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3 'canes out there now...
[Image: 2xat_ir_anim.gif&width=280&height=210]

S. Floridians urged to prepare, not panic as Ike looms
Hurricane Ike moved on course Friday toward the Keys and South Florida. Forecasters projected it could hit the Keys on Tuesday as a Category 4 storm.

we got SOOOOOO much rain last night. It just never stopped raining and hard. still raining now. amazing how much water is coming down.
We got half of what's to come. Rained all night here from the outer northern bands. Round two I expect soon.

I would much rather deal with this than live in Tornado Alley. At least you can prepare for hurricanes and get out of the wayunlike tornadoes.
The Antagonist Wrote:We got half of what's to come. Rained all night here from the outer northern bands. Round two I expect soon.

I would much rather deal with this than live in Tornado Alley. At least you can prepare for hurricanes and get out of the wayunlike tornadoes.
I agree with that 100%. I like knowing what is coming and not being surprised by a wizard of oz fucking Toto wicked witch of the west follow the yellow brick road spinning wind storm from hell that is throwing cows 1000 feet into homes.

But then again I don't live in a trailer and the twisters only seem to hit trailer parks.
hey Ant, what's it doing there? i'm just starting to get rain. good thing i laid in a supply of booze.

jackboots Wrote:hey Ant, what's it doing there? i'm just starting to get rain. good thing i laid in a supply of booze.

Nothing right now. You're getting what we had over night. No booze here.

I like to keep my wits about me in these storms. Nor'easters included. You never know when you need to fly into action pumping water out of a basement, grabbing a tarp to cover a blown off roof or grabbing all the animals and making your way out.

Nothing worse than lying in a stupor and have a tree limb come flying in your window and conking you on the bean!
i don't expect to be in a stupor. i have a son flying in, couldn't pick a worse time! candles, booze, food. the frucking 'canes followed me up here! let us know if you get whacked!

Andrew Survivors Wary of Ike
As Ike churns through the Atlantic, those who weathered 1992's devestating Hurricane Andrew prepare themselves

I never suggested YOU'D be in the stupor... I was talking about me.

If your son gets in soon it's a good thing, no? Your rain should let up soon and you'll get a nice cloudy dry patch for awhile.

I don't think this storm is that big a deal. Ike's another situation. No one knows where that's going yet. Josephine decided to fizzle out, which isa good thing.
well it's not like i've never been in a stupor. ::lmao::

[Image: ike.flee2.ap.jpg]

Keys being evacuated as Ike strengthens
Visitors to the Florida Keys were told to pack up and leave Saturday because of the threat from Hurricane Ike, which has grown to an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm in the Caribbean. The threat is more immediate in the Turks and Caicos Islands, where the storm is expected to strike tonight or early Sunday. full story

It's raining like hell here now! A cat 1 rainstorm and a few dogs also.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
that's're just up the road and i'm only getting a little rain for the garden and lard-butt the groundhog. i think the cape always misses the worst of it.

The road looks like a river.....::blink::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
oh fuck

[Image: 080608_flaevacuates.jpg]


Evacuation order issued for non-residents in the Florida Keys as Hurricane Ike becomes a powerful Category 4 storm. | PHOTOS | TRACKER | ON THE SCENE

i am so fucking glad i'm out of there.

[Image: t1home.ike.islands.ap.jpg]

Caribbean, Florida, Gulf on edge over Ike
Visitors to the Florida Keys were told to pack up and leave Saturday because of the threat from Hurricane Ike, which has grown to an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm in the Caribbean. The storm, currently near the Turks and Caicos Islands, may reach the Gulf of Mexico by Tuesday. full story
