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Marines taking a leak...
Somewhere earlier in this thread, I'm quite certain that I posted that if you're willing to wave off our soldiers pissing on our enemys, you're giving implied consent for our enemy to piss on the corpses of our dead soldiers.

If you can look at a bunch of dead Americans getting pissed on by some ragheads and think "god damn, they deserve that...hell, the ragheads should shit on them too", more power to you.
Commando Cunt Queen
(07-20-2013, 05:39 PM)username Wrote: I posted that if you're willing to wave off our soldiers pissing on our enemys, you're giving implied consent for our enemy to piss on the corpses of our dead soldiers.

Yes . . . I remember your cute little "We're better than that" missive.

I guess my unwillingness to "wave off" the pissing incident is undoubtedly contributing to world peace and universal understanding.

And an end to combatant "Golden Showers".

Have no fear of future corpse defilement US soldiers!

I've got you covered.
(07-20-2013, 05:39 PM)username Wrote: Somewhere earlier in this thread, I'm quite certain that I posted that if you're willing to wave off our soldiers pissing on our enemys, you're giving implied consent for our enemy to piss on the corpses of our dead soldiers.

If you can look at a bunch of dead Americans getting pissed on by some ragheads and think "god damn, they deserve that...hell, the ragheads should shit on them too", more power to you.

They are the enemy, if they spit in your face first then you spit in theirs, it does not make you as bad as them at all. If you do not spit back they believe you are a coward, that is the way they think even if it sounds foreign to you. Christians in the days of the roman empire did not and they were used as toys in the arena.
The ragheads were dead, not so with the prisoners they captured. The wailing that it makes us look like them is unjustified.
Reassignment would be the way to go in todays politically correct society not a court marshal again they were numbskulls to take pictures. The ragheads drag the dead through the city until they are lumps of flesh behind a truck with everyone cheering. Pissing on them is an honor.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(07-20-2013, 05:39 PM)username Wrote: Somewhere earlier in this thread, I'm quite certain that I posted that if you're willing to wave off our soldiers pissing on our enemys, you're giving implied consent for our enemy to piss on the corpses of our dead soldiers.

If you can look at a bunch of dead Americans getting pissed on by some ragheads and think "god damn, they deserve that...hell, the ragheads should shit on them too", more power to you.

Where you been sugar, them ragheads been doing this shit since day 1.
Our guys have shown a remarkable level of restraint.
(07-20-2013, 04:05 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Can I get a pair of these in Raghead?

Zero, I need your services pleasse

[Image: jheh.jpg]
Oh Yea, I be styling an profiling
[Image: sixinajeep_zps804614a5.jpg]
(07-20-2013, 08:05 PM)Maggot Wrote:
(07-20-2013, 05:39 PM)username Wrote: Somewhere earlier in this thread, I'm quite certain that I posted that if you're willing to wave off our soldiers pissing on our enemys, you're giving implied consent for our enemy to piss on the corpses of our dead soldiers.

If you can look at a bunch of dead Americans getting pissed on by some ragheads and think "god damn, they deserve that...hell, the ragheads should shit on them too", more power to you.

The ragheads drag the dead through the city until they are lumps of flesh behind a truck with everyone cheering. Pissing on them is an honor.

Why aren't we doing that yet?
Commando Cunt Queen
(07-20-2013, 11:49 PM)username Wrote: Why aren't we doing that yet?

Because they know where the IEDs are planted.

And with the price of gas? Oy veh!

It's simpler to piss on them.
(07-20-2013, 09:50 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Where you been sugar

You patronising meathead.

I'd piss on your corpse in a heartbeat motherfucker.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-20-2013, 08:05 PM)Maggot Wrote: They are the enemy, if they spit in your face first then you spit in theirs, it does not make you as bad as them at all.

Except it does doesn't it space cowboy?

Are you saying if your son was identified as one of the jarheads cocking his leg like a mongrel and pissing on a corpse you would be proud of him?

Yes of course you would, that's because you are a fascist lunatic.

Your drivel about the Christians being thrown to the lions was worthy of Glenn Beck at his worst.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

It's war, OP, as far as I can tell there are no rules. Why the hell should there be when someone is trying to kill you. There are no niceties, kill or be killed and use whatever works to intimidate the other side, if peeing on dead bodies accomplishes that, so be it.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
It's not the Wild West people!

That bloody Maggot wants me and my mates to vote for his mates around election time, but if you aint promoting true Christian values we aint voting for you. No way.

We are supposed to be the good guys, leading by example. Hasn't anybody learned anything from Abu Ghraib? Those boys were running amuck out there! Bloody disgrace.

Addit: They say that Abu Ghraib was a great recruitment tool for the enemy.
(07-21-2013, 05:57 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: It's not the Wild West people!

That bloody Maggot wants me and my mates to vote for his mates around election time, but if you aint promoting true Christian values we aint voting for you. No way.

We are supposed to be the good guys, leading by example. Hasn't anybody learned anything from Abu Ghraib? Those boys were running amuck out there! Bloody disgrace.

Addit: They say that Abu Ghraib was a great recruitment tool for the enemy.

Warning the follow post is sarcasm!

Have you ever been on the ground in the shit with grunts sugar? I didn't think so!

Pissing on a ragheads body is like a rite of passage for jarheads sugar.

It takes a “real” man to piss on a corpse.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-21-2013, 05:35 AM)Duchess Wrote:

It's war, OP, as far as I can tell there are no rules. Why the hell should there be when someone is trying to kill you. There are no niceties, kill or be killed and use whatever works to intimidate the other side, if peeing on dead bodies accomplishes that, so be it.

We, the coalition, always have rules of engagement its the one thing that seperates us from the terrorists. We follow rules and guidelines the enemy don't because we ARE better than them.

The jarheads in the footage were punished further proof they broke those important rules of engagement.

When the allies entered Germany they didn't rape pillage and kill civilians like the Nazis did in eastern europe because we were better than them.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-21-2013, 06:36 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: We, the coalition, always have rules of engagement its the one thing that seperates us from the terrorists. We follow rules and guidelines the enemy don't because we ARE better than them.

I used to feel like that & then I began to hear stories about what was done to the "good guys" and I no longer cared what they did in retaliation. I would turn a blind eye to fighting fire with fire. You can't win when the other doesn't play fair and you are expected to.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(07-21-2013, 06:39 AM)Duchess Wrote: You can't win when the other side doesn't play fair and you are expected to.[/i][/size]

Yes you can.

The allies did exactly that against the axis nations in WW2.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-21-2013, 06:54 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote:
(07-21-2013, 06:39 AM)Duchess Wrote: You can't win when the other side doesn't play fair and you are expected to.[/i][/size]

Yes you can.

The allies did exactly that against the axis nations in WW2.

A pox on your balls, let the devil take your fingers. You have been brainwashed into thinking WWII was a gentleman's war.

Let us now examine the record: Germany’s civilian population received a foretaste of allied policy in 1940, when British pilots bombed a Berlin schoolhouse, killing a number of children. The air strikes increased in severity over the course of the war, culminating in the destruction of Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, Nuremberg, Munich, and other cities at a loss of probably half a million lives. It was a common occurrence for allied pilots to bomb and strafe columns of refugees and the homeless. For this reason, American and British pilots earned the infamous sobriquet "terror-pilots" and were often treated as such when caught by German civilians. Parachuting pilots were often killed upon capture by German civilians who had often lost beloved family members to the attacks of terror-bombers. The allies made it a point to trace down the civilians responsible for these acts of righteous retribution and summarily hanged them all, whenever and wherever they were found.

The allies were particularly sensitive concerning the shooting of 50 allied fliers who had escaped from the Sagan POW camp in 1944. From the German point of view, many of these fliers were warned that should they attempt any more escapes, they would be shot. Aside from that, many of the escapees were caught in civilian clothes or else in German uniforms, thus leading the German authorities to conclude that they were spies. When one reflects on the fact that members of Otto Skorzeny’s commando group, which infiltrated American lines during the battle of the Bulge, were also shot upon capture even though they were wearing German uniforms under the American gear, then the shooting of the 50 terror fliers loses some of it’s punch. Nevertheless, German officers were executed for this "crime" while the allied crime of shooting the German "spies" went unpunished.

Do some reading mongrel .............source
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(07-21-2013, 02:24 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote:
(07-20-2013, 09:50 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Where you been sugar

You patronising meathead.

I'd piss on your corpse in a heartbeat motherfucker.

Oh Really? And yet you contend that you are so much better than me? Dude, you really are full of shit.
(07-21-2013, 09:01 AM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Oh Really? And yet you contend that you are so much better than me? Dude, you really are full of shit.

Yeah you're “special” though, if anyone truly deserved to be pissed on its you meathead.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-21-2013, 07:49 AM)Maggot Wrote: A pox on your balls, let the devil take your fingers. You have been brainwashed into thinking WWII was a gentleman's war.

Let us now examine the record: Germany’s civilian population received a foretaste of allied policy in 1940, when British pilots bombed a Berlin schoolhouse, killing a number of children. The air strikes increased in severity over the course of the war, culminating in the destruction of Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, Nuremberg, Munich, and other cities at a loss of probably half a million lives. It was a common occurrence for allied pilots to bomb and strafe columns of refugees and the homeless. For this reason, American and British pilots earned the infamous sobriquet "terror-pilots" and were often treated as such when caught by German civilians. Parachuting pilots were often killed upon capture by German civilians who had often lost beloved family members to the attacks of terror-bombers. The allies made it a point to trace down the civilians responsible for these acts of righteous retribution and summarily hanged them all, whenever and wherever they were found.

The allies were particularly sensitive concerning the shooting of 50 allied fliers who had escaped from the Sagan POW camp in 1944. From the German point of view, many of these fliers were warned that should they attempt any more escapes, they would be shot. Aside from that, many of the escapees were caught in civilian clothes or else in German uniforms, thus leading the German authorities to conclude that they were spies. When one reflects on the fact that members of Otto Skorzeny’s commando group, which infiltrated American lines during the battle of the Bulge, were also shot upon capture even though they were wearing German uniforms under the American gear, then the shooting of the 50 terror fliers loses some of it’s punch. Nevertheless, German officers were executed for this "crime" while the allied crime of shooting the German "spies" went unpunished.

Do some reading mongrel .............source

The Germans started it, eveything that happened to them was ultimately their own fault, they started bombing civilian targets before anybody else did. Churchill said they would “reap the whirlwind” maybe the krauts should have listened.

We didn't however, massacre an entire race on an industrial scale, kill rape and pillage countless civilian towns and villages, do medical and scientific experiments on civilians and prisoners, starve and torture and kill prisoners of war or use suicide pilots to crash into ships you stoopid motherfucker.

Nothing you say about the past is going to excuse jarheads from pissing on corpses got it? You septic cunt.

“A pox on your balls may the devil take your fingers!”Bwahahaha! Its always funny watching a grown man completely unravel on the internet.

I'm loving it here today all the fish are biting and all the poodles are jumping through the hoop!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.