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jackboots Wrote:the post in mad's forum is still there at the moment.. the new thread is the one deleted.

pissed me off too, i got in a good shot at brother...she said 'oh that's at mock isn't it?' and i replied, 'yes, and you're NOT.' ::lmao::

The only thing I had to say to the crazy bitch was 95
ramseycat Wrote:I am totally impressed with the way faqutoo scuffed that fucker out. That was great! It should not have been deleted. It's like treating grown ups like children.
Well, that wasn't nothing. If I wasn't out of weed at the moment (21), shit, I could have made it a masterpiece. In fact, when I get some, I might have to start all over again and really put him in his place. ::laugh::
[Image: haha_quaker_nuclear_launch_detected.jpg]
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Middle Finger Wrote:Keep that personal attack shit in the right place and site, Lumpy.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Did you say that to "Saint" after his rape remark?

And since when are truthful anecdotes 'personal attacks'? What a fucking putz you are.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Keep that personal attack shit in the right place and site, Lumpy.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Did you say that to "Saint" after his rape remark?

And since when are truthful anecdotes 'personal attacks'? What a fucking putz you are.

First, you trouble-making bitch, that Saint BS was not in one of "my" forums - take it up with that forum owner.

Secondly, and maybe I am misunderstanding ... but I took Saint's comments to be sarcastic, that since she doesn't have rape experience, she shouldn't talk.

86 112
Nice use of the word putz, Lumpy!
Middle Finger Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Keep that personal attack shit in the right place and site, Lumpy.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Did you say that to "Saint" after his rape remark?

And since when are truthful anecdotes 'personal attacks'? What a fucking putz you are.

First, you trouble-making bitch, that Saint BS was not in one of "my" forums - take it up with that forum owner.

Secondly, and maybe I am misunderstanding ... but I took Saint's comments to be sarcastic, that since she doesn't have rape experience, she shouldn't talk.
And there he is, making excuses for Saint again.
I am just not aware ... did she really get raped, and he knows about it, which is why he said that? Or was he just, in a tasteless fashion, being sarcastic?
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:I am just not aware ... did she really get raped, and he knows about it, which is why he said that? Or was he just, in a tasteless fashion, being sarcastic?
That's her business but just the fact she was so outraged about it and it appears you didn't do shit about it shows you coddle that asshole.

The comment I found insulting was this little dig:

Quote:but then, as a woman, you wouldn't understand logic
You've banned me for less, yet this piece of shit gets away with remarks like this all the time. What makes him such a valuable contributor that you allow this? Same with Prince Colin, you've protected him for years.

Oh OK, well, then he said something tasteless. It's not like he harassed someone who he knew was raped or something. There was nothing for me to do, especially since complaints should be taken up with that forum owner. It looks Mad edited it.

As for his remark about women's logic, not a bannable offense. Stop making a big deal about nothing, negative drama queen.

I accept your apology since I did nothing wrong.
86 112
Jesus Christ.

I thought I was a drama queen bitch.

I can see I still have a lot to learn from people like fahqtoo.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
prince colon....::lmao::

the founder of the intellectual base at 24...::lmao::
Fug duh kund
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Jesus Christ.

I thought I was a drama queen bitch.

I can see I still have a lot to learn from people like fahqtoo.
You are the biggest fucking crybaby on the net, ASSHOLE! So, STFU.

LuMPyPussy Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:the post in mad's forum is still there at the moment.. the new thread is the one deleted.

pissed me off too, i got in a good shot at brother...she said 'oh that's at mock isn't it?' and i replied, 'yes, and you're NOT.' ::lmao::

Yeah, I voted for that one.

I bet Frank started getting nervous after I posted my little story about Saint taking money from a cancer victim and never paying her back OR thanking her. Cuz I got lots of those kind of stories about Saint and I sure don't mind posting them.

How about this little gem from his sci fi forum.
How the fuck can it be genetic when the fucking cunt is adopted...::dunno::


JivesRegistered User
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Re: Enter Jives...
Quote:Originally Posted by chrispenycateJust finished(?) critiquing a space vampire story, so am still in "critique" modeROFL> I'm a teacher, I'm doomed to be permanently in that mode!

Quote:A school teacher- I'm practically the only member of my family to avoid this fate, but it has been suggested I didn't escape the genetic predisposition [color="red"]Both my parents were teachers too, so you are right about it being genetic. I tried to avoid it for 34 years, but as you can see genes run the universe.
Quote:Ah, perfect intelligence. That's the problem right there; how do you expect them to adapt to this planet?Forsooth! I have misspoke myself! Verily I say, twas my meaning that was unclear. They all have normal intelligence without any specific learning disabilites such as dyslexia, discalcula, or a tendency to be too literal. LOL!

Quote:Mashed infant? Surely I've got this image wrong?Hmmm...It's obvious I need to work on my metaphors.

Would "Educational Trauma Center" be clearer?

Quote:Grabs map; but there's nothing there on the New Mexico side - things like "Shiprock" and "Waterflow" Lots of ancient ruins, though: are you by any chance one of them?There! You have it exactly! I am the "ancient ruin" marked on your map!

Quote:I didn't see any mountains in New Mexico. Still, I didn't see much of it, and they're probably the same ones as I saw from Colorado, and I've got my own mountains round here, so no need to be jealouslol. Well actually, we live a bit more on the "sloping part" as opposed to the "pointy" part. But I can see the pointy parts from my window and can therefore delude myself in believing that I live in the "mountains."

QuoteSmiley_emoticons_skeptischo presumably the web's only just worming its way in. Well, enjoy this small corner of cyberspace.Yep! And this miracle of modern communication is already introducing me to fascinating characters such as yourself! Thanks for the warm welcome, Chris!

I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

Yeah, well he just gets his facts a little confused. I'm sure he doesn't mean to actually LIE.
I'll bet he meant "jeans"...
Fug duh kund
I can hardly believe that someone who has been caught in so many lies actually has the balls to show his face but, then again I've learned a lot about human nature in the past year & a half and nothing should surprise me.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Jesus Christ.

I thought I was a drama queen bitch.

I can see I still have a lot to learn from people like fahqtoo.
You are the biggest fucking crybaby on the net, ASSHOLE! So, STFU.
I'm not the one who had a crybaby, foul mouthed, shitfit here and at 24 because someone sarcastically said women aren't logical you whinging, melodramatic, attention seeking cunt.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Jesus Christ.

I thought I was a drama queen bitch.

I can see I still have a lot to learn from people like fahqtoo.
You are the biggest fucking crybaby on the net, ASSHOLE! So, STFU.
I'm not the one who had a crybaby, foul mouthed, shitfit here and at 24 because someone sarcastically said women aren't logical you whinging, melodramatic, attention seeking cunt.

OK, listen up good. If I'm going to watch two bitches fight, they better be in bikinis and wrestling over a mud pit. Seeing you two drama queen crybaby bitches fight on an internet forum is beyond disappointing as you can imagine.
86 112
So you're saying you wanna see OP in some speedos?