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I don't believe all muslims are evil. However I do not trust them as a people either, mainly because I do not see any of them going on the warpath to Stop the evil that a supposed few are committing. The very base premises of their religion are to force everyone else to follow their version of die. One of their main religious icons if a fucking sword.
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Well, the Kurds are Muslim -- mostly Sunni Muslim, in fact.
And, the Peshmerga fighters are indeed risking and sometimes losing their lives to fight ISIL on the ground.
But, in terms of countries, I agree that Middle Eastern ones need to lead the charge if the coalition decides to expand the fight against ISIL to include combat ground forces.
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(11-14-2015, 12:38 PM)Duchess Wrote:
MS will never agree to that. 
I wouldn't blame them all for the acts of a few. I don't look at people that way. I look at the individual.
You got me pegged.
While I don't want to lump everyone into one pile, I'm also not naive to the point where I want to live with Muslims around me. All it takes is a few of them to unleash carnage.
The idea needs to be: either we keep our way of life, or we accept that terrorists live among us and will attempt to kill us whenever/wherever they can.
It's so easy to say, "I only judge the individual, not the group when you live in an area that would never be the target of terrorism.
And, what's really funny to me, how the tone of this post is actually targeting a Patriot like myself, who served this country, and wants this country to be great for my children and grand-children, yet I'm seen as intolerant, when I haven't done a thing.
Islamic terrorists are wreaking havoc, tearing lives and families apart, but let's not rush to judgement on this so-called 'faith and religion of peace."
If we continue to turn a blind eye and do nothing about the problem that confronts us we're the next France.
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(11-14-2015, 01:38 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Islamic terrorists are wreaking havoc, tearing lives and families apart, but let's not rush to judgement on this so-called 'faith and religion of peace."
There is a connection between Islamic doctrines and violence as there is with the bible too. But when you have 90 million muslims who believe it is literal and the written word you'll have problems obviously. So I agree, I don't want to live among a shit load of Muslims either.
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(11-14-2015, 01:38 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: (11-14-2015, 12:38 PM)Duchess Wrote:
MS will never agree to that. 
I wouldn't blame them all for the acts of a few. I don't look at people that way. I look at the individual.
You got me pegged.
While I don't want to lump everyone into one pile, I'm also not naive to the point where I want to live with Muslims around me. All it takes is a few of them to unleash carnage.
The idea needs to be: either we keep our way of life, or we accept that terrorists live among us and will attempt to kill us whenever/wherever they can.
It's so easy to say, "I only judge the individual, not the group when you live in an area that would never be the target of terrorism.
And, what's really funny to me, how the tone of this post is actually targeting a Patriot like myself, who served this country, and wants this country to be great for my children and grand-children, yet I'm seen as intolerant, when I haven't done a thing.
Islamic terrorists are wreaking havoc, tearing lives and families apart, but let's not rush to judgement on this so-called 'faith and religion of peace."
If we continue to turn a blind eye and do nothing about the problem that confronts us we're the next France.
I agree. Until a HUGE majority of the "good" ones start speaking up, I don't trust a single one. I work with a few and I like them...a lot, actually, but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.
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Well, shit, my entire post disappeared and I have to start over....Here are my thoughts on how these terrorists travel freely around the planet establishing cells in every country on the planet.
Recently, in Aug/Sep, I traveled Phoenix/Kansas City. I was patted down both ways. I was in wheelchair (my body works o.k, but long walks are hard on the ole' lungs). I went through x-ray machines both ways. One TSA agent told me the radar picked up bomb residue on my hands....On the return trip, I recalled a group (3-4) young men who looked like Muslims.....I know I was always taught to not stereotype, generalize, etc., and I really try not to do that, but I have to recall, that my mind went right to "I hope they are not on my flight." These men fit stereotype, dark, olive skin, with more than average facial hair...Remember some of these would be terrorists travel internationally to establish world-wide cells. I watched to see if they received extra screening....nope, I believe we have become so politically correct, that we are more comfortable patting down more vulnerable citizens than doing extra screening for those who more closely fits profile of typical terrorist.....Then airports have the audacity to show the public all the weapons which have been confiscated by passengers carrying firearms in carry on and checked baggage, and I get a nail file taken away from me. Well it was one of those little finger clipper, bottle opener, nail file all in one.....I think Security sucks......
On a recent trip to Colorado, I wasn't patted down either way.....
What really pisses me off, is that these people of different religions come here, and have the nerve to rally, protest, etc for their specific rights....Their rights shouldnt' supersede the rights of a mostly Christian nation. (well, I know there are many exceptions).
If you want to move here, O.K., but follow our laws, mores, customs, we don't do honor killings here....women have rights in the USA. We don't subject them to stonings, hiding their bodies and faces from public view, etc. If things are so great in the counrty they just immigrated from, why did they come to the USA and other numerous places in Europe. On 2nd thought, don't move here as it is getting too difficult to tell the difference between a terrorist and a loyal American citizen....sarcasm.....
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(11-14-2015, 12:38 PM)Duchess Wrote:
MS will never agree to that. 
I wouldn't blame them all for the acts of a few. I don't look at people that way. I look at the individual.
It's not just a few, it's a primitive culture that has roots so deeply imbedded into that religion that even the "peaceful" ones still accept the stoning of women for example. I'm not a paranoid freak like MS, but at some point you have to say fuck you and control it without the worry of being PC.
I don't like any religion, but this one in particular is imposing on everyone.
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My wife and kids would be arrested in Iran, Iraq, Syria they are Baha'i.
Many Muslims have zero tolerance. What makes anyone think going to another country will change that? Getting called a nigger will be getting off easy if there ever is a place called Muslimtown like Chinatown is called.
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I've decided to recycle more just so I can piss off the daesh and really really show them what us Americans can do to fight this nasty terrorist movement.
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I don't really understand the target market for this new product. The U.S. based creator/publisher says it's not for children (I don't personally know any adults who buy coloring books for themselves).
Anyway.......for $7.99 USD you can purchase it. Missouri-based publishers, Really Big Coloring Books, describes the 36-page publication as 'very accurate in its description and education regarding radical Islamic terror'.
The book also includes drawings of attacks on Western nations. Destroyed landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Statue of Liberty in New York and Sydney Opera House in Australia are depicted.
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There was a coloring book on the NY times best seller list for a while this summer. I chuckled.
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This is some major drama llamery, in my opinion.
A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected to Muslim indoctrination and educators emphasizing the importance of exposing U.S. students to the world’s fastest-growing religion.
A high school geography teacher in rural Augusta County asked students to try their hand at writing the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy. The assignment was part of a world geography and cultures/religions class and came straight out of a standard workbook that had been used for years.
The assignment this week resulted in the school board getting angry emails, phone calls and threats to put the teacher’s head on a stake. As a result, 10,000 students got a day off of school when all district schools were closed.
One popular Facebook post which was representative of many others read, "This is so WRONG! There is only ONE GOD and HIS NAME is JESUS!"
The school district made an official statement promising to remove the shahada from world religion instruction. "A different, non-religious sample of Arabic calligraphy will be used in the future," it said.
"...these lessons, nor any other lessons in the world geography course, are an attempt at indoctrination to Islam or any other religion or a request for students to renounce their own faith or profess any belief," Augusta County Schools official Eric Bond said yesterday.
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I had a lot to say about that in my mind but it bordered on ranting and I don't really want to rant post today.
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Was your mental rant against the school or against those who lashed out at the school/teacher?
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Against those who lashed out at the school/teacher.
I viewed it as an assignment not as an indoctrination. It reads like those who complained didn't even take the time to delve into exactly what it is.
The morons who called for the teacher's head on a stake sound like they'd be someone Daesh would be interested in recruiting.
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Hmmm....Ok Here is what I think. The assignment may not have been posted as a back door indoctrination tool as a conscious thing by the teacher, but I can easily see it as an assignment meant to alleviate the hatred to islam in this country. The interpretation and rightly so I think is a back door indoctrination to islam by idiots that think islam is still the religion of peace. At the very best it opens a trust issue: We cannot pray or read bible verses in schools, that means anything islam should be banned also, completely ignoring all the hatred going on right now
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Ignorance and isolationism are more frightening to me than terrorists and fear-mongering politicians because ignorance and isolationism make people and countries weaker, from one generation to the next. I think it's good that lesson plans for teens in some schools cover comparative religious studies which include Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam.
So, some kids in the U.S. public schools today learn about Jesus and his depictions as the son of God in art. They learn about Muhammed and his depictions as the prophet of Allah in calligraphy. They learn about Moses and may be asked to identify a portion of the the Tanakh. They learn about mindful enlightenment and may be asked to draw the Buddha. The separation clause of the Constitution isn't violated in that they're not encouraged or made to practice or believe any of them. They are simply made aware of what people of the world practice and believe.
Imparting knowledge is not indoctrination; teaching and preaching aren't the same things.
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Keep coddling those kids, it's only a matter of time before we are a nation of pansyasses who cry about any little thing that offends them.
There's nothing wrong with that assignment.
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We are pretty much there right now
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.
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They could do western Calligraphy or Asian and saying that Arab nations invented it is a bit off as the Chinese did the same thing. The assignment could have used other forms included but not specific to Arabic writing. The more common Calligraphy would be Gothic.
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