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Maggoty Mornings
oh Maggiiiit...these were just found in NH clams. Smiley_emoticons_slash

[Image: article-2176557-14250752000005DC-360_964x451.jpg]

What the fuck is that thing? Ew.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
it's a cold virus. shhhh


Fucking hell! I heard that!

That's what gets in us when we get a cold? Oh gods. I won't be able to stop thinking about those lil' worms when I hear/see people coughing & sniffling. *ick*
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
WHAT?!?!?!!?!?!?! You have done it now LC. I am going to be freaking about thinking about that thing when people around me are getting sick.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
oh Maggggggggot! these have been spotted in huge swarms circling the state liquor stores. billions of them! they will swoop down with their poisonous eyebrows to get your beer.

[Image: article-2191817-14A469F9000005DC-582_636x470.jpg]


Do not get them wet or feed them after midnight!!!!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
They look like king ragworm.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MAGGOTTTTTTTTT! [Image: bdsong.gif]::bighug::

[Image: article-2195134-14BBA555000005DC-950_634x449.jpg]

[Image: article-2194696-14B85DD7000005DC-907_470x423.jpg]

you're going to need a bigger hook! hah

this will make your day Maggot!
(Maggot used to grow his own fishing worms)
i wonder if there is a nuke plant nearby?
put this big boy on a hook!
[Image: animated_gif_animals_0001.gif][Image: k8552543.jpg]

An earthworm measuring 19" in length has stunned neighbors after being found in the gutter outside a house.

Li Zhiwei, a worker from the Forestry Bureau of Binchuan County, was putting some dates out to dry in his backyard when he spotted the massive invertebrate.

'It looked like a snake. I looked carefully and found it was actually a huge earthworm.' he said.

[Image: article-2197703-14D16EE7000005DC-889_634x409.jpg]

[Image: article-2197703-14D16EC2000005DC-273_634x443.jpg]

[Image: article-2197703-14D16EF1000005DC-83_634x475.jpg]

Wow..........that would just barely fit in a persons mouth.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.