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(02-16-2011, 03:01 AM)Methusala Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:49 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:18 AM)doing40thisyear Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:08 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:01 AM)doing40thisyear Wrote: ALSO TW almost screws up her alibi...she starts to say Johnny say I am on the phone to someone then she changes it....listen again see if you here that
I noticed TW hemmin and hawin, she changes from talking to LS then to JS then she says they all hung up but she called JS right back and heard the altercation. It seems to me she is concealing some facts and being vague and non-specific so she has wiggle room to answer some followup question predicated on her previous statements that could corner her.
Like she is thinking....I wondered who I was on the phone 1st with. and she has to clearly point out..I worried about my friends....WHY would you think I had anything to do with it? Please listen to it again..see if you hear her say about what she heard Johnny say... I swear she went to say.. I AM ON THE PHONE WITH YOUR ....and then she changes it. mmm its interesting.
I listened again and this is as best as i can make out what she is saying to 911.
911...Whats going on there?
TW...My friend Johnny and Lisa they were suppose to me up. me and my friend. This was at around 11 oclock and I was on the phone with his girl frien Lisa and he hung up and we all hung up. And then I called Johnny right back cause I was gonna tell him that I was gonna run to the store and I would meet him at the house......well he was yellin at some one like um saying "bro...who are you?"
Not sure where you are hearing her stopping from saying one thing and switching to to far all I get is a story being related with alot of stops and I get a sense that there is discomfort relating the details. I can't venture a guess at why this discomfort is there. Could it be because she was just accused of setting JS up? If so a person realizing they are in the hot seat could begin to stammer, wondering if those acusations were going to be leveled at her again and anything she was saying was going to used to support those acusations and further incriminate her.
From reading her bizarre method of writing down her so-called "thoughts" on her webpage, I am wondering whether her discomfort may have simply arisen from trying to speak English and to sound like a normal person while speaking to an authority figure like a 911 operator?
Hello Methusala,
I am not good at Psychoanalysis but IMO- I think Maytee is dealing from a position of disadvantage and is seeking help. Its when she may have the strength of 911 and the police she confronts TW and states "I think you set Johnny up". I feel that TWs personality has developed by learning that being truthful puts you at a disadvantage. Especially when you are surrounded by "bros" and the company they keep. So not telling what you know to others keeps you in your comfort zone. I see a conflict here where TW is being pulled out of her comfort zone. The mystery in all this to me is LS. I see her as vulnerable and sincere and wonder why she felt comfortable in the group.
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(02-15-2011, 11:56 PM)curious Wrote: LC, is it typical for LE to be more conservative on the information released to the public if they suspect the crime to be gang related in fear of retaliation?
well it's 0337 and i am trying to catch up. first
welcome to DickTracy (thankyou for compliment) and cjcisneros ~~ and thanks for being here~~
Pspence, nobody here has convicted tiffany, i have oft said make sure statements are designated as opinions, not flat-out accusations of murder.
Jenjen, post your tech questions here, someone will answer you.---->
Curious, i do not think gang affiliations (or not) play any part in what LE releases. what is released is solely based on what is good for THE CASE. it's all about building a solid case. gangs or no gangs. and LE is not intimidated by gang rhetoric.
as for tiffany being on justice for Johnny...well if all those people there believe it is her, then i have some nice swampland in florida that i'm selling. in fact, i am not really LC, i am actually the Pope. further, if it IS tiffany offering herself up to the expert interrogation of facebook members, she's even dumber than i thought. she can come over here and let me interview her.
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I think the smartest thing Tiffany could do right now is turn in her "niggas," take the 10K reward money and leave town with "da lil 1." She has to know more than she is saying... and as for Tiff "liking" that Justice Facebook page... Unless she has since unliked the page, there is no mention of it currently on her wall that I can see.
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from the ABC13 link:
It's been two weeks and still no arrests have been made in the double murder investigation of a couple killed in Springfield Township. Sheriff detectives and FBI agents continue to investigate.
The question remains: Who killed 21-year old John Clarke and 20-year-old Lisa Straub? The couple was found dead inside Straub's parents' house on Longacre Lane in Springfield Township.
Investigators point to robbery as a motive. Sources say Clarke was bragging about a safe Lisa's parents kept in the house.
It's a safe that Lisa Straub's uncle, Jim Verbosky, says was never there. "It never existed," Verbosky says. "When they ransacked the house, they punched holes in the wall, moved pictures down. There's no safe in the house, no money in the house"
Verbosky believes the couple knew their attackers. "This is a case where three computers in the house, flat screen TVs, valuables weren't taken. They weren't even touched," he says.
Investigators have sent evidence collected from the home to a crime scene lab. Verbosky hopes it will lead to an arrest. Right now, he says, "We're living that worse case scenario, because there aren't any leads or anything right now that we know of."
Police are looking into the couple's background as well. Court documents show Clarke went to prison in 2007 for robbery. The young man had been living with Straub's family for several months. Verbosky says the parents were concerned.
"They were trying to help him get on the right road," he says. "Many people ask, 'Why did Mary Beth and Jeff have them two living in their home,' but when you're a mother and you got a daughter...At least they had some control of where she was and what she was doing when she was living with them."
Family and friends have rallied around the family for support. The reward money in the case is up to $10,000 and growing.
Next Friday, Lisa Straub's former employer, the TGI Friday's located on Bernath Parkway off Airport Highway, will hold a benefit from noon until 10pm to raise even more money for the reward fund.
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Quote:as for tiffany being on justice for Johnny...well if all those people there believe it is her, then i have some nice swampland in florida that i'm selling. in fact, i am not really LC, i am actually the Pope.
She did "like" that page today. So that page will be visible to Tiffany, when Tiffany looks at her newsfeed, whenever someone posts on Justice For Johnny. (Though the admin shut it down for the night so you can't see)
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Can't sleep, so I'll post...I'm starting to wonder if this is going to be the most ameature "perfect crime"...and IMO Maytee should get an award for her WAY over-emphasized hatred toward about a "snitch" she sure threw someone under the bus real fast, especially for someone who has an even more extensive rap sheet.
Now on to my question, do any of our local "mocksters" know if JC was still associated/friends/hanging out with Daniel St. Clair with whom he was arrested with in 2008 for the armed robberies?
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(02-15-2011, 10:17 PM)NightOwl Wrote: Here is a link to Toledo Channel 13...
Sure would be nice if someone local would drive by 'TGIF's' on the 25 th. and snap a few cell phone pics. of the event.
"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed."
- Albert Einstein
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Maybe holes in the walls were from the perps looking for dvd of there crime from security system.With the reward up maybe someone will have something to say.
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(02-15-2011, 11:35 PM)pspence Wrote: I really don't think that T had anything whatsoever to do with any of this and she is getting a bad wrap ...she was trying to help...what if she asked for Johnny's family's phone # repeatedly and was not given it...she did everything she could...can't any of you remember how when you were teens and even tho you were worried about something or someone, you didn't want to send the cops over when chances are it was nothing....could get all your friends mad at you because they could get caught smoking pot or whatever...I think when the truth comes out everyone one will be shocked ...I'm just guessing but I think that crime was a hit... a revenge crime for someone they thought was a snitch - the robbery was secondary....most important was sending a msg to others to keep their mouths shut or this could happen to you...I'm just guessing about all this but it upsets me because everyone is blaming T and she was just trying her hardest to get a hold of J's parents because she was worried...she tried and tried to help... let's not convict anyone until the truth comes out...
I can remember how I was when I was a teen and believe me it was the 60's so there was plenty of stuff we didn't want parents to know, BUT we are not talking about a teen girl here who was worried about someone getting caught smoking a joint!! TW is not a teenager, she is 25, she has 3 children herself, so one would think she would be able to discern that JC and LS were in trouble when she heard the chaos on the phone and then could not get any response from either one, and JC's phone is then shut off! Let's not even mention she has been around the block more than a few times, extremely street wise, and is a known thief and liar (public record), so she is WAAAAAAAy ahead of any teenage girl! Did she kill them, no I don't think so, was she involved or does she have information as to who was there and may have done this, oh yeah. Did she think it would go this far, No, I don't believe she did, it was just suppose to be another robbery. Is she withholding information, oh yeah I'd bet on it!
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If you are in Toledo can you post the 911 call from Channel 24
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im sure she does when are LE gonna make her break?????
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how do i change my screen name the last thing i want peep to think is im TW i am NOT
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(02-16-2011, 10:09 AM)broke331 Wrote: If you are in Toledo can you post the 911 call from Channel 24
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(02-16-2011, 10:09 AM)broke331 Wrote: If you are in Toledo can you post the 911 call from Channel 24
TW is at the end of the calls.
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(02-16-2011, 10:14 AM)tiff Wrote: how do i change my screen name the last thing i want peep to think is im TW i am NOT
I can do that for you. What do you want it replaced with?
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(02-16-2011, 12:22 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-15-2011, 11:19 PM)fabulous Wrote: (02-15-2011, 04:58 PM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-15-2011, 04:03 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-15-2011, 03:55 PM)netsleuth Wrote: There is no formal record of JC punching anyone's friend. This may be complete BS, started by someone with an agenda, for all we know.
True. This was reported by a friend of Lisas who said that JC punched Lisas roommate in the stomach which caused Lisa to break her lease with the roommate & move back in with her parents in Nov/Dec 2010. The roommate reportedly never filed a complaint with LE out of respect for Lisa 
What's interesting is that while looking at Lisas police record under the Sylvania mucipal court website I noticed that the last time Lisa was pulled over & issued a citation was January 14, 2011 for running a red light & her address was listed as a residence on PLUMLEAF in Toledo. Not in Holland or Springfield twnship with her parents. I just chalked it up to not updating her address on her license & not telling LE that she no longer lived there. Now I'm wondering if Lisa did live with her parents afterall & if maybe that's why Maytee kept saying that "They" were house sitting for her parents.......
I've wondered about this, as well. It's not clear, to me, where anybody actually resided. On top of that, the reporting from The Toledo Blade is so shitty, all of the articles read like they were written by high school students.
the address on Plum Leaf is either an apartment or a duplex type house.... it's actually very close to the Holland/Srpingfiled twp area.
that's probably where she lived when she was living with a girlfriend...and JC "punched" the roomate in the stomache...or something like that!
You must be right because her uncle confirmed that she AND Johnny lived with her parents - which is weird because the last time that Maytee talked about where Johnny lived she said he DIDN'T live there. Maybe Maytee didn't want to admit that her "babiboi" didn't want to live at home and preferred Lisa's folks. johnny was still on probation and was supposed to be living with maytee.
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i dont care just dont want there to be any confusing thank you very much
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(02-16-2011, 10:31 AM)tiff Wrote: i dont care just dont want there to be any confusing thank you very much
I'd recommend you tell me something as to avoid being called "i don't care".
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(02-16-2011, 02:49 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:18 AM)doing40thisyear Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:08 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:01 AM)doing40thisyear Wrote: ALSO TW almost screws up her alibi...she starts to say Johnny say I am on the phone to someone then she changes it....listen again see if you here that
I noticed TW hemmin and hawin, she changes from talking to LS then to JS then she says they all hung up but she called JS right back and heard the altercation. It seems to me she is concealing some facts and being vague and non-specific so she has wiggle room to answer some followup question predicated on her previous statements that could corner her.
Like she is thinking....I wondered who I was on the phone 1st with. and she has to clearly point out..I worried about my friends....WHY would you think I had anything to do with it? Please listen to it again..see if you hear her say about what she heard Johnny say... I swear she went to say.. I AM ON THE PHONE WITH YOUR ....and then she changes it. mmm its interesting.
I listened again and this is as best as i can make out what she is saying to 911.
911...Whats going on there?
TW...My friend Johnny and Lisa they were suppose to me up. me and my friend. This was at around 11 oclock and I was on the phone with his girl frien Lisa and he hung up and we all hung up. And then I called Johnny right back cause I was gonna tell him that I was gonna run to the store and I would meet him at the house......well he was yellin at some one like um saying "bro...who are you?"
Not sure where you are hearing her stopping from saying one thing and switching to to far all I get is a story being related with alot of stops and I get a sense that there is discomfort relating the details. I can't venture a guess at why this discomfort is there. Could it be because she was just accused of setting JS up? If so a person realizing they are in the hot seat could begin to stammer, wondering if those acusations were going to be leveled at her again and anything she was saying was going to used to support those acusations and further incriminate her.
This is what I heard:
I was on the phone with his gf Ls and HE ( TW says he but meant she, okay honest mistake) hung up, we all hung up, (myabe this was 3 way call?) and then he, I called jc right back I was gonna tell him that I was gonna run to the store and I would meet him at the house.. he was yellin at someone like "I'm on (she starts to say something else here)... he goes..bro who are you.. I called him right back and he didn't answer.
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(02-16-2011, 03:32 AM)LabRat Wrote: (02-16-2011, 03:16 AM)sharit Wrote: (02-16-2011, 02:44 AM)cjcisneros Wrote: I am a newbie but have been following this from the start. I totally agree with you as i have been keeping up with both the justice and the RIP page on facebook. It is just crazy !!!! i can't believe how that Miranda is like a puppetmaster with Maytee! I did look up newspaper archives in her area (tennessee) about her son-- he was a almost 3 year old twin and he drowned in the family pool. When the doctors said he was gone she had to make the decision to remove him from life support - so i guess that is where her nuttiness comes from. I feel bad for any parent to lose a child and to see your child like this has to leave a horrible memory forever in your mind. I am so glad to have found this site as the crazieness of the ones on facebook were making me a little nuts ! lol
johnny s clarke had a twin die at 3 years of age???
they are referring to a person who constantly posts on the RIP Johnny Facebook page. She talked about losing a child and could sympathize with Maytee, this was confirmation of that story. thank you labrat for clearing that up.