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Your ex must be a pretty boring guy if his current girlfriend has the time and inclination to stalk you.
He's doing/saying something to make the stalking bitch feel insecure.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
ramseycat Wrote:So now I feel that I need to either change my screen name the places I am at and use a different one if I go someplace new. .
Great idea! How about you change being here as the first step?...::bigg::
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think it's that they don't want to have boundaries. I think it's they would not like being the subject of ridicule and mocking. They are afraid of others having no boundaries.
For a ditzy gal, you just made a very astute observation. Smiley_emoticons_wink
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think it's that they don't want to have boundaries. I think it's they would not like being the subject of ridicule and mocking. They are afraid of others having no boundaries.
Only the stupid are ridiculed & mocked...So I'm just going to go with the thought that the average person is dumb as a post & doesn't belong here then.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:I don't think it's that they don't want to have boundaries. I think it's they would not like being the subject of ridicule and mocking. They are afraid of others having no boundaries.
Only the stupid are ridiculed & mocked...So I'm just going to go with the thought that the average person is dumb as a post & doesn't belong here then.
Now, now Duch. All of us are mocked at some point.

It's only the idiots who are ridiculed and mocked incessantly.
Duchess Wrote:He's doing/saying something to make the stalking bitch feel insecure.
She was insecure from the start and he just plays her. For some reason she is paranoid that I might want him back. I would rather slit my own throat with a dull knife than take him back. Their relationship takes disfunction to a new level.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:and he just plays her.
That makes me want to kick him...And her too, for being a dumb bunny.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:and he just plays her.
That makes me want to kick him...And her too, for being a dumb bunny.
EVERYBODY wants to kick him. She is just.....I don't even know. Twice divcorved. The two of them fight and break up all the time. I avoid them like the plague.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies