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ramseycat Wrote:I am glad Moose being an insensative jack ass is amusing to you. He has already shown me he isn't a man. A real man doesn't cheat on his wife. And women don't stop having sex with their husbands for any other reason than the husband is a jackass.
Now you are just making shit up.Any woman who doesn't have sex with her husband should be left out in the cold with just the clothes on her back. You know - like you ended up. You on the other hand are too busy scrubbing linoleum until 4 am to get your share of cock from the town drunk. I bet he fucked your sister too.
You know nothing about women. We want sex just as much as men do. But when the man is an asshole, we don't want it. Good thing we have vibrators!!
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:I am glad Moose being an insensative jack ass is amusing to you. He has already shown me he isn't a man. A real man doesn't cheat on his wife. And women don't stop having sex with their husbands for any other reason than the husband is a jackass.
Oh CHRIST. Before we delve into this moral debate, let me say that a person fucking around is generally the fault of TWO parties; not just the one doing the fucking around. If women could look at sex as men do - an unemotional act - then women would be a lot more secure in themselves and their ability to satisfy a man would negate their insecurity that they aren't good enough to make their mate happy. It is a 2-way street, in case you forgot. Treat sex as it is; a physical response to another person, not an emotional validation or abetrayal.
ramseycat Wrote:You know nothing about women. We want sex just as much as men do. But when the man is an asshole, we don't want it. Good thing we have vibrators!!
That explains your hostility towards men. Your husband beat you with a dildo after a fifth of Jack.
I am not hostile against men. Not even you.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:I am not hostile against men. Not even you.
Then what huge flaw of yours caused this innocent priestlike gentleman to turn to alcohol and abuse? I'm thinking it's your laziness and bad hygene; but I am sure he has a laundry list far beyond those two trinkets.
You two polesmokers really know how to botch up intro thread now dontcha?!

A+++++ for that!
ihatefucktards Wrote:A+++++ for that!
Get to the polls and vote.

that was a freebie.
damn laptop mouse...
ihatefucktards Wrote:You two polesmokers really know how to botch up intro thread now dontcha?!

A+++++ for that!
Your existence in a newbie thread with your -ooooh......53 posts is enough to fuck up and kill any thread. Until you have some more seniority in this forum, I'd suggest you shut the fuck up. You're not worth the sweat off my ass.
ihatefucktards Wrote:damn laptop mouse...
I found the secret. If I pollute the newbie thread; Sin locks it and makes the noob start a new one. I just wish I knew that tidbit of information back when you SAHM's tried to get int. ::lmao::
Sinister Wrote:You're not worth the sweat off my ass.
You just don't understand capitalism. I know some folks that would pay upwards of $50 to lick the sweat off your asshole. ::pdance::
Sinister Wrote:
ihatefucktards Wrote:You two polesmokers really know how to botch up intro thread now dontcha?!

A+++++ for that!
Your existence in a newbie thread with your -ooooh......53 posts is enough to fuck up and kill any thread. Until you have some more seniority in this forum, I'd suggest you shut the fuck up. You're not worth the sweat off my ass.
Was that even directed at YOU?

No. So you can keep your swamp ass duck butter to yourself.
ihatefucktards Wrote:Was that even directed at YOU?

No. So you can keep your swamp ass duck butter to yourself.
Cut the act. You know you wanna suck buttermilk out of her asshole.
Moose, not as much as you want to hoover out puke from her snatch.
ihatefucktards Wrote:Moose, not as much as you want to hoover out puke from her snatch.

Depends what I had for dinner. Some stuff is not so great going down the second time. *

* Medicinally speaking, of course.

Off course


this is my thread, damnit
You tell 'em, Chick !
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]