. he was nearly incoherent talking in circles and trying to tap dance at the same time. he made no sense and added nothing.
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I found a link to an ABC news program re Lisa Irwin and there are numerous comments!
According to some of the comments, the reported cell phone call to Megan Wright around 2-3 am (from Bradley's phone)looks suspicious. Megan's boyfriend or husband became an ex on 20 Oct and his last name matches last name of
Bradley's cousin (Mike Levette). Megan has apparent connection with a Steve Levette.. One (or both) is an electrician like Mr. Irwin. It was confusing to as two different spellings of last name were used so some of the information was a
case of mistaken identity....but the comments here are just the opinions of posters on ABC website.
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See below a portrait of Joe Tacopina, titled "The devil's advocate:
Joe Tacopina defends the indefensible."
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initially i thought the local news KMBC was doing a fine job with this case/story. but now their "live updates" haven't updated since friday night.
"Stay with KMBC 9 News for updates"<------
i know the irwins shunned them, but it's still the local news outlet with a responsibility to the community. it's sickening in many of these cases that everyone takes the weekends off. news? what a joke.
again, sorry Baby Lisa, nobody gives a shit except the police. i hope you're not freezing or being ravaged by wild animals.
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When I first read the description for Baby Lisa which said," two teeth,a birthmark,eleven months old,the first thought I had was that that little precious will probably never hold her first toothbrush and learn to brush her teeth. Evil people abuse ( physically or emotionally) and murder children.
The Irwins and whomever else is involved in this should be very thankful that they live in a country where you are innocent until proved otherwise.I have been in countries if you were suspected of being responsible for your childs disappearance or murder your going to get the hell beat out of you ( figuratively or physically) until you tell what happened to your child, then you can hire an attorney if you can find one that will represent you.
Deborah Bradley stated that they are grieving. I find that a very odd comment. If I thought my baby was out there rotting somewhere ,I would be in torment,I wouldn't rest until I found my baby. I think Deborah just wants this to go away. She probably thought everyone would believe her story but it hasn't worked out that way.
I hope Baby Lisa was taken by someone and she is alive but I don't believe that.
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I haven't been around crime stories as much as many of you have & maybe that's why I'm having so much trouble thinking like you do but when I see the photographs & video of that child all I am seeing is a baby that was truly loved.
I'm still not at a place where I think the Mom murdered her baby. I've read most of this thread & I can't get past the fact that I know truth is often stranger than fiction. I still believe someone took her.
I don't have a problem saying I'm wrong or "eating crow" so if I have to come back & do that I will...just sayin'.
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KMBZ Radio
The local attorney, who is no longer counsel for the parents of missing Baby Lisa says in a statement released today (Sunday) that she will continue to search for the child as a concerned citizen. Cyndy Short announced Friday she was no longer the family's local attorney after reports surfaced that Short and lead attorney Joe Tacopina were butting heads after Tacopina tried to fire her. Short is holding a news conference about the search for Baby Lisa tomorrow morning. Baby Lisa has been missing nearly four weeks.
she has no business holding a news conference. and no authority.
i expect to see Taco and the lounge act pi bill doing that.
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(10-30-2011, 11:35 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I haven't been around crime stories as much as many of you have & maybe that's why I'm having so much trouble thinking like you do but when I see the photographs & video of that child all I am seeing is a baby that was truly loved.
I'm still not at a place where I think the Mom murdered her baby. I've read most of this thread & I can't get past the fact that I know truth is often stranger than fiction. I still believe someone took her.
I don't have a problem saying I'm wrong or "eating crow" so if I have to come back & do that I will...just sayin'.
Duchess, I agree with you that looking at all the photos of Baby Lisa she was well taken care of and loved. I hope that you are right, that Baby Lisa was taken by someone who wanted a baby and is warm, fed and loved at this very minute.
Either way, no one has to "eat crow" about their opinions on Mock.