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(01-06-2013, 08:48 PM)NightOwl Wrote: (01-06-2013, 07:11 PM)Sphincter Cop Wrote: I am curious about this divide in the community. Is it really spurred by facts in this case or rumor/innuendo?? It is quite possible that this incident is not as big as it seems, but rather isolated to those two individuals who were charged. However, I think this is going to explode once the trial starts!!!
This is a hard question to answer, some people are probably fearful of some kind of retaliation if they speak, I'm sure there is a divide and most of it will be from parents with sons on the ball team, coaches etc., This was the case with what happened at my school. third parties from the suspects were intimidating supporters of the victims and then people who would witness that would get threatened. It was a real cluster fuck. I really feel bad for this girl and her family and again social media plays such a big part in this because even though the crime is horrific itself, social media blows it up and this case is now known by many. At my school the girl this happened to told me she appreciated people from other schools giving well wishes but it really bugged her that people who didn't know her knew everything about what happened because it was in the paper and then the suspects cut them out and passed them around they were bragging. Maybe that was how social media worked back then, no Facebook or twitter... she eventually moved across country and said it just got to be too much. I hope this young lady gets some counseling and is able to handle all this one day in a healthy way....
I think this crime forum makes me rethink my idea of wanting children, not for the fear of what he or she would ever do to someone else but for the fear of what would happen to them when you can't be with them 24/7. I guess you hope that you raise them with the best tools to always know their surroundings, how to defend themselves, the things my parents always did repeatedly with me,etc... but that is not always good enough and doesn't always prevail... I just don't understand how people do these things to other people.
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Taken from Steubenville, Newspaper January 6 2013
COLUMBUS - Ohio State University is "closely monitoring" the case of two Steubenville High School students charged with rape after a video of a university student speaking flippantly about the alleged crime and mocking the victim surfaced online.
In the more than 12-minute video, the young man laughs while cracking crude jokes and says the 16-year-old girl involved is "so raped right now." He wears an Ohio State T-shirt as he makes light of her condition on the night of the alleged crime and refers to her as being dead. Witnesses testified that the girl was intoxicated to the point of unconsciousness.
The young man, also a Steubenville High School graduate, jokes about the girl being sodomized and urinated on, although no evidence to support those claims has been presented in Jefferson County Juvenile Court, where the case is being prosecuted.
Gayle Saunders, Ohio State assistant vice president of media and public relations, offered the following comment: "Sexual assault is a terrible act of aggression and violence, and our hearts go out to all victims. The situation in Steubenville is particularly disturbing, and our thoughts are with those affected.
"We are closely monitoring this case and the criminal charges that have been brought against two Ohio high school students. To the extent that there is any relationship to any Ohio State student, the university is not at liberty to comment on institutional disciplinary proceedings due to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations."
An overwhelming number of people, including Ohio State alumni, posted searing messages on the university's Facebook page criticizing the school for not taking action against the student and demanding his dismissal. Some even threatened to withdraw their support for the university if the student is not dismissed.
"As an OSU alum, I am sickened at the thought that this man has the potential to receive a degree from my Alma Mater," one man wrote. "I encourage all OSU students, staff, and alumni to petition the university for his immediate dismissal."
Another person wrote "Although I do not attend OSU, I wholeheartedly support any action to immediately expel this (student) and urge everyone to submit an e-mail demanding his expulsion."
Amy Murry, assistant director of media and public relations, on Thursday said the student was enrolled for second semester classes, which begin Monday.
On Friday, however, Saunders said the student "was in attendance at Ohio State only through Dec. 12." Saunders would not offer further explanation on the man's enrollment status.
Students typically are not dismissed from the university unless they have been charged with a crime or violate the student code of conduct, Murray noted. Any student being considered for dismissal has the right to a hearing in front of an administrative board, but the board's decision on the student's fate is not made public, she said.
Attorney General Mike DeWine termed the video "despicable" and "disgusting." He said the video essentially has no effect on the prosecution of the two teens charged, and he does not expect it to be presented as evidence during their trial.
The video reportedly was posted to YouTube on the same night or shortly after the alleged crime occurred in August.
It was quickly removed before hacker collective KnightSec again uploaded it to the video sharing website earlier this week and attracted national media attention.
The 16-year-old defendants' trial is scheduled to begin Feb. 13. In addition to a charge of rape, one of the two defendants has been charged with illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material.
Expel him please OSU!
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(01-07-2013, 01:48 PM)NightOwl Wrote: Attorney General Mike DeWine termed the video "despicable" and "disgusting." He said the video essentially has no effect on the prosecution of the two teens charged, and he does not expect it to be presented as evidence during their trial.
Expel him please OSU!
I don't understand why the video won't be used as evidence?? Was the person in the video one of the suspects or another individual involved? Doesnt it sound like a confession of what took place or what happened? I just don know why it wouldn't be used especially if it is one of the suspects or another individual involved that hasn't been charged but needs to be or for some reason isn't, maybe testifying against others but I doubt that is happening here.
I also agree he should be expelled from OSU... definitely shouldnt be receiving financial aid anymore, if he is. At my college I attend, they are really strict and I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but you can't get school/student loans separately from grants and scholarships, etc. the process is all the same, so if you are in trouble for what ever reason or over your credit limit they won't let you keep taking out loans to go to school at the same school. I don't know what happens if you try to go to another school though.
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I finally watched that tape and everybody who was in that room ought to be charged with something. Failure to report a crime? Aiding and abetting? Something.
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Looks like the attorney of the asshole in the video will be holding a news conference this afternoon. I'm sure he'll have a nice spin about how these were just teenage boys being teenage boys. *vomit*
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The lovely gentleman from the video was kicked out of OSU. It's a start. Now for everyone else involved...
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(01-07-2013, 03:56 PM)ScientistsCanvas Wrote: The lovely gentleman from the video was kicked out of OSU. It's a start. Now for everyone else involved...
Thank you for posting that! I'm so glad that this case is garnering the kind of attention it is now.
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Huh. I started reading some of the links in here and although it's probably been posted I didn't realize this was quite possibly a pre-planned attack and that the date rape drug may have been involved.
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Taken from The Toledo Blade January 7 2012 they just published this minutes ago
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio - An attorney representing a young Steubenville man seen in a video callously describing an alleged rape victim in graphic detail the morning of her attack says his client did not witness the incident and was speaking from second-hand knowledge.
Columbus attorney Dennis McNamara agreed with Ohio attorney general Mike DeWine's assessment of the YouTube video as "disgusting."
"I think I would add disappointing, insensitive and unfortunate," Mr. McNamara said at a news conference held in Steubenville today.
Two members of the Steubenville High School football team, Trent Mays and Malik Richmond, both 16, have been charged with assaulting a 16-year-old girl at an end of the summer party in August and face trial in February.
Mr. McNamara said his client, identified as Michael Nodianos, 18, cooperated with police and is not under investigation. He said he has not been called as a witness because he did not observe the attack himself.
The attorney also said the alleged assault did not take place at the home where the video was made and took place at another home. He said witnesses observed the attack and came to the home where his client made the video and described the incident.
Mr. Nodianos attended Ohio State University in the fall, but elected not to enroll this term.
His attorney said a "hacktivist" group who call themselves Anonymous, broke into his school e-mail account and reopened Twitter and Facebook accounts in his name that he had previously closed. He also said threats he has been threatened.
He said Mr. Nodianos hopes to return to school in the upcoming year and move on.
"There's no excuse or justification for the comments Michael made in the video and with some sober reflection he is ashamed and embarrassed to hear them himself," he said.
The Block News Alliance consists of The Blade and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The Post-Gazette wrote this story.
Oh! he hopes to return to school in the upcoming year and move on.
He needs to apologize to the 16 year old girl in public, in the middle of the ball field would suit me. How does the 16 year old girl go back to school and just move on?
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I don't even believe that Nodianos didn't witness the rape. If the victim was assaulted and raped at several different locations, I'm willing to bet Nodianos was at least present during one of them. He's a shitty excuse for a human being, no amount of alcohol can be blamed for his disgusting rant and description of what happened. Unfortunately...with there being a lack of evidence due to negligence from the authorities...I don't feel at all certain that anyone else will be charged in this case. I hope I am wrong.
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(01-07-2013, 06:43 PM)ScientistsCanvas Wrote: I don't even believe that Nodianos didn't witness the rape. If the victim was assaulted and raped at several different locations, I'm willing to bet Nodianos was at least present during one of them. He's a shitty excuse for a human being, no amount of alcohol can be blamed for his disgusting rant and description of what happened. Unfortunately...with there being a lack of evidence due to negligence from the authorities...I don't feel at all certain that anyone else will be charged in this case. I hope I am wrong.
The person you mention (who has not been charged with a crime in regards to this case) has now deleted his Twitter account. There are also tweets referencing that the young man is claiming that Anonymous "hacked" his youtube channel and "stole" the video (a lawyer is involved now). Problem with the hack allegation, the video was availble for download. I think his "hack" theory is out the window.
As for his removal from the Ohio State University; he can only blame himself. His behavior in regards to this case has been despicable on social media sites. His family should be ashamed for allowing him to carry on in such a manner. A really A+ winner there!
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Steubenville Rape Case: Attorneys May Ask for Change of Venue
By Alyssa Newcomb ABC NEWS
(Image Credit: Michael D. McElwain/Steubenville Herald-Star via AP Photo)
Attorneys for the two high school football players who face rape charges said today they are considering asking for their upcoming trial to be moved away from Steubenville, Ohio, where emotions are running high.
Brian Duncan and Walter Madison, who are representing the juvenile suspects, told The Associated Press that potential witnesses are reluctant to come forward for fear of retaliation and worry their names and addresses could be published on the Internet by protesters.
Madison told the AP that if the motion is filed, it would include moving the trial and closing the proceedings.
The suspects, both 16 years old, are scheduled to stand trial in juvenile court on Feb. 13 before a visiting judge.
Steubenville football rape case witnesses reluctant to testify, defendants' lawyers say
(CBS/AP) COLUMBUS, Ohio - Potential witnesses are reluctant to come forward for two high school football players facing rape accusations in eastern Ohio because they are being threatened and pressured not to testify, attorneys for the players said Monday. The attorneys are considering whether to ask that the trial be moved and closed to the public amid some witnesses' concern that their names and addresses may be published through social media and on the internet.
"They are reluctant to sacrifice their college career, their reputation, or their otherwise good standing in whatever community they may be found for fear of being vilified, and certain personal information finding its way on the Internet," said Walter Madison, an attorney for 16-year-old defendant Ma'Lik Richmond. The current juvenile court judge overseeing the case previously declined a request to close the proceedings. The Ohio Attorney General's Office, which is overseeing the prosecution, will review all motions filed in the case, spokesman Dan Tierney said Monday.
Brian Duncan, an attorney for the other 16-year-old defendant, Trent Mays, also said Monday he's considering a similar request. "We just want to make sure our client and the other defendant have their proper day in court," Duncan said. The two boys are set for trial next month in juvenile court in Steubenville, a city of about 18,000, on charges that they raped a 16-year-old girl in August. Their attorneys have denied the charges in court.
Public interest in the case increased with the online circulation of an unverified video last week, which reportedly shows another young man joking about the details of the alleged rape. The video apparently was released by hackers who allege that more people were involved and should be held accountable. As the investigation continues, it has spurred heated commentary online. Some support the defendants and question the character of the teenage girl, while others allege a cover-up or contend more people should be charged.The latter group includes hacker-activists associating under the Anonymous and KnightSec labels who point to comments they say were posted around the time of the alleged attack on social media by people who are not charged.
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The guardians of the black kid are a middle aged white couple who are being interviewed on the Today show right now. Matt asked, have you talked to him about the night in question, her response was, no, that doesn't matter to us. I wanted to slap her & tell her what a twat she is. She's a nigger too.
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Yep, that's the kind of mentality in towns like that.
Anything for the almighty *insert favorite high school sport here* team!!!
What do these idiots think, they are the next "Blind Side" story?
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My impression was that he is living with them to be able to play with Big Red. I've read reports that more than one player lives in Steubenville with a "guardian". Their football team, and the money it brings in, is a big deal. Apparently, more of a big deal than the gang rape of a 16 year old.
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I think it is a little too late for damage control or empty apologies from this idiot. The video speaks for itself, as does his commentary.
Steubenville Rape Case: Ohio student in online video regrets comments about alleged victim
(CBS/AP) COLUMBUS, Ohio - An Ohio student shown in a video joking about a teenage girl allegedly raped by two high school football players regrets the comments he made, his attorney said Monday.
Two teenage boys are set for trial next month in juvenile court in Steubenville, a city of about 18,000, on charges that they raped a 16-year-old girl in August. Their attorneys have denied the charges in court.
Attorney Dennis McNamara said in a statement that the student in the video, a 2012 graduate of Steubenville High School and an Ohio State University academic scholarship student this past fall, was ashamed and embarrassed about his comments and the effect his behavior has had, especially on his family.
McNamara said the man, who he referred to as "Michael," is not a suspect in the investigation and was not present at the scene of the alleged attack. The attorney said Michael left a party around midnight where he was told the alleged victim was drinking and went to a friend's house where the video was recorded about 2 a.m. on Aug. 12.
The attorney said the student was drinking the night the video was taken and was intoxicated when it was made.
"There is no excuse or justification for the comments and jokes Michael made on the video," the statement said.
"With sober reflection, he is ashamed and embarrassed," the statement said. "He sincerely regrets his behavior and the effect it has had on all parties involved, especially his family. He was not raised to act in this manner."
McNamara said the video was posted on YouTube in August, taken down, then reposted by a hackers' group last week.
Social media and the Internet are playing a crucial role in the case as hackers released a video last week purportedly showing a former Steubenville student joking about the alleged attack. Public interest in the case increased with the online circulation of the video. The hackers who released the video allege more people were involved and should be held accountable.
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New Details Emerging In Steubenville Rape Investigation
"Also, there are reports the U.S. Justice Department is planning to get involved in the case and pursue possible civil rights violations."
Curious why this case is only being handled in juvenile court?
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(01-08-2013, 02:43 PM)Sphincter Cop Wrote: New Details Emerging In Steubenville Rape Investigation
"Also, there are reports the U.S. Justice Department is planning to get involved in the case and pursue possible civil rights violations."
Curious why this case is only being handled in juvenile court?
Is it up to the judge to send it to adult court or that it is worth of being charged as adults? Even though they are 16 they are considered minors and so that would land them automatically in juvenile court i believe and then, i think the judge or someone but i think it's the judge decides if they are charged as adults. I think they should be charged as adult, party like adults do, act as adults do then get adult time but i don't know what the hold up is.
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Breaking news I was shocked to find this......
FBI investigates cyber threats against sheriff
Steubenville Police chief computer disabled
January 9, 2013
Associated Press , The Herald-Star
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STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (AP) - The FBI is investigating cyber threats in an eastern Ohio city that include death threats against the local sheriff's family and an email that apparently shut down the police chief's computer.
The threats are part of a series of online messages that have targeted individuals and authorities in Steubenville amid increased attention over two high school football players who are facing rape charges.
Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla said Wednesday he'd provided the FBI a copy of an anonymous Facebook post in which someone threatened to kill his family.
Steubenville police Chief William McCafferty said he gave the FBI an email that he had opened Wednesday morning, which then disabled his computer.
FBI spokesman Todd Lindgren said he could not immediately comment.
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From Herald Star Newspaper, Steubenville Ohio. January 9 2013 5 comments beneath article are interesting.
Agrestas voice support of defendant
STEUBENVILLE - The former guardians of a Steubenville High School student-athlete charged with raping a 16-year-old girl said they will continue to support the boy, ''whatever may happen'' during his upcoming trial.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau