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Your response wasn't fucked up.
He might truly be a maniac who saw a small window of opportunity to split and took it, no meds or anything else.
Will he return to the family home, as I suspect? Will it take his trusted head doctor going into detective mode to hunt him down?
Hoping he's not immune to bullets like the most famous murdering mental hospital escapees.
It's Friday; feeling silly and just looking for an excuse to infuse some classic horror movie plots here. Haha.
But, seriously hoping authorities are better at finding Carter than they were at keeping him and that he's captured soon and put on max security.
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Jason Mark Carter captured after escaping mental institution
Just in...
The Oconee County Sheriff's Office said Jason Mark Carter, 39, was picked up in Williamson County, Tenn., but not other details were available.
Carter was arrested in March 2006 after neighbors in Seneca reported his mother, Debra Ann Perkins, and stepfather Kevin Perkins, missing. Police found him hunched over the bodies of the victims, who had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber handgun.
Two and a half years later, a judge found Carter not guilty by reason of insanity and sent him to a mental health facility in Columbia, S.C. It's unclear how he escaped Thursday morning but police believe he stole a 1991 Chevy van.
During Carter's trial, he was described as schizophrenic and delusional. Investigators said he had followed the Grateful Dead around, lived with the homeless in San Francisco and got involved in drugs in the jungles of Costa Rica, according to the Anderson Independent-Mail.
He believed he had special powers and could dodge bullets (HOTD: shit, I was only kidding about the bullets upthread - eerie) and that he was being hunted by the mob and government agents with the help of his stepfather and his brother. Authorities found a collection of pornography, sex toys, books about the occult and "The Terrorist's Handbook" among his belongings, testimony showed.
His grandfather, B.S. Pope, tried to convince the court that Carter was crazy like a fox and should stand trial for murder.
"He has manipulated his parents from the day of his birth," the grandfather said at a hearing.
"He's come in this court with a smart lawyer and a psychiatrist and done it to ya'll. He killed two great people for no other reason than robbery. He's stole, took drugs and spent his life in a worthless manner. I know he knows right from wrong; he's just good at it."
I lean towards trusting gramps's insight on this one.
Lock this dude down, already.
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Hopefully his grandfather will speak out for any future releases. I tend to believe what the grandfather said.
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Raymond Morillo, 33 ^, escaped from the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens Village around 11:25 a.m. Tuesday by switching clothing with a friend who was visiting him, police said.
Cops nabbed the accomplice but Morillo remains at large, according to a police update emailed late Tuesday.
“I mean, how can you put that person in a mental facility if he committed murder?” said Syed Wasi, 34, a security guard who lives just a few blocks from the towering facility.
“We went out of our way to try and partner with Creedmoor,” said Frank Toner of the Rocky Hill Civic Association. “I go to quarterly meetings there, and then something like this happens.”
After he was told about the escape by The News, Toner sent a series of emails to neighbors.“The community is going to be nervous about this,” he said.
City Councilman Mark Weprin, whose district includes Creedmoor, said he was especially worried about the schools that sit adjacent to the facility.
“I’m very concerned and disappointed none of the local schools were notified,” said Weprin (D-Oakland Gardens). “There should have been a warning and some procedure if this happens during school hours.”
Bloodhounds were taken to the scene on Tuesday but the dogs lost Morillo’s scent, police said.
Morillo, who served 14 years in prison for assault and manslaughter, was at the psychiatric center for evaluation.
He had completed his jail time and was admitted to Creedmor for evaluation purposes, and was not there by court order, police from the 105th Precinct told officials in an email obtained by The News. Police noted that Morillo was to be released in a matter of days.
Morillo’s mother lives near Creedmoor, but Morillo has been known to frequent Richmond Hill and Ozone Park, police said.
State Sen. Tony Avella fired off a letter to the New York state Office of Mental Health and demanded an in-person briefing of the incident.
Morillo is described as Hispanic, 5-foot-11, and weighing 215 pounds. He has a teardrop tattoo below his left eye and was last seen wearing a black baseball cap, white sweater and tan pants, according to the station.
Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website or by texting their tips to 274637(CRIMES) then enter TIP577.
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^ Morillo was captured at a Greyhound Bus terminal in Tennessee on Wednesday and is being extradited back to New York.
I wonder why he pulled a runner from Creedmoor?
He had already spent 14 years behind bars and was scheduled to be released in just two days.
Maybe he feared that he wouldn't pass the psych eval and would be institutionalized? Or, maybe didn't want to be free in society so broke the law with the intent of getting captured and charged?
Not a lot of details being released yet.
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Sounds like he had “fear of freedom” syndrome to me.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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The reported details and media stories are really murky regarding Morillo's "status" at Creedmoor - had to read more than 5 different sources to piece it together and there are still plenty of holes.
Here are some new details being reported:
-Morillo was a gang member in in 1998 when he, at 18, and his teen buddy followed two wen to the subway after the men had an argument with his buddy's older brother. The two teens approached the men from behind and cut them ear to ear with razor blades, permanently disfiguring them.
-Morillo was out on bail awaiting trial for the slashings when he and some other gang-bangers got into an altercation; Morillo fatally shot a man.
-Unbelievably, when he was convicted for the slashings and got 7 to 14 years, prosecutors agreed to a guilty plea for manslaugher in the fatal shooting in exchange for adding no extra time to his sentence for the slashings - likely due to a concurrent sentencing agreement for all of the crimes, IMO.
-Morillo was actually released from state prison in December after maxing out his sentence - he did 14 years.
So, 14 years later and LE has to release this dude but know he's a threat to society. So, they kick him over to Creedmoor instead of escorting him to his freedom. With more details known, it's looking to me now that he was trying to get the hell outta dodge quickly and elude authorities (rather than get himself re-incarcerated).
He served his (way too short, IMO) time and there's probably only so long that Creedmoor can hold him before they have to release him into society, unless they have an eval by a psychiatrist saying his mental state represents a threat to society and he can't be treated on an outpatient basis. Morillo knows he's not likely going anywhere anytime soon, so he hatches his plan and splits. That's my speculation as to what went down after Morillo finished serving his prison time.
Morillo gets far in a very short time; he was spotted 1,100 miles away in Tennessee (same state in which the other murderous psych ward escapee Jason Carter was found after escaping from South Carolina); Morillo is arrested at the Greyhound bus station.
According to some reports, Morillo hadn't committed any crime when he fled the psych facility. If that's true, he must have "technically" been there voluntarily.
I bet he wasn't there voluntarily at all and one of the reasons the reporting on this story is so sketchy and authorities are so vague is because there are some shady legal implications in regards to the transfer from prison to the psych ward. And, of course, it doesn't look good for Creedmoor that Morillo was able to walk right out their doors using such a simple ruse and they didn't alert the schools immediately after they noticed he was on the loose.
Anyway, if he didn't break any laws on his journey to Tennessee, I don't know if authorities can charge him with anything or involuntarily commit him.
I hope a decent investigative journalist picks up the story and follows it through. Interesting.
Anyway, glad Morillo is off the streets (for now, at least).
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Michael David Elliott, fugitive murderer, carjacker, kidnapper
Here is a full news release from the LaGrange County Sheriff's Office:
A man convicted of four 1993 murders has escaped from the Ionia, Michigan Correctional Facility. Michael David Elliot, age 40, 5’8”, 165 lb white male with brown hair and brown eyes wearing a blue and orange state prison uniform escaped Sunday night.
Elliot forced his way into a Red 2004 Jeep Liberty with Michigan License Plate “5FTG55” sitting outside a residence on in Ionia, MI being driven by a female at approximately 8:00 pm. Mr. Elliot was armed with a hammer and a box cutter knife and threatened to cut the female.
They traveled into the Middlebury, IN area where they stopped at a Gallop’s gas station on State Rd 13 to get fuel. The female who had a cell phone hidden from Elliot, called 911 while he was pumping gas and the call was received by LaGrange County 911 Dispatchers. Dispatchers quickly asked the female to go inside the gas station to get away from the suspect. When the caller got inside the dispatcher asked her to lock herself in the restroom and not leave.
At one point Michael Elliot knocked on the restroom door and told the female that it was time to go. 911 Dispatchers were able to locate the gas station they were at using GPS from the cell phone along with the description that the caller was able to give. The other LaGrange County Dispatcher contacted Elkhart County right away to have officers en route.
The Dispatcher kept the victim on the phone until officers arrived while her partner kept Elkhart County informed. 911 Dispatcher’s while on the phone with the victim were able to locate the news on the escapee from Ionia, MI.
The victim advised the Dispatcher that Michael Elliot had put on a pair of the victim’s black cargo pants and also had a jacket on. Elliot had short hair and facial hair. Elliot advised the female that he was in prison for 4 counts of murder. He told her me might be going to Chicago, or Cleveland, or Tennessee (HOTD: Tennessee sure is popular with these murderous escapees).
The female stated that Michael Elliot had the keys to her Red Jeep Liberty and he stated that he wanted to get far away from Ionia, MI. The stop in Middlebury was their first stop since they left Ionia, MI.
Once officers arrived on scene, 911 Dispatcher’s confirmed this through Elkhart County before the female opened the door. Once this was confirmed, the female opened the door to find the police officers on scene and her Jeep Liberty was gone.
Michael Elliot was last seen on State Rd 13 just south of the Michigan State line. (HOTD: He only put 10 dollars of gas int the vehicle and police don't think he had money for the tolls.)
Please share this information on your Facebook Page to help spread the word.
If located, please do not approach, contact 911 immediately. Michael Elliot should be considered armed and dangerous. Again, he was in prison for the murder of four people.
Another article points out that Elliott dug a hole under a prison-yard fence and that's how he escaped. Prison officials are blocking the hole (good idea!).
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(02-03-2014, 12:29 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Prison officials are blocking the hole (good idea!).
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This fucker was spotted an hour away from where I live.
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(02-03-2014, 02:10 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: This fucker was spotted an hour away from where I live.
It would be! I don't think he's getting too far without money or gas so be aware of your surroundings.
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The Noble County Sheriff is reporting that the guy is in custody. No other details yet.
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Thanks for the updates, FAHQTOO. Really glad this guy is back in prison.
I wonder if police found him during door-to-door searches, or someone tipped them off, or what?
Hope they release more details soon.
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(02-03-2014, 09:43 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Thanks for the updates, FAHQTOO. Really glad this guy is back in prison.
I wonder if police found him during door-to-door searches, or someone tipped them off, or what?
Hope they release more details soon.
He was driving another stolen car and the police tried to pull him over. He didn't stop and there was a short pursuit, then he was arrested.
I wonder if he knew he was in the heart of Amish Country in Middlebury and Shipshewana?
How would LEOs get the word out to the Amish at midnight? This could have ended up being a real horror story.
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(02-03-2014, 10:47 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote: How would LEOs get the word out to the Amish at midnight? This could have ended up being a real horror story.
It's very fortunate that the police in the area were so observant and spotted the stolen car quickly.
Elliott killed 4 people for money. I don't doubt that he would have killed others for his freedom. He had nothing to lose - he was serving 4 life sentences already.
Glad he's behind bars again - hope he's spending a bit of time in isolation.
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It was on the news this morning that Elliot used his phone call to call Detroit Free Press for an interview. He explained how he escaped. He wore all white, white shoes, and a white ski mask and hid in the snow. He said it took him 30 minutes.
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For three months, Mark Cherry ^ lay in a Chicago-area hospital room, close to death.
He suffered a gunshot wound during a home invasion in Gary, Indiana -- a crime he is accused of committing, and in which he allegedly shot and killed a 22-year old man.
Cherry was charged with murder, attempted murder, criminal confinement, and battery with a deadly weapon.
In late February, fully recovered, Cherry discharged himself and walked out of the hospital.
"Why wasn't he handcuffed? Why didn't you have a police officer at the door waiting for him to get released?" Lourdes deJesus Correa, mother of the victim, Rolando Correa, told CNN affiliate WLS Tuesday.
The hospital told CNN it can't hold a patient against their will, and that without prior written consent, can't alert another person of a patient's pending discharge. Privacy laws are in place to prevent that type of information from being shared, a hospital spokesman said.
Gary police say that they have no jurisdiction in Illinois, and that prevented them from having someone guarding Cherry. "I don't know what a better scenario would be," King, the police spokeswoman, said, adding that "we really don't know who is responsible" for Cherry slipping through the cracks.
Gary police could have asked the Cook County Sheriff's Office in Illinois to monitor the suspect. That wasn't done. "Unfortunately, our investigators assumed because he was unconscious that the hospital would give the detective a call before he was released," Chief Wade Ingram told WLS.
Police are searching for the murder suspect, though there are few clues other than he was discharged from the hospital, King said.
It's an emotional blow for a family that's already lost so much. "It's like our whole family is falling apart due to this. We are falling apart," Lourdes deJesus Correa said. "Please, I just want justice for my son. For my family. That's all I want."
Full story:
Jesus, what a bureaucratic mess -- hope this guy is found soon. He's already been on the lam for over 2 months.
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(05-07-2014, 04:17 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: "MEH, HE AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE"...."HEY, WHERE'D HE GO?"
For three months, Mark Cherry ^ lay in a Chicago-area hospital room, close to death.
I like how Chicago is tough on criminals who use guns.
Obama must be so proud of Rahm!
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(05-07-2014, 06:35 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: (05-07-2014, 04:17 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: "MEH, HE AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE"...."HEY, WHERE'D HE GO?"
For three months, Mark Cherry ^ lay in a Chicago-area hospital room, close to death.
I like how Chicago is tough on criminals who use guns.
Obama must be so proud of Rahm!
"Tough on criminals who use guns" -- unless the criminal is lucky enough to get injured in the commission of a crime, receive free health care and lodging/food in a comfortable hospital room, get nursed into tip-top shape, and then walk right out the door to his freedom, no questions asked.
I don't think the hospital is to blame, that's weak finger-pointing and CYA by LE. IMO, the cops should have been staying on top of the suspect's condition and had him cuffed or guarded.
This guy is suspected of being a cold-blood killer and the evidence against him is strong. He'd kill a stranger to avoid getting caught stealing some bucks. So, why would he hesitate to do it again in order to get the money needed to retain his freedom? He doesn't have much to lose as far as I can see -- if he's caught, he's already likely looking at a life sentence.
Even though he was arrested and committed the crime in Gary, Indiana, he was a murder suspect hospitalized in Chicago, Illinois. I think that both Gary and Chicago LE honchos screwed up and some heads should be rolling on this one.